doc benway

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Everything posted by doc benway

  1. Is Buddhism a form of rational atheism?

    Buddhism, like every other religion, is many things to many people.
  2. the water method meditation question

    Have you read Bruce's books? If not, I'd highly recommend it.
  3. Kamma

    In Essence of the Heart Sutra, the Dalai Lama references Tsonghkapa for a discussion on causes and effects - The Great Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment.
  4. What are you reading right now?

    On a Dalai Lama kick right now, just started reading Essence of the Heart Sutra.
  5. And I see a new incarnation in your future...
  6. For ol' time sake

    I'd bet $ that it's to make $$$... Jurassic Chicken Ranch maybe...
  7. For ol' time sake

    Sometimes I feel like the dinosaur...
  8. For ol' time sake

    I'd suggest we move forward, not backward... Just sayin'
  9. how to bring up this topic among friends?

    It's very hard to talk about this kind of stuff to anyone who is not on the path themselves. And it's very helpful to keep an open mind because all of our paths are unique. You'll find spiritual people in the unlikeliest of places. When the causes and conditions are correct, someone will be in your life to share this with. And then one day they'll be gone again, most likely. That's the way it is. Hopefully you'll run into a lot of such people. My best friend and spiritual confidant is moving away in a few weeks!
  10. Quality of Conversation on Site

    I can already see improvement with the banning of Starjumper and Rongzomfan, and whoever else escaped my attention, so hopefully that effect will continue to grow. I think it's interesting to notice that both Starjumper and Rongzomfan were very bright (and dark) and knowledgable in their fields of expertise; and both had failed to integrate their knowledge into their ability to relate to other people. Maybe we can collectively learn from that moving forward. I have one criticism - I think the poll is being taken a bit prematurely. We just saw a few bad actors get banned and admin has announced some fundamental changes. I think it will be interesting to see how the flow is in a few weeks and months as these changes settle in.
  11. When we talk about recognition, the mother and son imagery is useful for me. I think Anderson is more talking about when we start working with the son (effulgent rigpa) - knowing, discernment, clear light. Just working with that and stabilizing it can be a subtle and tentative process. As it deepens and stabilizes, there is more confidence and certainty. Asunthatneversets seems to be pointing more to the son returning to the mother (kungzhi; the base) That knowing is profound. It is like the discovery of a new memory, long forgotten or never known, that is extraordinarily rich and comforting and familiar. It is an altogether different experience and overflowing with certainty but at the same time totally new. The key characteristic of that experience is overwhelming bodhicitta. No mistaking that!
  12. Haiku Chain

    the effort paid off… though the absence of effort displays skillful means.
  13. Is Buddhism a form of rational atheism?

    I've always danced around the issue, and truth be told, never really felt sure. But I'm going to come out here and now - I am a Buddhist!
  14. Another quote, this from the Dalai Lama, attributed to Sakya Pandita: In the gap between past and future thought, the clear light nature of mind dawns uninterruptedly.
  15. Is Buddhism a form of rational atheism?

    He often refers to the view (sunyata) and the path (bodhicitta).
  16. Is Buddhism a form of rational atheism?

    A sincere and sensible approach to any and all scripture is advisable, be it Buddhist, Christian, Islamic, Rational Atheism, Daoist, or otherwise. Even the Buddhist scriptures are afforded a revered and exceptional status, not too dissimilar to the bible. The key is the teacher and the student and what they bring to the teachings.
  17. Is Buddhism a form of rational atheism?

    My best words right now: Guru Yoga is not rational atheism. Transformation of oneself and all sentient beings into deities is not equivalent to the denial of all deities. Atheism of any flavor is an extreme and does not conform to the Middle Way… The Natural State transcends rational
  18. Countermeasures after eye surgery

    I'm sorry to say that I don't have any meaningful advice to offer. I will keep both of you in my heart and mind in my daily practice and prayers.
  19. State of the Board - April 3, 2014

    Great post, Trunk. I think your observations and proposed remedies are spot on. I appreciate the sacrifice of time you and the moderators make to keep this board a-float. _/\_
  20. What are you reading right now?

    Just finished Mind in Comfort and Ease by His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Wonderful overview of the rationale, context, and practice of Dzogchen.
  21. Haiku Chain

    when's my right time, Kent? though quite tough to satisfy, doesn't mean I Kant.
  22. Is Buddhism a form of rational atheism?

    Reading posts like that makes me wonder why you don't follow Rongzomfan to wherever he hangs out now…
  23. I'm definitely an ignorant romantic… no argument from me.
  24. Is Buddhism a form of rational atheism?

    I agree with you, it isn't. My words.
  25. Nothing could be simpler or more ordinary… Agreed