doc benway

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Everything posted by doc benway

  1. I disagree that "no institutionalized spiritual practice fits the need. We tend to analyze and judge from a theoretical perspective. Any one of the major spiritual traditions can fit the need for the right individual. None can be expected to fit the need of the collective. We have ourselves and access to a wonderful and powerful array of tools, opportunities, teachings, and practices. For all of its flaws and failures, civilization and technology are full of potential. It is as it is, there is no going back (except perhaps, after a future global meltdown and disintegration - having just read Parable of the Sower by Octavia Butler, that prospect seems very real). That aside, we have enormous potential at our disposal and it is our choice how we avail ourselves of that. There was a reason why "civilizations" developed. There was a need. A need for safety, support, community, growth - all of which can be enhanced by communication and cooperation among individuals and groups with unique perspectives and skills. There was an efficiency and potential that was very powerful. That need was filled but went too far, far too far. Civilization became a juggernaut and balance was lost. The pendulum has swung so far away from individual responsibility and autonomy towards over dependence on many things, including intellect and information. I think our challenge and opportunity is to return to a confidence and reliance on individual growth and potential and a lessening of external dependence to whatever degree is possible. This for me means a return towards balance between the individual and the collective.
  2. Haiku Chain

    all things humanā€¦ bye Great Mother recycles us when the rental ends
  3. What a beautiful post, thank you @manitou!
  4. Teaching authentic neigong

    I trust you are offering authentic training. I think this is a blessing for the community but itā€™s up to us to recognize it. Many teachings are ā€œself secret,ā€ especially the simplest and most direct. You only see the value and get the meaning if your karma is right. If I wasnā€™t completely committed to my practice, I would take the seminar. Folks are always going to be uncertain, thatā€™s one reason why theyā€™re signing upā€¦ All you can do is do your dance and transmit what youā€™ve learned. I wouldnā€™t share videos to placate curiosities. Some people will get something out of it, maybe something great, others wonā€™t. Most wonā€™t do the work with devotion. I pray a few will! šŸ™šŸ½šŸ™šŸ½šŸ™šŸ½
  5. The TM rabbit hole

    Too many habaƱeros in the salad? šŸ˜
  6. I'm just lovin' all the love!
  7. The TM rabbit hole

    A fair few pianists and string musicians develop poorly defined, poorly treatable disorders of their hands known as focal dystonia. Like burning mouth, it seems to be related to the central nervous system in the Western paradigm.
  8. I look at them as a gift or a blessing, sometimes a trial or opportunity to learn or grow. I find the favorable ones absolutely joyful and the challenging ones somewhat sacred. To me they are an elegant demonstration of karma. I donā€™t try to analyze or understand but prefer to relish the mystery. The first time I had an opportunity to meet my root teacher and have some time to speak with him one on one, it was the result of a series of shocking synchronicities. That may be why they are very special for me, not at all stressful.
  9. Books about spiritual masters

    Another good one - The Life of Shabkar- Autobiography of a Tibetan Yogin
  10. Books about spiritual masters

    I thoroughly enjoyed - Road to Heaven: Encounters with Chinese Hermits By Red Pine Ā· 2009 Preview -
  11. The TM rabbit hole

    Or expensive wine and stereo equipmentā€¦
  12. The TM rabbit hole

    I hope you donā€™t think I was implying that about you, I was speaking only for myself. Strongly agree!
  13. The TM rabbit hole

    That is assuming that a brain scan tells the whole story.
  14. The TM rabbit hole

    So true, actually. When I really know how much of a dick I can be, it stings far less when others point it out!
  15. The TM rabbit hole

    It makes them more effective at loosening our conceptual entanglement..
  16. The TM rabbit hole

    Yes, so many of us want are conditioned to believe there is someone who knows what we need, something magical ā€œout there,ā€ something inaccessible without a special relationshipā€¦ And itā€™s so easy for people to take advantage of that. How much truth is there to such notions? From the relative perspective, our side, it is very real and true. From the absolute perspective, the side we are trying to grasp, nothing is needed and no one can give us what we already, always are. Itā€™s a frustrating and wonderful paradox.
  17. Teaching authentic neigong

    For those genuinely interested in spiritual cultivation, I think this is perhaps the primary obstacle to progress.
  18. The TM rabbit hole

    I didn't realize that was a Terry Gilliam film! Good stuff
  19. The TM rabbit hole

    My sole experience with TM happened when I was in high school. Two friends and I took LSD (my first time) and went to a TM lecture at our high school. The acid kicked in about 30 minutes into the 2 hour presentation. Needless to say it was a blissful state of consciousness! The presenters were visibly annoyed by our uncontrollable giggling but kept their cool and didn't ask us to leave... We then walked about 5 miles to my buddy's house and stayed there the rest of the night, and a wonderful and memorable night it was. Interestingly, my brother considered trying TM recently until they told him the price of a mantra. I taught him some basic meditation for free so he didn't pursue TM. PS - yogic "flying"
  20. Teaching authentic neigong

    My Daoist teacher used to tell us it is a waste of time to read about Daoism, every minute spent reading would be better spent practicing. He would often criticize the well known Daoist teachers and authors saying that with all of their videos and books, how could they possibly find time to practice? I think he was exaggerating a bit to make a point but there is an element of truth there when talking about experiential arts.
  21. Caduceus - staff of Hermes

    Thereā€™s an anatomical reason for that. Itā€™s likely stylized.
  22. Chatbox for the site

    I appreciate that. I guess I can get overly sensitive and defensive sometimes. Weā€™ve put a lot of work into making the forum a better place and I tend to be that way online, not so much in person. Sorry if I was harsh. šŸ™šŸ½
  23. Haiku Chain

    and an umbrella really tripped me up today dancing on raindrops
  24. Chatbox for the site

    Of course, among others You just referred to the standard of speech at TDBs as toilet standard. That is insulting to the members and mods alike. I have no old grudges to bear, only responding to what you are posting in this thread. And it's not only you. Lots of folks seem to have this love-hate relationship with the forum, like an addiction, myself included. It's very interesting.