doc benway

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Everything posted by doc benway

  1. Book Club Poll

    Thanks Sean! I should've thought of that...
  2. How Often Should We Read A New Book?

    So far it looks like one book every other month will be the decision. It's been 5 days now since the poll started and I'll arbitrarily select Sunday as the closing date so that we can move forward. thanks to those who took the time to vote.
  3. Book Selection for March

    From the poll so far it looks like we will end up reading one book every two to three months. I'll give the poll at least a full week but it looks like our second book won't be discussed until May, at the earliest. Please keep that in mind as you think about selections for the next book. I will start a new thread once we determine the final results of the poll and will outline some new dates for making the selection and so on... Most likely, we will pick the next book in mid March so the 2-3 weeks it takes to get it, for some of us, will still leave us 3-4 weeks to read and prepare.
  4. Immortal Foetus

    It sounds like an intense experience. Every time I have a sensory hallucination of some sort during or after meditation, my teacher tells me to ignore it and return to the first point. All of these images are created by the thoughts and are distractions. They are the product of our conditioning, desires, expectations, fears, and so on. As the thoughts quiet, the deeper ones come forth and can be pretty intense and unexpected. It's certainly possible that your experience was other than that but that has been my training so far....
  5. Taoist Master Interview Questions

    Hi Jesse, Here are a few questions regarding inner cultivation for the Dragon Gate Sect Master: 1. Who is it that is practicing cultivation? If I recognize that "I" am just the thought that has chosen to act as overseer to the other thoughts, what is the benefit of cultivation and who benefits? 2. What are the names (preferrably Hanzi, pinyin, and English translation) of the points of the microcosmic orbit that the Dragon Gate students develop in their practice? Is it possible to give a summary of the points and in what order they are introduced? What are the siginificance of each of these points? Is he able to give us an overview or summary of the process of cultivation from the beginning to the higher levels? 3. What role, if any, does martial training in taijiquan, taijijian, or other martial arts play in his tradition? 4. What role does standing or walking meditation play in his tradition, if any? 5. Is there a specific diet that he recommends for those of us living in the real world and trying to maintain our cultivation regimen? 6. Does his tradition teach any physical exercises (qigong, martial,...) for physical fitness, internal health, and so on? Questions for the White Cloud Master: 1. What is it that defines a Daoist historically? What I mean is, what is most important and what is shared by Daoists in the historical context? Is it a belief in certain gods? Is it political beliefs? Economic beliefs? Philosophical beliefs? Culture? Language? Or is it the practice of internal cultivation? 2. How confident can we be that the current Daoist traditions truly reflect the traditions that existed prior to the beginning of the 20th century? So much was destroyed or forced undergroud by the wars and cultural revolution of the 20th century that many believe the old traditions were lost and the new versions are reconstructions. 3. Is music used in the traditions on a regular basis? If so, is there any way that we can find samples? 4. What is the current relationship between the Daoist temples and the general population? Is Daoism currently playing an active role in the lives of younger Chinese? Thanks very much for this opportunity Jesse! Can ask you a question, Jesse? What are you currently doing and how is it that you have come to have this opportunity? Best regards, Steve
  6. Why so difficult to experiencing qi

    My first clue was through reading Waysun Liao's book about the Taiji Classics. In the beginning he advises using the imagination. It gradually becomes more and more accessible with practice. Chanwu's advice is very good.
  7. Huun Huur Tu

    Which style do you sing? The high stuff or the low stuff? How in the world did you figure it out?!
  8. The real oolong rabbit (off topic)

    Great link, I always wondered what the hell a rabbit with a pancake on his head meant. I guess I just felt foolish asking the question! I love the new avatar!
  9. When is the right time to stop practice?

    Excellent question - I think that the question itself is what is most important and is where you will likely find the answer for you as you ponder it ... I can only speak to my experience: I've been derailed from my Dao meditation practice a few times. Sometimes very painful, frightening, or unpleasant feelings, memories, images arise. On occasion they have been disturbing enough to cause me to stop for a while. It has really shaken up my life at times. I talk to my shifu and eventually get back on track. More recently, I've been exploring the "I am" question for about a year and reached the point where it seemed foolish to continue to practice the Dao meditation because, after all, who is it that is practicing? for what purpose? That sort of thing got me off course for months. Again, I've come back. Can't really say why - it seems that it feels right. Good luck with your search - that's really all that counts in the long run.
  10. China Taoist Association Response - Wang Liping

    The other funny thing is the number of "Daoists" from Wudang now settling around the world to carry on their Daoist traditions. I think you need to take many of them with a grain of salt. Some may be legitimate, others are probably less so...
  11. Haiku Chain

    You must be looking at the same lake I can see outside my office window... Jane - pretty slick... assuming the extra syllable was intentional...
  12. Haiku Chain

    Consumer consumed Observer one with observed Green lake cold and deep
  13. Book Club Anyone?

    Has a book club ever been tried on the forum? I think it could be fun and valuable.
  14. Life after death

    Life and Death are inseparable - two sides of a coin. When death is done, life is there... when life is done, death is there... there is always life and death. I don't know if that's Daoist, I'm a not-really-anything'ist. One of my favorite metaphors...
  15. Why is it...

    Interesting question - I think that our beliefs, practices, rituals, methods, labels, and all the rest of it are all thoughts that we use to define an image we call "me." "I" get attached to that and fear of loss/ desire of more sort of take over.
  16. Very nice post Chanwu! Your interpretation and experience resonate deeply with me. This point quoted above is so important... it is what rings so false with so many of the magical practices that are currently popular. I think it's a good translation. To me it is one of those books that will validate your experience but not really help you experience. I think it would be great for a Book Club! My experience with what Chanwu refers to is similar. Perhaps he could have said "will" rather than "should" feel bliss and joy. Once the thoughts (which are time) settle; timeless awareness is what is left. This experience is usually referred to as bliss, joy, love, one with God, true nature, whatever... it is a very peaceful, beautiful state yet as Chanwu so eloquently points out, the mind sets a trap. You need to know very well how the mind works to avoid the trap because it will become attached to that state and that's an impediment to progress. The mind compares. It remembers the bliss and compares that to now and wants more bliss. This reinforces duality and blocks progress. Excellent summary Chanwu!
  17. Haiku Chain

    Empty void renew Explosion of foliage Jasmine scent lingers
  18. What are you listening to?

    Now there is! Thanks. PS I posted this in a separate thread but I should've posted it here - My favorite guitarist (lately...)
  19. Dusan Bogdanovic

    Probably my favorite guitar composer and a great soloist. He's the guy on the left. On the right is Terry Riley's son Gyan. This piece is partly written out and much improvised. Enjoy,
  20. Book Selection for March

    Don't be so presumptuous, my friend.... I suggested a book club so that each and every member of this forum could participate in a friendly, informal, and relaxed discussion about whatever topics interest them. I did not suggest the idea to read books that I find interesting - I've done that alone for decades and don't need a club for that. I'm hoping to read books that I otherwise would never have thought of or heard of. In return, I like to share books that have been particularly valuable to me. I, for one, have no interest in trying to restrict or control the suggestions of the members. We are called the Tao Bums forum but no restriction is made on the topics we discuss and I think the experience is that much greater for this (thanks Sean!). I am not on a mission to make this into an educational program on Daoism. I don't have the expertise, time, or inclination for that. I am not prepared to make this project any more complicated than it already is. I am happy to continue on this course of asking for reading recommendations from all interested parties and selecting books in a relatively unbiased fashion from all selections. Perhaps there will be suggestions that are so far afield that they need to be discouraged but I am much more interested in going with than against the members' ideas. It appears there is some degree of interest in this vision. If our members would prefer a different approach now or at some point in the future, I'll gladly pass the torch. No harm done. Your point about taking more time for each book discussion is a good one. Most book clubs read ~ one book per month. Perhaps we need more time - bimonthly or quarterly might make more sense. I will put together a poll regarding book frequency. Thanks for your comments, Pietro. I do appreciate the input and hope to make this accessible and interesting for as many people as possible. I recognize that not everyone will be happy or agree with the approach or the specific book selections. There is no obligation to participate and no penalty to skipping a book. Given that we've never had a book club before, not participating in an individual discussion or the whole thing entirely will be just like nothing had changed on the forum.... Life is beautiful.
  21. I'd like to emphasize Buddy's warning - I would not practice this stuff without a credible teacher. I'm lucky to have found one and over the years of practice some pretty intense stuff has come up. Having someone I have confidence in to reassure me and give me guidance and support has been critical.
  22. If I can make the time, I'll start reading it again and see if I have anything to offer. It'll be interesting to see how his descriptions compare to my practice.