doc benway

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Everything posted by doc benway

  1. Yes In Tibetan dzogchen and tantra, energetic practices can facilitate enlightenment in the right practitioner, monastic or secular alike. Maybe, depends on the practitioner. Each tradition can enhance and inform the other if applied with skill and knowledge. They’re both paradigms that work with the energy body, the physical body, and the mind. Both take you towards your source.
  2. Jian appreciation thread

    I have a Qianlong style jian made by Huanuo. The balance is good but it's quite heavy and takes some getting used to. I mostly train with a wooden jian now.
  3. Jian appreciation thread

    I find Japanese swords to be sexier.
  4. Jian appreciation thread

    The primary benefit for me was to highlight and cultivate the connection between the legs, kua, waist and hands. Lots of other benefits but of lesser significance for me. Can't help there as I haven't used any books or other media in my training. I will say that once you've mastered the basics and some form training, practicing drills and 2 person sets with a partner is extremely valuable.
  5. Pandemic Panic - Transcending the Fear

    I was told a lovely story about a farmer in Finland. When they were drawing up the Russian-Finnish border, the farmer had to decide whether he wanted to be in Russia or Finland. After a long time he said he wanted to be in Finland, but he didn’t want to offend the Russian officials. These came to him and wanted to know why he wanted to be in Finland. The farmer replied, ‘It has always been my desire to live in Mother Russia, but at my age I wouldn’t be able to survive another Russian winter.’ ~ Anthony Demello
  6. We have a vaccine!

    Very sad. I’m going for my second Pfizer dose Monday.
  7. Opening for another moderator or two

    zerostao ilumairen liminal luke steve
  8. Opening for another moderator or two

    Your stability, calm demeanor, and good humor have been most welcome on the board and on the mod team. You’ll be missed. Thank you for your service.
  9. Most importantly by teaching me it is my responsibility to develop absolute certainty in what it is to be deluded and what it is to be free of delusions. I then at least know the direction to go in. Staying there always in waking, sleep, dream, and death is then up to me and my karma. By encouraging us to make a ngöndro a lifetime path. Ngöndro is what differentiates delusion from non-delusion. Through the example set by our teachers and the stories of masters of our tradition. The attainments and the humility. Through the teachings. Every major teaching I’ve attended and studied had admonitions regarding arrogance and narcissism, ignorance, and related delusions. Through the practice itself. This is the connection to non-delusion. The view/practice/actions/fruition are undifferentiated and must be precise. Through recognizing, continuing, returning... And through the cultivation needed to stabilize. I wouldn’t make it my project. Your attainment is yours alone and my own is all I can influence. I don’t need yours as a reference point so there is nothing more to be said or done. Having certainty in my own view is all that is necessary. It cannot be discerned via forum, it cannot be proven by quorum, nor judged by sly practitioners, even on the holy day of Purim! So worry not of others’ minds dear One, though hold them in your warm embrace. I will return when you’re still enough to have me, ... and if you don’t come easy, I may need smack your face.
  10. We have a vaccine!

    Yes PS - but not mandated by law for the gen pop, at least not in the states
  11. We have a vaccine!

    One difference is that it is easy to see and demonstrate the direct consequences of cutting someone while recklessly swinging a sword. In any given situation it is far more difficult to identify with confidence where and when one contacted a virus, whether or not one will transmit it, whether one will get sick if exposed, how sick they will get, the safety of a rushed, experimental vaccine, etc... I have considerable respect for and confidence in allopathic health care, probably more than most here. I also recognize its limitations and potential for abuse. The currently available vaccines are essentially prototypes with extremely limited data to support them relative to all other vaccines. It's a new technology and we're in uncharted territory. Mandating an experimental and invasive technology with criminal penalties for refusal would have very far reaching consequences that are more frightening to me than the vaccine itself, or even the disease. Taking the vaccine was an easy decision for me based on my unique circumstances. I acknowledge that is not the case for everyone. I feel compassion for those that are struggling with the decision and for those affected by Covid. I also understand why many people have limited confidence in allopathic care. I'm not sure how far I would be willing to go to force a rapidly developed vaccine using unprecedented technology on those who are skeptical. FWIW, the hospitals I work in are not requiring anyone take the vaccine. A little surprising given that they do mandate the influenza vaccine.
  12. We have a vaccine!

    And there is no evidence that the existing vaccines reduce transmission. No, just my own.
  13. We have a vaccine!

    Absolutely Each of us must weigh the risks and benefits for themselves and make the best choice possible.
  14. We have a vaccine!

    No doubt I think it's early to drill down to much detail - lot's of variables to consider.
  15. We have a vaccine!

    My understanding is that meaningful immunity occurs about 1 week after the second Pfizer or Moderna vaccine.
  16. We have a vaccine!

    Excellent metaphor. I've mostly given up trying to explain or convince anyone of anything. People wear their beliefs like security blankets. I learned several years ago debating a fundamentalist Christian friend that it's not my place to strip them of that security.
  17. We have a vaccine!

    @liminal_luke I have no doubt you would! Your compassion always shines through your words.
  18. We have a vaccine!

    I explained to the grieving families of my colleagues who died after acquiring Covid from their patients that it is all a big lie and they could drop the facade. Curiously, the dead have not yet returned from their graves and their families continue to mourn - foolish sheep. Maybe my colleagues are hanging out somewhere with Elvis at a QAnon meeting, eating fried peanut butter and banana sandwiches and chuckling at our naïveté, preparing to surprise their mourning children someday with their miraculous recovery from the big lie. Or maybe they're just fucking dead. Want to know one difference between Influenza and Covid? Influenza doesn't kill the doctors and nurses caring for their patients. I gratefully received my first dose of the Pfizer vaccine 2 weeks ago and look forward to the second dose next week. Given that I have a few risk factors for more serious illness, I'm hoping to get the second shot before getting Covid. Several people at work have had or currently have Covid. One of my close friend/partner's entire family is currently ill with Covid. His oldest son is severely immunocompromised due to chronic illness and we're all on eggshells waiting to see if he survives. I haven't encountered many touting the theory that it's all a big lie among those courageous folks treating the unfortunate victims in our local hospitals. Our local hospitals have now set up "field units" to care for overflow patients in their underground parking lots. Watching terrified, vulnerable human beings struggle to breathe day after day for nearly a year is not conducive to denial or willful ignorance. I'm grateful that most of us are spared those terrible experiences that some here would say turn them into "bitches." I pray that all of you stay safe and healthy, whether you choose to be vaccinated or not.
  19. Haiku Chain

    It's not refreshing My browser window is hung I MUST REPLY NOW!
  20. It is known

  21. It is known

    Are you sure about that?
  22. Subtle Clinging

    Definitely. If you practice long enough there is no end to the gross and subtle forms of clinging we can discover.