doc benway

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Everything posted by doc benway

  1. How could one possibly practice without abdominal breathing?
  2. Further discussion

    I didn't say that all paths are one, did I? And yet, in truth they are. They are all simply manifestations of [insert conceptual term here]. I also think that the underlying path of Christianity, the one that the mystics walk, is not to worship a supreme being, but rather to find the supreme [state of] being within... (and without)
  3. Haiku Chain

    Fantasy for you she said, donning the corset awareness drifts off....
  4. Haiku Chain

  5. What do you mean by asking if abdominal breathing helps to accomplish an intended result?
  6. Haiku Chain

    in high stakes life game reality takes back seat to whim and fancy
  7. Further discussion

    So it appears that your belief is that the path and the result of that path creates reality. While I agree that it certainly does, that reality is a relative reality, not the underlying truth. It is the creation of a conceptual path. Our true nature is the same, regardless of the conceptual framework that obscures it. The Daoist, Christian, Dzogchenpa, and new age hippie are of one taste. All are a dance (thanks Protector) of emptiness and clarity, just as thoughts and the matrix from/within which they arise are of one taste. The truth is not created by the path but the fortunate may find that the proper path combined with the proper view and guidance help to strip away that conceptual framework and allow 'knowledge' to take the place of concepts. And even this is not enough. Once the knowledge is encountered, that knowledge must be brought into each and every moment of our lives and deaths.
  8. Do you cease to exist ?

    This is not meant to be insulting or disrespectful but I find that the responses we get to a question like the OP (and most others, in fact) tells us more about the individual responding than it does about the original question. Whether its 'messed up' or not is open for interpretation and judgement. I love Chang's T.S. Elliott quote, never heard that one before.
  9. Haiku Chain

    I cant speak nippon but within my sleeve, I have Tokyo's four districts!
  10. Do you cease to exist ?

    One place to start investigating this question, and the whole question of what enlightenment means, is to look very carefully and very deeply at what you mean by the word "you."
  11. Chapter 1, Section 1 Concepts

    Great comments on this first chapter. I don't think I have much to add but here a few random observations. The other message I seem to be getting is one of acceptance of one's own station and acceptance of that of others. Each of us has the opportunity to live to our fullest potential and yet (to paraphrase Einstein) you can't judge a fish by asking it to climb a tree. And to those Daoists in his day practicing the whole host of methods for prolonging life, could he be questioning all of that? And the extremes of scale also imply that these concepts are pervasive. I'll even put it out there that the extreme scale of the Kun and Peng combined with water and air give me a sense of non-locality.
  12. Resting the mind in its natural state

    It is a very valuable practice. It's absolute simplicity but not at all easy to do. It does get easier with time. Not a tip or an insight, but once you get a feel for it I would challenge you to take it off the meditation cushion and into every possible aspect of your daily life. Enjoy!
  13. The Purpose of Taoist Cultivation

    I feel you brother.... And when they make it hard, there is no better opportunity for personal growth... Yuck... I really didn't intend the double entendre but it's cute so I'll leave it...
  14. Taoism or Taoism?

    I will - I know him only through brief excerpts of parables, mostly Merton
  15. The Purpose of Taoist Cultivation

    Tolerance is a good thing, unless of course we're talking about opiates...
  16. Taoism or Taoism?

    Thanks Donald, I hope you do have time in the future. I will check back to see. Why do you call Zhuangzi mystical and not philosophical? While his writings are more allegorical, they still speak to the intellect. To me, mysticism would refer more to meditation, energetic cultivation, tantric practices, and so on... like Nei Yeh perhaps. But then again, maybe I'm not reading Zhuangzi correctly. I don't read the classics much.
  17. Further discussion

    The thread was not started here... edit... but I'm glad it moved here and gave me the opportunity to see how far I have to go!
  18. Taoism or Taoism?

    No surprise here. One who practices self cultivation through Daoist methods would consider themselves a Daoist. This will incorporate varying degrees of what would be described as 'formal religious rites,' often little or none. To these folks, the theory and philosophy are an afterthought and play little or no role in Daoist practice.
  19. Taoism or Taoism?

    Sorry for not responding sooner - I haven't looked at this thread for a while. I don't think you're ignorant at all - maybe naive. And I mean that in the best possible way (having or showing unaffected simplicity of nature). There is not better state to be in if you wish to approach a study or practice of Daoism (or any spiritual path). I agree with you 100% when you say that "the seeking magical powers or immortality that just doesn't seem very Tao to me." And if that is what is important to "more devoted practitioners" I suspect that they are very likely to fail. Immortality is not really a symbol for something else. It means what you think but from a different perspective. Words fail me here. The question again comes down to 'what is your own true nature?' This is what Daoist cultivation is about, finding this out, and living it. And the mind that asks and answers questions will not find the answer. It is much too subtle and profound for language. And when you find it, your true nature, and you see yourself and the world from that perspective, then you will understand what the Daoists mean by immortality and magical powers. At least that's my view and I acknowledge that some will disagree.
  20. Further discussion

    I don't think manitou is ignoring omniscience, nor am I. That is the part that gives rise to genuine bodhicitta. Not the kind that we exert effort and intent towards, but the kind that is completely spontaneous and effortless.
  21. Further discussion

    Beautiful post manitou, and thank you for your support and kindness. I'll only quote the part I want to respond to. Not all Christians remain stuck but the institution is designed to keep most that way and is quite effective. One of the greatest gurus I've been exposed to was Anthony Demello. He was born Hindu and became a Jesuit priest and psychologist. His "method" is Awareness (sound familiar?) and Christ for him represents what each Christian must personally become, not simply admire, revere, or even imitate. The process of practicing Awareness liberates the ego. He talks about death and resurrection in terms of death of the ego and rebirth of pure Awareness and Love. Very good stuff and very much in line with what we are talking about and working on in ourselves. You can probably guess what happened to him. Joseph Ratzinger, official censor for the Catholic church, banned all of his works as heresy... before becoming Pope Benedict XVI. Here is a link for anyone interested. It's no surprise that the Church was threatened by the liberating message in Demello's works. Fortunately, popular demand overcame the ban and many of his works are readily available. Sadly, very few Christians (humans) are given an opportunity to benefit from his brilliant perspective.
  22. Further discussion

    I would like to offer you my sincere apology for lecturing you and making patronizing statements. I know very little about Dzogchen and intend to continue to practice and study. I wish you well. Namaste.
  23. Further discussion

    You may be right, I've been accused of that before. I do try hard, however I often fall back into bad patterns. That doesn't negate the tone you take with others on this board. You really may want to think about how your posts make others feel. Your choice.
  24. Further discussion

    Call it what you will. I do tend to lecture children who don't know how to treat others with respect...