doc benway

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Everything posted by doc benway

  1. My teacher is from Taiwan and was very secretive and selective in his teaching of martial arts (internal and external), qigong, and meditation. He was a bit elitist and guarded some techniques and principles quite closely. By his account, this was the rule rather than the exception among the old masters. It makes sense they would be cautious when one's career and life depended on skill and knowledge in martial arts. Nowadays I think it is driven more by finances and ego.
  2. What are emotions

    I approach emotions as energetic flow, determined by external circumstances and internal identification. In a way, emotions are to the heart as thoughts are to the mind.
  3. 8 Brocades

    I pay attention, I remain connected to what is happening inside me as well as outside. As frequently as I get distracted by thoughts or feelings, I continually return to the present moment.
  4. Dealing with the dark side

    White cats are so entitled!
  5. Spirituality and your World

    The reason the practice I refer to is so close to freeform’s description is that the deepest spiritual connection we can make is to the full, unfabricated immediacy of the present moment. That is the spiritual connection I point to. That’s what emptiness means. All that comes from that, the worldly matters, are never separate from it but we usually are.
  6. Spirituality and your World

    Actually, not nearly as different as your post suggests. Almost identical in fact.
  7. Spirituality and your World

    On the path I'm following, Bön dzogchen, worldly matters must eventually be reconciled with spiritual life. In fact, worldly matters become the very spiritual path itself, but only when we are ready. This is referred to as integration. When we first begin practicing, our ability to recognize and remain connected to our spiritual core is elusive and unstable. At this level we protect ourselves, like a small candle flame needs to be protected from the wind. We're easily distracted so we practice in a quiet room, on a cushion, or withdraw in retreat. Once we develop certainty in our practice, then we begin challenging that spiritual connection progressively. First we begin by integrating supportive activities with our meditation - prostrations, mantras, circumambulation, etc... When we get a little stronger we can integrate neutral activities - eating, shitting, work, sports, etc... When very stable we can even integrate negative emotions, strong positive emotions, lust, sex, confrontational situations, and so forth. At this stage our flame is stronger but there is still effort and intention involved. If we are fortunate enough, there may come a time when the practice is effortless. Our flame is like a bonfire, fed by challenging situations, growing stronger all the time. At this stage practice and worldly matters are fully integrated. This is sometimes referred to as everything having "one taste."
  8. Canna Bums

    Start with a LOW dose. It lasts a long time and takes a long time to take effect. I wish you great bliss and deep insight!
  9. Mjjbecker

    Thank you for sharing this news. May he rest in peace.
  10. simplify

    To touch and feel...
  11. Haiku Chain

    On an empty plain Piece of parchment rests a bead Of wet crimson ink
  12. Pyrokinesis Discussion

    I remember someone getting real bent outta shape went I referred to their age... 🤫
  13. Everything written by Yes...
  14. The Chinese part of Chan/Zen

    The Tibetan culture and sensibility in which Buddhism took root brought rich and complex artistry and a deep love, awe, and respect for the natural world originating in the shamanic roots of Bön, or so it appears to me.
  15. For me this is a beautiful illustration of dependent origination.
  16. Crowd Sourced Meditation Images

    This is used by the Bön A Khrid dzogchen lineage.
  17. I offer that one teaching from the name “elixir” is that we must sip it over time. While the alignment and realization are complete and indestructible, insofar as it is a quantum perspective shift that doesn’t revert, our connection to it is fluid. We can connect and disconnect. The impossible to do part, if we’re lucky enough to get the alignment and realization, is continuity. So we must periodically sip. That is practice, whether on or off the cushion. ... at least that’s my experience
  18. There's also seeing, in the sense of having an awakening experience (or several) vs realizing or actualizing it thoroughly and consistently in one's life in action. There's a wide swath of awakening and realizing beings, from those of us who get a glimpse and do little with it other than lust after more or chat about it, to those who are Bodhisattvas or manifest the 3 bodies fully in nearly every moment of their sleeping, dreaming, waking, and dying lives, to use Buddhist words. (and I don't mean to say you or anyone else here is one or the other, that is for each of us to determine for ourselves in each and every moment as practitioners) But there are varying degrees of expression and manifestation in our lives... There is everything to be done once Self realization occurs, I meant that literally. One can sit on a park bench and complain (like UG Krishnamurti) or teach (like K) One can teach, serve others, try to make money on it, get some free sex, etc... Different realized beings have done different things with it... Self realization is the beginning of that part of our path, the part that continues past awakening. It is a verb and may continue or may falter and shrivel. If we end there, it is dead really. Useful to no one. I've learned that, for me, the relative aspect of our lives remains equally important as the vehicle through which we can continue to realize the absolute Truth and to allow it to manifest in our lives and the lives of those around us. If we express it in our lives through music, art, healing, creativity, loving, sharing, connecting with others,... whatever, then it is really alive! Just one way to look at it but I think it's an important aspect. This is the important lesson I learned from TWR. The reason I brought that up is that the rainbow body does require far more than simply waking up and realizing the nature of our being. Several folks here have had awakening experiences. None of us have yet dissolved into light. If one accepts that is possible, then the path can be investigated and practiced and it requires a very thorough degree of manifesting the unfabricated essence in every moment of life. Not at all something that just happens of its own accord. It is a gargantuan undertaking of doing absolutely nothing whatsoever! But truly nothing is undone.
  19. Hi Anand, Phet Sounds like 'pay' Is a Tibetan seed syllable. It is often used to cut through delusion, through the busy mind. It brings the mind to the clarity and immediacy of the present moment in the quiet and still space after shouting PHET! Sort of like getting whacked by a Zen master's stick. I was once hanging out with some friends and it spontaneously came out of me really loud and sharp, totally unexpected. One of the guys, not a practitioner of anything in particular, responded to it powerfully, told me it "woke me up!"
  20. In the Bön dzogchen traditions, light is used as a metaphor or example in many different ways and in many different teachings. Once of the most revered texts is called, in fact, the Six Lamps. In terms of metaphors, we often refer to the light of a butter lamp as an example of our "self-illuminating" nature. Another metaphor is the light of the sun, whose light is ever present and unending, even when obscured as by clouds or at night. What all of the metaphors are pointing to is the illuminating quality of our fundamental awareness. In Bön dzogchen teachings, the words most often used are clear light, not simply light. Dzogchen texts often refer to light in terms of what appears to our senses as vision and is often described as sound, light, and rays, to be more comprehensive. Clear light is a bit more specific in referring to our fundamental essence, the Nature of Mind. Clear refers to the complete absence of obscurations or distortion, the spacious aspect, like the open sky. Light refers to the ability to illuminate, the sense of lively presence and connection, the awareness aspect, like the sun light illuminating the sky.
  21. Can you really learn to draw?

    Absolutely! For me, the most important thing is how much time and patience I am willing to invest when learning a new or unfamiliar skill. The second most important thing is whether I can derive pleasure from the craft and process without being overly concerned with the outcome. The skill, the experience, and the improvement in the finished product will come but it can be very slow so it's important to enjoy the process. A book can show you things that can allow you to waste less time with trial and error. On the other hand, that very trial and error can be the source of creativity, of your own unique voice. So by all means use whatever books, youtube videos, etc... you find supportive but there is no substitute for putting in the hours just doing, over and over and over... And be kind to yourself.
  22. Story of Atlantis Part 2 - Conquest of America

    Mod notice - As requested by OP, recent posts in this thread were moved to part 1 -