doc benway

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Everything posted by doc benway

  1. Concerning Alchemy and Enlightenment?

    Would it be better to start a new thread on this topic? I'm not sure if this line of inquiry is where Adam wanted to go with this thread... Nevertheless, I'm enjoying the discussion.... To achieve pure awareness, pure experience, nothing can be there (in the mind) to cloud that awareness. This means a complete letting go of all of the conditioning, all of the desire and expectation, all of the comparison. Is this really possible? In my view this is a question that cannot be answered lightly. It is a question that requires enormous energy, persistence, and sincerity and must be explored and experienced first hand. No one can answer this question for another. The answer is meaningless if it comes from outside. It can only come from inside. It's really the question that counts and even that doesn't matter if the individual does not invest enormous energy to answer it for themselves. Once everything is dropped completely and nothing remains to cloud the moment of pure being, who is it that is present in that moment? If someone is present in that moment, then is the moment still pure? That is the nature of the question - Who Am I? Who Am I? - once all the conditioning is dropped. Once there is pure experience with no distinction between experience and experiencer. Mind is nothing more than it's total content - memories, desire, fear, thought, attachment. Once the content is dropped, what is left? Who is there?
  2. I remember reading about this a while ago and sharing it with my son. It looks like a unique opportunity. Oh, to be young again...
  3. Concerning Alchemy and Enlightenment?

    Perhaps I'm splitting hairs but this is worthy of investigation, IMO... Can there be experience without thought of experience? Can Now exist as pure being, perception, awareness, receptivity? What would the quality of mind be like in this state? Is this the state we are often approaching in our meditation? Once thought you said... then there is time and Now is gone ... Cool stuff to ponder... I think that's why I'm so drawn to J Krishnamurti's work
  4. Concerning Alchemy and Enlightenment?

    I believe that there can be a Now without past or future. Past is memory, which is knowledge. Future is projection of knowledge into the unknown. Both are the process of thought. Thought is time. Now is experience, pure and simple. Now is outside of time because time is thought and now is experience. There is never any moment of being which is not now. The issue arises that once we think about the experience or the now, it has already passed and is a memory.
  5. Haiku Chain

    Silly illusion The crest of the wave feels free Then blends with the sea...
  6. Ah, it's the same old...

    Is it possible for the mind to become fully still? totally blank? For how long? If so, what is there to remain aware of this stillness? If there is something aware of total stillness, is that total stillness? Like Who Am I?, these are more or less rhetorical questions intended to stimulate introspection and, perhaps, some discussion. Definitive answers to such questions are rarely meaningful...
  7. qigong for slipped disk

    Fascinating - do you mind sharing more info about your shifu and where you work? Does your facility have a website? I'd be interested in learning more. Thanks,
  8. Etymology

    Nicely said. I'm not sure that I feel the same significance in words as you do, but that's all well and good. I agree that the exploration of etymology is a wonderful educational opportunity. Furthermore, clear communication fosters harmonius relationship. Finally, Chinese characters, to me, are the best possible illustration of your points as they are clearly an example of symbolic representation of ideas, concepts, reality, and so on, and can speak to the reader at a deeper level than one usually experiences with reading the written word.
  9. I like Cleary's translation a lot better. I don't think this has anything at all to do with astral travel.
  10. Etymology

    I also enjoy etymology but I'm relatively ignorant of it. One limitation of etymology is that the original intention or meaning of the word is not necessarily related to it's popular use or interpretation.
  11. Concerning Alchemy and Enlightenment?

    Currently, I consider wisdom (at least in part) to be an understanding of the process of and limitations of thought. One method to attain this is to cultivate a state of awareness or mindfulness that allows you to passively observe the process of thought - this includes attachment, the reduction of reality to words and images, the role of images in relationship and behavior, the motivators of fear and desire, and so on... Once the thought process is understood to a certain degree and the ability to observe without interfering is cultivated, many traps can be avoided and progress can be made.
  12. Ah, it's the same old...

    I LOVE Puppetji! Thanks for turning me on to him. I wonder if he is on the seminar circuit? If not, I may just have to go study at his ashram!
  13. Wu Wei = non doing

    I'm very sorry to hear of your situation. If you truly think that you could replace the bullets with blanks, what would prevent you from removing the bullets entirely and not replacing them or getting the gun away entirely? The ethical question of suicide in this circumstance is a difficult one and if it is your wish to prevent that you may need to consider getting a law enforcement officer or mental health professional involved... Good luck
  14. qigong for slipped disk

    That is interesting. Are there any studies that confirm that this can be done? When a disc herniates, the outer fibrous layer of the disc tears open and allows the soft, gelatinous inner material to protrude out. It is a very small amount of material (smaller than a marble, usually smaller than a pea), and is buried deep under several inches of bone and muscle. If one could somehow manage to get through several inches of bone and muscle and manually replace the gelatinous material without damaging the delicate nerve the disc material is resting on (which falls apart when grasped with instruments), the outer fibrous tissue remains torn and there is nothing to keep it from protruding again. One would need to do an MRI before and after the procedure you describe to demonstrate that what you are describing is physically possible. If such a study has been done, I'd love to see it. I don't mean to be disrespectful but I am concerned when people describe such procedures because to my knowlege they have never been demonstrated to work by appropriate investigation and could potentially be very harmful. The good news is that the majority of people get better spontaneously. If you have persistent numbness or any muscle weakness, clumsiness, loss of bowel or bladder control, or sexual dysfunction, I would strongly recommend that you see a medical specialist immediately.
  15. Ah, it's the same old...

    The inquiry "who am I?" is not dependent on time. It is only worth asking now because now is all that exists. The future is a thought and the past is a memory, which is a thought. Time is thought. Nothing more, nothing less. The inquiry is not dependent on anyone else because "I" must be there before anyone else can arise. "I" must be there to experience the presence of anyone and anything. Matt captured that well in his post. When one asks "who am I?", answers come up quite quickly: I am Steve (nope, that's just a name), I am a doctor or a lawyer (nope, that's a job), I am a person (another label), I am this body (really? - what part of the body? where exactly in the body? show me), I am the whole thing (what if you lose a part), I am my brain (what about your heart?), I am my heart (what if you have a heart transplant?), and so on. Every answer can be refuted as every answer is incomplete or incorrect. The nature of the question gradually peels away layers of the onion. It is not at all self-aggrandizing, quite the opposite. It isn't bigger or better than human. It is much much less... This is not a question that one asks out loud (unless you feel an urge to do that), nor is it a question that one is likely to ever answer in so many words. It does not even need to be asked in words. It is enough to remain with what it is that makes one feel as if they are an individual and go into what that feeling of what "me" is verbally or non-verbally. It is however, according to thousands (or more) of Advaita Vedanta practicioners, a very effective method to go beyond the normal thought process. It requires patience, persistence, and sincerity. The two most famous advocates of this practice in the past century were Sri Ramana Maharshi and Nisargadatta Maharaj. Two men who, by just about anyone's criteria, were self-realized. Both are well represented in books which are extremely illuminating. Some people aren't interested in things like the nature of self, the nature of consciousness, and so forth - that's fine. It really doesn't matter at all in the long run. We will all live and die irrespective of that. In fact, nothing matters - we will all live and die despite anything we think, say, or do. Some people, on the other hand, develop an itch that just won't go away when it comes to these sorts of questions. For those who are interested in these questions, ask yourself - what is it that is behind my eyes that thinks it is an entity that is separate from the world and all other entities? This is the question, Who Am I? You need to do much more than ask the question. You need to investigate it deeply and persistently and wonderful things can happen. I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything - perhaps it's all a load of crap. I read once that a famous Zen master was asked about the nature of the universe - his response was to pick up and hand the questioner a dried turd... If anyone thinks this sort of inquiry is a waste of time, cool. If you get off on name calling, fire away! I can yield and neturalize and practice my cyber taijiquan. However, if there are folks out there who are interested in these metaphysical questions, this is a very good method to explore.
  16. Robert Svoboda's Aghora books

    Looking forward to seeing your impressions.
  17. noodle spinning philisophical question

    My reply would be that if you continue to sit with these questions and let them sink into you deeply as you sink into them you may no longer feel that you need or want someone else to answer them for you. They are very good questions and deserve a lot of time and energy. Answers from another will cause you to nod your head and agree or disagree but won't really help you very much. Spending time with the questions, with or without answers, may be very valuable. Good luck!
  18. Is it Gong Fu or Dou Fu?

    Cool clip! It looks alot like a Stephen Chow movie.
  19. Sean and Lezlie's Youtube Debut

    Cool special effects!! Very nice guys, let's see more.
  20. A Toltec view of Self

    Very nice post, Stig. I was first exposed to Toltec tradition through Castaneda's work in the late '70's (geeze, geeze... wheeze, wheeze.... ). I reread his ouevre last year. Truth or fiction (much more likely), it is wonderful stuff. Another reason why the tonal is our friend and ally (I'm using this word in the ordinary sense) - it is that which develops and acts on the drive, in some of us, to begin questioning itself and looking for what is beyond. Here's a question: does the drive to experience the nagual (Dao, the Self, God, truth, enlightenment...) originate in the big Self (nagual) or the little self (tonal)?
  21. Haiku Chain

    Stop, don't take a bath It is quite rare and special When touched by The King!
  22. Ah, it's the same old...

    Please notice that I didn't call anyone immature. I just posed a question. I completely agree that there are no sacred cows. In my view, all religions are more or less equally incorrect. All are attempts to use human thought to explain that which is beyond human thought and, therefore, limited and incomplete by definition. It is necessary to get beyond thought to experience reality - all religions (for arguments sake, at least) understand this and approach it in different ways. Stig said it well - it is fine and good to replace the Catholic mythology and method with the Daoist mythology and method and so on - they are more or less interchangeable. Each has it's strengths and weaknesses. So what if Chung, the Immortal didn't like Buddhists? Is that really at all surprising? The nature of religion is divisive. It teaches one group of people that they see things differently from another group when, in fact, they are all exactly the same. Invariably, conflict results. My point is that it does not take too much additional effort to discuss such things in a compassionate and considerate fashion. I have no concern for offending a practice or a religion - they are nothing but words, but I do try and consider the feelings of the person who may currently derive confidence and guidance from the practice. In my opinion, any practice that eschews compassion and consideration of others is lacking - one could say lacking a certain level of maturity. How would the world be if each of us practiced compassion and consideration for others in addition to whatever other practices we favor? When one experiences that the "I" that is asking the question, "Who Am I?" is not an organism limited by a bag of skin but, rather, the whole works coming to be aware of itself in each component, no matter who insignificant, compassion naturally arises => hurting others is no different than hurting oneself. This, I believe, is why Daoists do no believe that specific moral training or theory is necessary. They have experienced that it arises naturally when our true nature is experienced. An interesting question is, does it work the other way? Does the practice of compassion lead to the realization of who is asking the question? Is that the approach of the Buddha?
  23. Ah, it's the same old...

    Lucky day? What pleasure or benefit do you derive from denigrating some of the world's most beautiful and insightful spiritual traditions? Is that the way of the "mature" adept? Does this derive from your chosen path? Introspection and compassion both seem to be lacking in your practice, my friend. I offer this observation with constructive and positive intent, do with it what you will.
  24. Polishing qi among the crowd

    Nice post! Be a bit careful how you define εΎ· (de), however. It is not a simple word to translate into English and I've read some interesting scholarly debate over what the intention of the character is in Dao De Jing.