doc benway

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Everything posted by doc benway

  1. Thomas Cleary has passed

    Dedicated much of his life to making Chinese wisdom accessible to the English speaking world. Rest in peace Mr. Cleary. _/\_/\_/\_
  2. Kum Nye

    I practiced from the Stephanie Wright book for a long time and also felt real value. I got away from it in favor of more meditation time but I think I'll try to get back to it. Lately it feels like my body needs something more. I'll take a look at the video when time allows. Thanks!
  3. Alan Watts, the way of the sly man

    I was just listening to a podcast with Watts last week.
  4. The man on the right is Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche. I don't know who the man on the left is.
  5. A teacher of Dzogchen never ask you to accept or change something. A teacher of Dzogchen only asks that you observe yourself, so you can discover your real nature. If you discover your real nature, that is good for you not for your teacher. The teacher tries to make you understand. That is really the teaching. ~ Chogyal Namkhai Norbu
  6. Maybe sean can't find a buffalo to take the job... Long hours and crappy pay. It's a problem all over the US.
  7. Hard Times and Spiritual Insight

    My own path towards spirituality grew out of trauma. Something is often needed to shake one out of the complacency of our samsaric, self-centered existence.
  8. Reasons to be cheerful

    The cicadas in my area are nearing the end of their active cycle. I’ll miss them but many people in the area are quite afraid of them. While they are harmless, they are everywhere and the noise can be deafening, up to 85dB if your are surrounded by active trees. The noises they make are fascinating and I find them to be beautiful. My wife says she wants to be a cicada in her next life - 17 year nap followed by all the sex and food you can handle… B4A9BFCE-AD56-4D89-9CF0-DDB06E44BE8E.webp
  9. sexual exchange

    Seems humorous but this is precisely why there are people, not necessarily practitioners themselves, who willingly partner sexually with tantric practitioners. I'm told this is common in the Himalayas but don't have any direct knowledge of it myself!
  10. Retro Tech

    Goya Panther bass from Italy c.1960’s - check out the push button controls
  11. Dark chocolate question?
  12. Dark chocolate question?

    "Specially enriched" most likely refers to flavanol-rich. The cardiovascular benefits of chocolate seem to be related to flavanol which is more concentrated in chocolate with 70% or more cocoa. Multiple studies have shown a variety of health benefits of consuming dark chocolate and cocoa. Hopkins published a study in 2006 showing a heart-protective effect due to anticoagulation. Google scholar is a good way to search for studies from peer-reviewed journals on the topic. Here is an interesting study on the effects of flavanols or brain function -
  13. Or perhaps we could say it’s all and nothing. No paradox exists other than in us. George got that!
  14. Daoist Staff Work...?

    Taijiquan, xingyiquan, and baguazhang all include training in staff or spear. Here is an example of xingyiquan -
  15. Haiku Chain

    perfect seasoning. Baltimore’s famous Old Bay, lots of paprika!
  16. Light of the Golden Sun - a Bon gift

    The last Jalus in a Bönpo was Shardza Tashi Gyaltsen in 1934. It’s exceedingly rare, even among the great yogis of the Himalayas. It is better to consider it a myth for most Westerners, I would say. I certainly don’t miss the DaoBums rainbow wars! 😴
  17. Light of the Golden Sun - a Bon gift

    “The logic is simple. The problem is doing it. The amazing thing is that often there is such a lack of trust in openness.” ~ TWR
  18. Circle walking

    Bagua is a profound and challenging practice. It can certainly be a valuable physical practice to complement meditation. It can be a meditation in and of itself. It can be an effective martial art. It can be many things. Bagua has fewer movements to learn but in some ways is more challenging to develop skill and mastery. Like taijiquan, it is an art that requires years of practice and study. Unlike taijiquan, there is a less material to cover (depending on the specific tradition of course) although the basic practices tend to be more physically and energetically challenging, at least for me. Circle walking is fairly straightforward but difficult to do properly. While there are many potential health benefits, there are also some risks. Improper practice can be damaging, especially to the knees and low back. I've practiced bagua for about 15 years. Benefits include core strength, flexibility, balance, agility, speed, rooting while standing and moving, both focus and expansion of awareness, and power generation; along with cultivation of coiling, spiraling, and flowing energies that are a bit different from those cultivated in other internal arts. In the beginning, it felt to me like a very awkward and difficult form of core strengthening and conditioning. With time and patience the stances, footwork, circle walking, and palm changes become far more fluid. Mind and body become more integrated and in sync. At this stage it is more like a vigorous qigong practice and even a moving meditation. Nevertheless, I find the continuous movement and active muscular engagement, particularly in the legs and core, to be considerably more physical than most qigong exercises. The benefits run the gamut of physical, emotional, energetic, and mental. The first benefits I noticed were clearly physical - improved aerobic conditioning, core strength, flexibility, stamina, and balance. Next I began to feel the martial benefits, in particular learning to generate power from the waist, stance, and stepping. Over time I noticed definite improvement in focus and mental clarity and a freedom and creativity of movement that are invigorating. The physical benefits like strength, balance, and flexibility eventually begin to pervade the energetic and mental realms which contribute to the improved response to adversity. One caveat is that I never practiced bagua exclusively, it was always a part of a larger training program which included taijiquan, xingyiquan, qigong, and meditation. That said, I could clearly see how specific elements of the bagua methods expressed themselves over time. While baguazhang is a complete martial art in and of itself, combing bagua training with taiji and xingyi is very complimentary and the whole seems greater than the sum of its parts to me. I'll echo Gerard's comments about foundational training. I spent many hours practicing standing meditation in unique baguazhang postures and practicing footwork drills before I was taught to walk the circle. The stepping and posture must be precise and comfortable or it is likely you'll injure yourself walking the circle. Once you do start walking the circle, start small. It took me months to get to the point where I could walk for an hour continuously. There is no benefit in rushing, only increased likelihood of injury. Like in meditation, a few minutes of clear and precise practice is far better than an hour of distraction and frustration. If you do choose to practice baguazhang, I'd highly recommend trying to find some personal instruction. Very important for someone to observe and correct your form from time to time. Good luck to you!
  19. Light of the Golden Sun - a Bon gift

    For people interested in or having a heart connection to Bön, this is another wonderful video. It follows Khenpo Gelek Jinpa, currently Khenpo at Shenten Dargye Ling Bön center in France, as he explores the roots of Bön and the Zhangzhung kingdom in the Mustang district of Nepal. Khenpo-la gives regular teachings at Shenten Dargye Ling, often accessible online since the onset of the Covid pandemic.
  20. Can't edit or delete own posts, even in PPJ

    Don't know why, permissions same as other members, no active restrictions. Maybe @Trunk can help.
  21. Yijing Hexagrams section

    @Bhathen It appears that nothing is hidden. You can see 12 topics/threads. Within those 12 threads are a grand total of 79 posts. Does that clear it up?
  22. Haiku Chain

    flap, learning to fly get back up and try again Jesus, this is hard!
  23. And those are precisely what the internal work associated with the 3 poisons target. In fact, my teacher refers to it as pain - short for karmic, conceptual pain bodies. When we encounter methods and teachings that work for us they are indeed precious.
  24. Nothing you describe is an indication of a disagreement between the two. The teachings on the 3 root poisons are a practical method for cultivating health and realization, not a statement of universal ontology. These teachings do not negate the benefits and reality of natural processes at all. They describe the source of negative (and positive) emotions and patterns we may observe in our minds and lives, and offer ways to understand, transform, or liberate them, should that be of interest to a practitioner. In this case, ignorance has a precise meaning. The lack of recognition of the non-dual essence of reality. That is considered the fundamental poison at the root of all illness and suffering in the Bön paradigm. The awakening of non-dual wisdom (the opposite of this specific ignorance), is considered the source of all healing. Nothing more unhealthy than isolation, at any age. I don't think the causes of sickness are limited only to repressed (and suppressed) emotions. Expressed emotions can also be harmful, especially when that expression serves to reinforce and reify the negative emotions rather than relieve. Expressing of emotions can be violent and harmful to self and others. It can also be self-reinforcing. I have a friend that always complains about life. He claims it is a way to blow off steam but, in fact, the pressure is never relieved, it just continues to build. We're seeing the communal and individual harm of expressed emotion in social media. A vicious cycle of expressed negative emotion, retaliation, and escalation, like a digital forest fire, burning up relationships of all kinds. Profoundly unhealthy for individuals and the collective, IMO.