doc benway

The Dao Bums
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Everything posted by doc benway

  1. What are you listening to?

    A rarity I just have to share!
  2. What are you listening to?

    Merry Christmas!
  3. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    And then he realized he'd wasted two!!!
  4. Happy Holidays 2022

    Happy Solstice! I usually visit with family and close friends, It feels like our time is limited and I want to make the most of it together, I will practice openness and flexibility and try to be fully present, I feel a lot of different things in any given moment and thanks to my practice I can rest in their presence and grow, slowly and most assuredly non-linearly, and respond with more genuine warmth, sometimes, My love to all of the TaoBums!
  5. World Cup 2022

    A thread for any Bums obsessed or simply interested in the Cup. Some interesting upsets. I didn’t see it but need to catch a replay of the Iran-Wales match.
  6. World Cup 2022

    Anyone’s game. What a comeback!
  7. My bum is on fire!

    Welcome Nahfets! You'll fit right in here....
  8. World Cup 2022

    Alvarez was brilliant, some nice setups from the Master as well
  9. Meditate on this before you shoot it down

    I'll respectfully disagree. So many wonderful artists and authors have taken their lives and have had so much to share. A Confederacy of Dunces is one of my favorite books Its author, John Kennedy Toole, took his life at 31.
  10. Experiments in Weather Magic

    We designated Nungali for a while but then reconsidered...
  11. World Cup 2022

    Kane's miss puts me in mind of Zhuangzi's comments about the archer and the price of distraction - When an archer is shooting for fun He has all his skill. If he shoots for a brass buckle He is already nervous. If he shoots for a prize of gold He goes blind Or sees two targets – He is out of his mind. His skill has not changed, But the prize divides him. He cares He thinks more of winning Than of shooting – And the need to win Drains him of power.
  12. World Cup 2022

    The officiating has been perplexing at times. It seems they've been mostly quite generous with allowing physical play across the board. Then seemed a bit biased in favor of Argentina yesterday.
  13. Permission to post a YouTube Video?

    I have no objection. Feel free to post. Thanks for checking, Steve
  14. World Cup 2022

    Croatia’s keeper was sharp! Amazing to see Morocco get through.
  15. World Cup 2022

    Excited for tomorrow!
  16. World Cup 2022

    Just watched CAMEROON!! And KOREA!! Great games
  17. @Jadespear Warning - Cool it with the personal insults. Thanks
  18. What exactly is neidan/internal alchemy?

    As if it were possible to separate the two in our lives...
  19. World Cup 2022

    What a way for Wales to go, ouch!
  20. World Cup 2022

    I’m not a FIFA or Qatar fan but I’m going to ask that we keep this thread focused on the game, not the politics and world suffering please. Y’all can start a new thread for that if you like. Lots of things suck in this world but the level of futbol on display in the cup is something special. Thanks friends
  21. The return of ChiDragon

    Welcome back ChiDragon, although I kind of like the sound of DragonFruit!
  22. How my body decided to kill itself

    I think it can be very difficult to stop desires. Desires are there and they are natural at some level. They come and go whether we like it or not. The problem is not their existence but the degree to which they dominate our thoughts and actions. That comes from over-identifying with the one who feels they need something they don’t have. That sense of self that is lacking needs love and acceptance. The desire can come and go if we allow it.
  23. How my body decided to kill itself

    It would likely help a lot. So true