doc benway

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Everything posted by doc benway

  1. different teachingsTaiji

    There are specific neigong methods that involve standing combined with a variety of yi/qi guiding and manipulating exercises. These involve more than cultivating fang. I agree that basic standing is about developing fang and song.
  2. 2008 Resolutions!

    I agree - if I hadn't seen it, I wouldn't have believed it...
  3. Beautiful Videoclip

    Nice clip. Alex Grey's work is phenomenal. For those who don't know his work, check it out:
  4. That's a great exercise. Even doing walking drills blindfolded is challenging. Definitely worth the time and effort now and then.
  5. The Term Enlightenment

    To be...
  6. 2008 Resolutions!

    Mine is very simple. I would like to figure out who is trying to make a resolution. That could take all year...
  7. different teachingsTaiji

    It sounds like maybe Thaddeus was referring to yiquan in an earlier post (?) It's also used in taijiquan literature but less frequently. PS Another very important exercise for experiencing and cultivating this coiling/spiraling strength is the combination of sitting and standing meditation. Daoist methods of sitting develop the yi/qi interaction and the standing really allows one to feel the energy throughout the torso and limbs and further refine it's control. I'm not sure it's possible to really understand and cultivate this energy to it's maximum potential without the meditation part, even if you practice silk reeling exercises and pushing hands. My teacher tells us there are certain skills or levels one doesn't achieve without including meditation practice in taijiquan training. From my experience personally and observing my students, this is one. I would go as far as saying that this is why we see the importance of standing meditation (and circle walking) in xingyiquan, baguazhang, taijiquan, and yiquan. This central role of standing meditation to develop an awareness of, connection with, and control of body energy (of which chan su jing is one) seems to be what separates internal from external practice more than anything else, in my experience with both.
  8. Punishment from Heaven

    Speaking of profound things and challenging people's belief systems (even passively or unintentionally) is one of the most certain ways of creating conflict. Understanding Dao requires one to let go of all belief systems and is therefore a potentially sensitive subject for discussion. It is better left to personal experience rather than discussion or explanation. That's my interpretation of the sentiment.
  9. different teachingsTaiji

    That's probably it - 螺 (luo) means spiral like in a fingerprint or snail shell. 旋 (xuan) is to circle or spin. Together they generally mean spiral or helix, also screw. 勁 (jin) of course is energy, strength, or force. Literally, I'd translate it as spiraling energy. I guess it could also be translated as screwing energy... gotta love those xingyi/bagua guys...
  10. different teachingsTaiji

    Are these the characters you're referring to 螺 旋 勁 ? Thanks, Steve
  11. After studying for about a year, I started doing the mirror image of the form on my own without any recommendation to do so by my teacher. It took a while but I got the hang of it. When I mentioned it to my teacher, he looked at me like I was stupid and said "Of course you should practice everything on both sides! I shouldn't have to tell you that!" He's kind of "old school" when it comes to certain things like that... IMO, practicing each and every technique from the form on both sides with a partner in the form of application drills is more important than doing the form on both sides. Nevertheless, practicing the form on both sides is a very good mental, in addition to physical, exercise. Interesting side note - I've run into a group of Chen stylists who are superb at push hands - on one side only! When they have to push standing with the opposite foot forward in restricted step competition, they fall apart. When moving, if you catch them on their weak side, it's all over. I questioned them about it and they told me that their shifu has them train push hands on one side only for a very long time before allowing them (if ever) to switch. I found it a very interesting approach, although one I probably would not favor.
  12. different teachingsTaiji

    Without nei gong, I would not call it taijiquan. The very name, tai ji quan, implies the application of nei gong to utilize the principles of tai ji (separation of wu ji into yin and yang) for combative purposes or, as was later developed, for mental, spiritual, and physical development. Without nei gong you simply have a dance. I'll have to agree with Oolong here - I don't think it's possible to learn taijiquan without a teacher. You might be able to ape the movements of the form from a video, but it ain't taijiquan. Once you've learned proper principles from a teacher and learn to self correct, THEN the form will teach a lot but it's not enough. You also need dedicated partners to train with to learn how to make it work. I know several martial arts teachers who've tried to capitalize on the popularity of taijiquan by making up a slow form from their style and teaching it as Tai Chi. It's bullshit. Unless you understand the principles of sensitivity, neutralization, distinguishing full from empty and so on, it's not taijiquan.
  13. dangerously hot bath?

    How long were you in the tub? If it was a relatively long time in very hot water it was likely due to the changes your body makes to accomodate to the higher temperature to keep the core (ie brain) temperature in the safe range. When you're in very hot water for a long time the body uses the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system to shunt heat to the extremities (skin, hands, feet, bowels) in any way it can to get rid of heat and keep the brain cool. This involves increasing blood flow to these other areas and away from the brain and other temperature sensitive vital organs. If you exceed it's capacity to do that, you'll feel everything you felt. This is why in the US, no spas, hot tubs... can exceed 104F by law and there are warnings about time spent in a hot tub. Other things could be contributing but this is the most likely explanation.
  14. Ron Paul

    I don't think Ron has a shot at the nomination but he's currently my first choice outside the Green Party. He's the only person with the balls to speak the truth about our country's responsibility for international exploitation on the presidential campaign trail.
  15. different teachingsTaiji

    My experience is that taijiquan forms are a qigong exercise with the body movement created by linking together martial postures. The movement (ie activity) of taijiquan (in the form) is created by using the yi to guide the qi to move the body. This along with breath coordination is nothing more or less than qigong. There is no difference to me between taiji forms and qigong. That said, my shiye also teaches of qigong forms of several different types. Eight Brocades, Shi Ba Luo Han Gong, Tai Ji Qi Gong, and others for health and martial development. Some involve body movement, others only yi/qi movement (in other words, standing and sitting neigong). I sort of look at taijiquan as a martial art that uses qigong principles to bring a different dimension to martial training. It is exactly the development of the yi/qi/shen connection that makes the internal styles different, IMO. There is more to taijiquan than qigong and there is more to qigong than taijiquan, but they certainly overlap quite a bit. Interesting simile Lin! I think it applies to all martial arts. The difference between internal and external styles is bascially the way qigong is applied. My shiye teaches the Shi Ba Luo Han Gong both ways - with quiet/relaxed, "taiji" type breathing/movement using the yi to guide the qi; or dynamic muscle tension/hard "external" type breathing, depending on desired results. The "internal" guys mostly do the relaxed qigong and the "external" guys do the stuff that looks more, well, external
  16. Merry Christmas Everyone.

    Merry Christmas to those who celebrate - health, peace, and happiness be yours! I LOVE King Missle. Jesus Was Way Cool is one of my favorites, along with The Sandbox, I Love You More, well, the entire Mystical Shit album actually. I thought I was their only fan - nice post Mal!
  17. Mabu stance

    It definitely helps to have personal instruction. If you're just starting mabu it will feel very awkward and you won't be able to achieve a deep stance without losing proper posture. Here are some recommendations and observations: 1. I think the guy in the photo above has his feet much too wide. The feet should be under the knees, more or less. 2. Start in natural stance. Feet at shoulder width, facing forward and parallel. Crown of head is directly over the middle of the pelvis - more or less between the genitals and anus. 3. Little by little, widen your stance without losing vertical alignment of head over center of pelvis. Tilt chin slightly in, extend neck, extend lower back. Coccyx slightly tucks under. 4. As the feet get further apart, so do the knees. Always comfortable. Waist and hips relaxed. 5. Eventually you'll get wider and deeper but remember not to let the feet much wider than the knees. It will take a long time to get a deep stance without losing proper posture, be patient.
  18. Tests and Trials

    My $.02 for what it's worth, if anything.... Absolutely none make sense, the way I look at it. Testing, benchmarks, and trials are the antithesis of meditation. They simply reinforce the sense of self, separation, duality - someone there to meditate. Meditation is about letting that go - the whole concept of self and doing and not-doing, improving, succeeding at meditation, achieving higher rank or skill, and so on. The only test that makes sense to me regarding meditation is to let it go - let go of the attachment to succeeding in meditation. You don't have to quit but rather do it simply because there is nothing "better" to do... Just be.... here... now.... always, minute to minute, day after day. How can you measure, test, or improve that? Anyway, that's where my head is lately...
  19. The Monks of Burma (Myanmar)

    I gave up on US mainstream news sources a long time ago and focused on international and independent sources. Even though I don't go looking for news, it still finds me. I'm pretty aware of what's happening in the world. The difference is that I've stopped studying it and looking for it. I still worry about the world and the people in it. That is exactly why I've stopped studying the news. I still support international causes and stay literate - I've been reading Chomsky lately - great stuff. More importantly, I've realized that I've got to focus on my own needs for the time being, then perhaps I will be able to fix the world's problems. Selfish - yes, irresponsible - if you think so, I'll accept that description. Necessary for me right now? Yes. "What kind of a world would it be if we all had that attitude? " I think that if each of us spent more of their time cultivating compassion and exploring their original nature (as I'm actively doing - as opposed to reading newspapers), the world would be a better place. Great work Drew!
  20. The Monks of Burma (Myanmar)

    I go through definite cycles of outrage, complacency, ambivalence, acceptance, etc... It's very tough to effect change as those in power do a very good job of insulating themselves and protecting their turf. There is so much suffering, abuse, and exploitation in the world. Burma is one small piece in the puzzle, albeit as important as any other - Sudan, Somalia, Baltimore City, the White House, Iraq, nearly every Indian reservation in America, China, North Korea. Where does one start? Someone once taught me to do something tanglible, however small, when I'm feeling especially frustrated. It could be writing a letter, starting a petition, contributing to a charitable cause, etc.. When I'm particularly upset, I find a cause that I think can make a tangible difference in someone's life and make a donation or volunteer some time. It makes me feel a bit better. Another way I deal with the pain is that I no longer follow news. It's selfish but where I need to be right now. I also think the principle of healing yourself before attempting to help others is very important. My favorite charity recently has been an organization that gives support (psychological, economic, medical,...) to refuges who have been victims of torture. It's called Advocates for Survivors of Torture and Trauma - I've personally met many of their clients and seen the work they do and done a little volunteer work. It makes me feel a bit better about myself. Most of them come from the African continent, particularly Kenya in recent years, but they're from all over. I also support the International Campaign for Tibet. I used to be invovled in Amnesty International but I stopped because I have some issues with their politics... Now deposing the despotic regime in Myanmar is a tougher nut to crack. Particularly when our administration has caused the US to lose all international credibility when it comes to human rights issues... If you can think of something we could do as a group to show our support, I'm in. One thing that I've seen done in the past is to draft a letter to the leadership of the country in question making whatever requests you think are appropriate and have it signed by as many people as possible or, better yet, have a lot of people send a copy of the letter. The letter needs to show due respect (even though none is really deserved) and needs to be sensible and dispassionate. Amnesty International and ICT do this a lot and it sometimes helps, particularly when it comes to trying to find out info about political detainees. I've written several letters to the leadership in China over issues related to Tibet. Letters can also be sent to Congresspersons, the United Nations, Asian political organizations, the White House... You can raise public awareness locally among your friends and coworkers. Print up bumper stickers, buttons, have a rally and sign petitions. There's a lot that can be done but getting up the inertia and figuring out what is best to do with that energy is difficult. I feel for your frustration and even more so for the people of Myanmar.
  21. immortality process

    method after method after method.... Why can't I find what I never lost?
  22. Taking a break

    Happy holidays Cam! Take care of yourself.
  23. Science and Physics in Religion

    A few cool things to check out regarding science vs religion: - Any of the collaborative works between Jiddu Krishnamurti and David Bohm are an interesting example of interplay between a philosopher and scientist in discussing the nature of reality - There have been a few books capturing discussions between the Dalai Lama and a variety of scientists - worthwhile reading. - Time's Arrow and Archimedes' Point: New Directions for the Physics of Time by Huw Price - this is a really interesting treatise on the nature of time and how scientists make all sorts of unrecognized assumptions based on their own conditioning when it comes to time's effects on a variety of scientific settings. This results in sometimes inaccurate conclusions. Highly recommended but not easy reading. "So why do people use science to try to explain religious practice?" Scientific evidence or the scientific method is currently the standard against which our knowledge and assertions are judged. People use science or scientific concepts (often incorrectly) in advancing their products or arguments in an effort to lend credibility to what is really nothing more than a gratuitous assertion, much of the time. All regligious doctrines are gratuitous assertions. Daoism and Buddhism attempt to apply philosophical and spiritual principles to the study of the mind and the physical world in a systemitized and rational fashion. Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on your view), the "stuff" they are dealing with is not measurable or tangible in such a way as to allow correct application of the scientific method.
  24. Tao and Carlos Castaneda

    I read the first 4 books as they were published way back when... I had a lot of perception altering stuff in my system in those days. I recenlty started from the beginning and read through Castaneda's entire ouevre again and loved it. Some things I take with a grain of salt but I found the series to be very valuable and entertaining. Maybe I'll read the witches' works next...