doc benway

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Everything posted by doc benway

  1. What Is Non-Duality ?

    Jeff Foster does a very nice job of discussing non-duality. Thanks for that link. Steven Harrison is good as well - The Question to Life's Answers was particularly good reading for me.
  2. Two Realities - Jesus and Buddha as Brothers

    No dilemma whatsoever... I don't believe in belief nor am I much of a fan of Thich Nhat Hahn, though I did like his book "The Miracle of Mindfulness" - I thought it was a succinct and accessible introduction to the topic. It's simply ironic to see you calling his writings atrocities after reading some of your previous posts.
  3. Two Realities - Jesus and Buddha as Brothers

    :Takes off moderator hat: I think the same can be said about you, sir. :Puts moderator hat back on:
  4. What reincarnates?

    No, I don't see my memory as proof that individual atoms manifest memory. I'm not saying that the possibility doesn't exist but there is no proof that I am aware of, and based on what I currently understand I do not think memory exists at the atomic level. I think memory occurs at a higher level of organization though how much higher I don't know. I could certainly be wrong and some of the nano-processor type work is intriguing. For me, the more compelling question is where does consciousness reside? Where does it arise from? Where does it return to? Not really looking for specific answers because I don't know if they exist, but the existence fo the questions keeps the investigation going, both on the scientific front and the meditative front. Me too! I went from teenage hippie, to young adult professional, back to middle aged hippie (though I still dress like a professional at work!)
  5. Youth's these days -_-

    Sad to see. I think a week in jail may be a good start to addressing this problem.
  6. What reincarnates?

    That's a gratuitous and ambiguous assertion. Reincarnation is a term that is open to a wide variety of definitions and interpretations.
  7. What reincarnates?

    For me, this does not demonstrate that an atom has memory nor is it very scientific. It depends on qualitative and subjective interpretations of images of water droplets. Neither does this... And BTW, I do tend to agree that consciousness goes beyond the brain but memory and consciousness are two very different things. I will acknowledge that the possibility exists that memory transcends the brain but I don't think it's accurate to say that this has been demonstrated using the scientific method. I'll also acknowledge that there is no good understanding as to where memory resides, whether inside or outside of the brain.
  8. What reincarnates?

    Can you demonstrate scientifically that "your" individual atoms have memory? Or are you referring to memory as an aggregate of all or a portion of your atoms?
  9. Comparative Relgious Statements

    Don't forget Consumerism: Buy more shit!
  10. Kyoto Protocol

    You SHOULD be angry - we are being poisoned and are relatively helpless to change things....
  11. Kyoto Protocol

    I find the whole global warming / climate change issue somewhat of a misdirection. I don't imagine that anyone would argue against the assertion that the continued exploitation of resources and unchecked use of fossil fuels and petroleum products (along with many other insults) are seriously harmful to human health and the environment. Whether we are facing an imminent crisis or a slow burn, if we don't alter our course we will be dooming ourselves and our descendants to an increasingly toxic environment. This means ever climbing rates of pulmonary disease, allergic illness, cancer, and so on. So whether we truly understand the current status of Earth's homeostasis or not (and I doubt we have adequate insight into this unfathomably complex situation), we are making the Earth less and less suitable for human habitation. To date, most seem to think that we can mitigate the damage through technology. Perhaps we can in the future, but it's clearly not working currently. All facets of our environment are becoming increasingly toxic - atmosphere, water, food... And the critical thing to understand is that we ARE, each and every one of us, the Earth. Just because we are mobile, does not mean that we are in any way independent of the environment. We do not end at our skin, that is the illusion that allows us to continue to live in denial when it comes to exploitation and destruction of our home and our Self. Unfortunately, we cannot expect our leadership to do anything about it because they are hopelessly corrupt and controlled by the very special interests that are benefiting the most from the status quo. I do think it is worth our continued efforts, however, to create change. We must live the change we hope to see. Several of us on this site are doing just that. It must start at home with each of us making environmentally conscious choices. I have no idea how to fix our leadership.... grass roots action is probably our best hope but we have a long way to go.
  12. What reincarnates?

    Reincarnation is a concept created by thought. Self is a concept created by thought. Non-self is a concept created by thought. The five elements are a concept create by thought. Zen invites us to transcend concepts created by thought.
  13. What are you listening to?

    One of the most amazing things I've ever heard. Gretchen Parlato (her dad Dave used to play bass for Zappa) and Esperanza Spalding.
  14. Mayans Never Predicted World To End In 2012?

    I've come to think that the principle of taking advantage of others for personal gain is insidious in our (international, in fact) culture and society. We preach that winning is not important, "it's how you play the game" but when did anyone celebrate the loser of the superbowl? We give plenty of lip service and teach our children about love and compassion but most of the behaviors they have the opportunity to model reinforce the importance of money, status, "success"... When I take the time to really look at this closely, it's incredibly deeply ingrained in us. I believe it can be transcended (in fact, I like to think that's exactly what many of us are doing here) but it ain't easy.
  15. Anyone hear from Sean?

    As far as I know he's ok. He pops in now and then. I haven't heard from him lately.
  16. Mayans Never Predicted World To End In 2012?

    I think it is useful to look at the Mayan calendar in a fashion similar to the Hindu yugas. They are gross approximations which were not intended to be thought of as being accurate to the day, year, or even century. Nevertheless, there are always folks looking for things to get rich from or get worked up about, so knock yourselves out! And if I'm wrong and the world ends next December, then the joke's on me...
  17. Any bums workout?

    I do a calisthenic routine I learned from my Shifu which I really enjoy. It is primarily a stretching routine and is a great warm up. If I can find time to warm up, do some martial arts practice, and meditate, I'm thrilled. I don't have time to add anything additional but I do think strengthening exercises are extremely valuable as well. As we get older I think the stretching is far more important than strengthening if one must choose.
  18. Ba Duan Jin the source

    I practice a variation of Ba Duan Jin my teacher calls Gu Chuan Ba Duan Jin, translated as Ancient Teaching of the Ba Duan Jin. It has considerable more complexity than many of the versions I've seen online and in books and video. I find it extremely valuable - I've felt many benefits. I do not think it is terribly useful to have complicated neigong explained to you. The way my teacher has always taught is to demonstrate the basic movements a few times and let you go and practice for a while. Periodically he will come back and offer corrections after a few weeks or months. Gradually the student feels the instruction from the inside out from the proper execution of the technique and breathing. The exercise becomes the teacher. The teacher is there simply to make sure the exercise is done properly. To hear a complicated explanation and process it intellectually and analytically, IMO, is of very little value. It tends to make us think that we understand more than we actually do.
  19. Help a Bum fund

    I'm in... What part of Florida Aaron? I have some family there.
  20. How do you get a journal?

    I've forwarded your request to Sean.
  21. Being the Observer

    Hello AЯAB, IMO and IME, there is no greater practice than self-observation and it is important to recognize, at some point, that the self does not end at the skin. Enjoy your practice!
  22. Monk Who Came Back Fom Hell!

    What is more interesting to me than belief in heaven or hell or Buddha or Christ and so on.... is simply to investigate the whole concept of belief - what is it? Why do we need it? How does it help or hurt us? Is it necessary? Can one live without it? And so on...
  23. with or without teachers?

    Do what?