doc benway

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Everything posted by doc benway

  1. simplify

    I am
  2. I think these experiences help us to understand why there are so many traditions and practices within each tradition. There is no best or most accurate system. One practice or system can not be said to be better than another. That which brings us closer to the truth of our fundamental nature depends largely on us as individuals. This is because what we need to connect with the source depends on what specifically is blocking that connection. edit I'm always amused when people talk about practices and systems in terms of what is best or better, this versus that. Questions and judgements like that are meaningless without individual context and cannot be generalized, IMO.
  3. simplify

  4. In reading Rovelli’s Helgoland, I came across his use of quantum mechanics to describe our fundamental condition. His relational model of quantum theory is essentially a mathematical exposition of interdependent co-arising and, concurrently, emptiness of self and other. Some ups and downs in the book for me but excellent overall for those interested in the areas where science and spirituality intersect.
  5. "Why is nothingness/emptiness/lack of ego the desired state?" There are probably as many reasons why such a state is desired as there are people who desire it, but the Buddhist teachings on emptiness are not about desiring such a state. In fact, desiring such a state can be the greatest obstacle to connecting with it. The teachings on emptiness are about having a deeper understand of reality and of ourselves. If we understand ourselves better, we can experience more freedom and possibility, life can be more fulfilling and more productive. Emptiness is the very essence of our being. Not only is this an important tenet of Buddhism, discovered through experiential practices dating back millenia; the truth of this is borne out by experimental observations and consistent with contemporary physics in terms of identifying the fundamental nature of things.If we have a deeper understanding of the truth of emptiness, we gain deeper insight into ourselves and everything around us. Developing a deeper experiential relationship with these teachings and practices is the only way to understand its value. Having a conceptual understanding only is fraught with misunderstanding and is generally of little value from my observation. One of these misunderstandings is the idea that this sort of practice is an attempt to run away from the pains and pleasures of life. It's not that at all. Working towards a deep understanding of emptiness requires facing life head-on, without distraction. It is the chasing of desires and getting embroiled in the conflicts and unsatisfactory nature of things which are the distraction. If you feel that desire is fine and adds spice to life, then by all means pursue it! Enjoy it! Relish this rare opportunity, human existence, to indulge in it. If you ever find that you tire of chasing desires or struggling with fears, anxiety, conflict, and so forth, then there may be value in pursuing the Buddhist teachings.
  6. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    "Nights are not old nor are the days they come and they go. Yet the coming and going of day and night whispers into my ear to wake up. So that you and I could dance with the miracle of each moment in this journey of living life before we return." *Tempa Dukte Lama Rinpoche*
  7. Do right and wrong / good and evil exist

  8. I do not intend to say it is the same for all. It is more subtle than that. Any conclusion one may reach is not it.
  9. When people have enlightening experiences, the nature and quality of their experience is determined by the obstacle(s) being released. It is not so much that the revelation, or the “endpoint,” differs from one to another. It is the unique way in which each of us is separated from Enlightenment that determines the revelation, the experience of awakening.
  10. Do right and wrong / good and evil exist

    It comes back to perspective. edited I like manitou’s response better than mine.
  11. Tribe and Fire

    My teacher often emphasizes that the reason we come together in retreat is not particularly to learn something new, not to add to our knowledge, those things can be done anytime, anywhere in our digital age. We come together to connect, to share, to be close. We are increasingly isolated in our lives and there is little more harmful to the human organism than isolation. Here is a beautiful quote I found on FB that speaks to this topic…
  12. Tribe and Fire

    Happy New Year Luke! May all your dreams come true in 2022!
  13. There is also the phenomenon of "self-secret." An entire method or system can be freely available to all but not everyone will get it. For millenia, the dzogchen teachings of Tibetan Buddhism and Bon were kept highly secret. There was a time when one master would transmit the teachings to no more than one qualified disciple in each generation, at least that is the history that is handed down. It was the piece that was left out, as referred to in the OP. After the Chinese invasion of Tibet, it was decided to open up the dzogchen teachings for fear of losing them permanently. Now the integrity of the teachings is left in the care of the protector deities and their inherent "self-secret" nature.
  14. Do right and wrong / good and evil exist

    Charity is mostly enlightened self-interest. In the samsaric sense, it is giving ourselves the pleasure and benefit of helping others. There is nothing wrong with it when truly, or nearly, self-less but it needs to be seen for what it is. Especially when we give others what we feel they need rather than what they truly need, which is a toxic form of charity. We first need to tend to ourselves and be extremely open and healthy to truly know how best to help others. In the absolute sense, it is authentic Bodhicitta which perhaps can be called Self-interest, or Self-awareness. Realization of non-duality, non-obstruction of primordial empathy and compassion.
  15. Do right and wrong / good and evil exist

    DaoBums is a good mirror.
  16. Do right and wrong / good and evil exist

    And when they don’t or can’t (assuming one believes in free will, of course), then countless innocents suffer. A stiff price to pay for a lesson in morality and ethics.
  17. Do right and wrong / good and evil exist

    There is another way to look at it as well. One that, for me at least, doesn't require quite so much uncertainty and rationalization. We can stop separating divinity from ourselves, stop creating an external conceptual construct about what God is and isn't. We can take personal responsibility rather than delegate. We can realize ourselves as the manifestation of divinity in this very life and allow that to inform our every action. Our ideas and expectations related to God are far more likely to interfere with finding a deeper and closer connection than they are to support it. The most direct path is through inner silence and openness because everything else gets in the way in the beginning. If God exists, we can find no greater understanding, no closer connection, than through our own hearts. For me the spiritual path requires us to remember our birthright, the truth of our divinity, in a deeply personal and direct way; and to bring that alive, here and now. (...sorry to sound so preachy...)
  18. Do right and wrong / good and evil exist

    I guess my point is that if a divinity is omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient then they would be responsible for all things evil, no? If I have the capacity and opportunity to prevent evil, and choose not to intervene, I am complicit. One of the things that has long made it difficult for me to feel a connection to the Abrahamic religious paradigms.
  19. Do right and wrong / good and evil exist

    In that case, do you consider the one divinity to be good or evil?
  20. Do right and wrong / good and evil exist

    Do you believe this divinity to be omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent?
  21. Happy Christmas!

    Merry, happy, joyous, and enlightening may this sacred solstice and Christmas celebration be for all who feel a heart connection. I’m reminded of my maternal grandmother’s love and generosity on this day, and of the warmth of family, friends, and coworkers. Have a safe and peaceful holiday season!
  22. Do right and wrong / good and evil exist

    Thank you I’ll take your question as rhetorical. Happy Christmas!