doc benway

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Everything posted by doc benway

  1. What are you listening to?

    Another masterpiece from 1973
  2. What are you listening to?

    I never realized Edgar played the sax and timbales too... damn!
  3. What are you listening to?

    Oh my, SLYl
  4. Status change for steve (mod --> member)

    I googled ā€œthings called steveā€ andā€¦ From Nature, ā€œ ā€¦Steveā€™s distinctly different shape and behaviour suggests that his origins lie in some unusual chemistry involving very hot ionised gas.ā€ My family would agree ^ | Steve on carryout night
  5. Status change for steve (mod --> member)

    Don't eat the yellow snow!
  6. The Cool Picture Thread

    Tomioka Soichiro - Trees (oil on canvas) 1961
  7. simplify

  8. Current Events Discussion

    @el_tortugo @Miffymog You should both now have access.
  9. Voices from the world -- of space and time

    I think it was called gangsa, itā€™s been a long time. Golden Rain is a very cool piece!
  10. new COVID discussion rule/s

    Thank you @Trunk I appreciate you taking steps you feel are in the best interest of this community and the community at large. Thatā€™s all anyone can ask.
  11. Obsessive use of meditative disciplines or perennial study of scripture and philosophy will never bring forth this wonderful realization; This truth which is natural to awareness, because the mind that desperately desires to reach another realm or level of experience inadvertently ignores the basic light that constitutes all experience. ~ Tilopa
  12. Voices from the world -- of space and time

    I played in a Balinese gamelan angklung in college. Got to play at the Indonesian embassy in DC. Fantastic experience!
  13. The Good Old Days

    I remember when I first was active here, back in the good old days, people were often lamenting how good things used to be here back in the good old days. The good days are now! We are all here. Hopefully we are reasonably healthy. Weā€™re smart as hell and funny. Letā€™s make the most of our time together. FUCK RON JEREMY! šŸ˜
  14. change name request

    @Uncle Fester Your wish has come true.
  15. change name request

    @questionmark Voila!
  16. simplify

  17. ~ Mod Notice ~ THREE LEAF et al Please show others respect and refrain from personal insults. Failure to do so will result in moderator action and possible restriction of access to the site. Thank you
  18. simplify

  19. In Dzogchen one learns to become responsible for oneself without following rules. A person who follows rules is like a blind person who needs someone to guide them in order to be able to walk. For this reason it is said that a Dzogchen practitioner must open his or her eyes to discover their condition, so that they will no longer be dependent on anyone or anything. ~ Chƶgyal Namkhai Norbu
  20. change name request

    @virtue I just noticed this and will take care of it
  21. What are you listening to?

    My condolences for your losses @Yueya. I am also deeply grateful to have connected with you here.
  22. The Cool Picture Thread

    From an exhibit of paintings by Shonto Begay at the Wheelwright museum in Santa Fe. Hard to fully appreciate without seeing up close. There are a spirit and musicality in his paintings that are striking.
  23. I'm 61 today. Please send money.

    Happy Birthday!