doc benway

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Everything posted by doc benway

  1. Entheogens

    If you battle with depression, please be cautious with entheogens. They are extremely powerful and I find that folks that tend toward depression can be extremely sensitive (in general, not necessarily to anything in particular). Lots of potential energy in that combination... just sayin' Be healthy my friend
  2. anger, what now?

    thanks - I practice a few Qigong forms. My body often tells me which of the elements in Xingyi I need to practice, I think. At different times, I find myself gravitating to practicing different forms. I guess I should have confidence in that feeling - Wu Wei baby
  3. One interesting theory is that experimentation with entheogenic drugs around 20,000 years ago caused a transformation of consciousness. Love it! That's certainly more likely than aliens with high power rifles but ya never know... :lol: Imagine that...
  4. Method and Effect - Essentials

    That's a little like my Taijiquan thread!
  5. What seems to be the truth...?

    Time certainly feels restricted to us but there are some pretty slick Quantum Mechanics experiments that show cause and effect to work both ways.... I'm just sayin' Edit - Oh, and Price's book looks at how this human-linked directional sense of time has no basis in math or physics and profoundly biases our construction and interpretation of experiments. Pretty cool stuff though a little technical for me...
  6. Method and Effect - Essentials

    Awwww, that's nice
  7. Wounded Knee

    I'll definitely check out Walela - thanks
  8. What seems to be the truth...?

    Did you ever read "Time's Arrow and Archimedes Point" by Huw Price? Time is a funny thing. Do you think Cause and Effect are time-dependent or -independent?
  9. 陳 泮 嶺太 極 拳99

    I don't care what anybody says, 陳 泮 嶺太 極 拳99 is the best in world.
  10. 陳 泮 嶺太 極 拳99

    So I'm sorry for fucking around... Yesterday, after doing the 99, I was SO juiced that I wanted to post, And I immediately thought of all the old threads about ' this style is better,' and Chen's original and martial, and Yang is this, and so on. So this was sort of an inside joke to anyone that got sick of those threads but it sort of flopped! But the real message was that whatever form you do, THAT is the best. My problem lately is that I'm lazy and haven't been working hard enough so I was feeling good about myself. Today, I'm back to normal. Chen is better because I haven't tried it yet = desire I just need to practice...
  11. What seems to be the truth...?

    Thought is a reflection of experience. Either a recap immediately capturing, explaining, or commenting on experience in the present; or a memory, knowledge (which is memory), as a recollection,; or projecting knowledge (memory) into the future. Thought seems to be related to time. Is there cause and effect between thought and existence? It's how our mind likes to look at things but why should there be? Is there cause and effect without thought putting it there?
  12. Wounded Knee

    Genocide... It breaks my heart. There just aren't enough tears But I guess it's just clinging to something that is gone. Life is change, huh?
  13. What seems to be the truth...?

    I don't think so - but I could be wrong.
  14. 陳 泮 嶺太 極 拳99

    Don't mind me, I'm just baiting people. There is no best I did my form today and it was the best It's just a form Chen guys fall into their step a lot - that looks off balance to me They're all just forms But MINE is the best!
  15. What seems to be the truth...?

    It almost sounds like you're saying a memory of someone or a name defines existence. I exist. Names are boundaries...
  16. 陳 泮 嶺太 極 拳99

    I've never studied Chen style and would love to someday... Mine's still the best!
  17. 陳 泮 嶺太 極 拳99

    This one is my favorite video but the best video is waiting to be made...
  18. 陳 泮 嶺太 極 拳99

    Yes - Chen Pan Ling Tai Ji Quan - Mine's better!
  19. Emotional Release

  20. Emotional Release

    I don't know if searching for a metaphysical experience is the best way to approach this problem. One might occur but rarely when sought... You carry a "burden inside" as do we all. Does that burden really create a situation in which there is no possibility of happiness? If you think so, where do you think that idea came from? Can you look at the burdens closely and deeply and see why they create that illusion? Can you find a place to make room for these burdens and just be with them? Is it possible for happiness to exist alongside? Can you say to them with sincerity - my happiness is not dependent on relieving myself of these burdens? This is one approach that could shed some light on the relationship you've established with these burdens. Good luck.
  21. Method and Effect - Essentials

    And it works the other way even more effectively. A treatment can create the necessary anatomic or physiologic changes that would be conducive to resolving the problem, but the expectation or intention remains a block to healing. I see that even more frequently and it makes the job extremely challenging. Once I was able to let go of my attachment to "making someone get better" and simply "do my best to help someone to get where they want to be" I realized that I am blessed to have a "right occupation" and it's up to me to be content with that. I can help with the pain but not always with the suffering. But I do try to address both whenever I can, however. Good luck with #2 (that sounds a little gross... )
  22. Method and Effect - Essentials

    Excellent question Little1. I think this is a weakness of many methods. Expectations affect the experience and outcome. Maybe analogous to Heisenberg's uncertainty. Quantum Mechanics has demonstrated a time and place independence of such a relationship between cause and effect. So our expectations preselect our path. My shifu has mentioned that the Pang men is hazardous. Quicker, more demanding, and more risk. Beyond that, I am unable to add anything worthwhile.
  23. dao and brahman

  24. dao and brahman

    Conclusion means to close, to end. I believe there are those who like to answer a question and thus create a "belief" and defend that position. They are then no longer open - the question for them is dead and they move on thinking they already know that. They look at the world with an answer in their head. This is how most of us face the world every day - overflowing with our conclusions, our images, and our expectations. So we define and direct the way we live. We are not open to Wu Wei. We live with many more answers than questions. The question doesn't have to be dead when we consider a conclusion but it is when we accept it. We see that constantly. That's why it is so difficult to be in a relationship. It's where conflict comes from. I am a Christian, I am a Jew, I am a Daoist, I am a Buddhist. Laozi meant this. This stanza means that. I now limit myself. And I think it's terribly important for each of us to watch our tendency to do that. But I'll agree that there must be a balance. There are certain answers that are important - what time should I be at the hospital, where do I live, is this food spoiled? But those practical answers are generally of little value in the psychological, emotional, and spiritual world.