doc benway

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Everything posted by doc benway

  1. nCov19 Development and Prevention Discussion Only

    The “war president” who was afraid to serve. He is a fucking coward, a fucking liar, and a fucking narcissist. Everything always is, always was, and always will be about him and him alone.
  2. nCov19 Development and Prevention Discussion Only

    I agree completely. Separation means flattening the peak number of cases. It also spreads it out but that is not the crucial factor. If we can’t keep the peak of the curve below the critical threshold of hospital capacity, people begin to die needlessly. We have limited beds, ventilators, and supplies. And the providers will get sick as well.
  3. nCov19 Development and Prevention Discussion Only

    Spotless, are you referring to a vaccine or an antiviral? I suspect you mean antiviral -
  4. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don’t. There are two types of people in the world: Those who can extrapolate from incomplete data sets There are two types of people in the world: Those who crave closure
  5. Draining the swamp!

    The US political swamp has been quite effectively drained. It's been slowly draining for years but Trump has finsihed the job. Every last drop of clear, fresh, pure water has now been drained completely. All that remains is a stinking, thick quagmire of corruption and greed. Yay for us!
  6. Mantras and Coronavirus

    In the Bön tradition, this is the healing mantra of Sipai Gyalmo - a healing and protection emanation of the Loving Mother. It is recommended during emergencies and especially during times of epidemics and disasters: OM A BE YA NAK PO BE SOD SO HA Sidpai Gyalmo mantra.wav
  7. Bums I am missing

    Yes, isolation is a gift. Unfortunately not one I've yet received. I work in health care and still quite busy so far. I'm not directly involved in treating Covid19 patients but exposed to 20-30 patients daily plus staff and colleagues. That is likely to change soon as the number of cases is growing rapidly in my area. It's certainly been a great teaching of impermanence! Interesting times... Stay well.
  8. Dust on the mirror

    If it’s anything like the shit I smoked in the ‘70’s, I want nothin to do with it! đŸ€Ż
  9. Here is a book I find very valuable with hanzi and English translation: Original Tao: Inward Training (Nei Yeh) by Harold Roth
  10. What are you listening to?

    Heavier stuff, like what? Curious... I tried one of his books and it left me underwhelmed. Brutal film but there was a time when I dug it.
  11. nCov19 Development and Prevention Discussion Only

    Tenzin Wangyal Rinoche is doing a free Facebook Live talk/guided practice tomorrow at 1pm EDT on his FB channel. It's on dealing with fear. Should be helpful. It's nice to see this community coming together a bit in the face of this threat. I know I'm feeling more unsettled than I have in quite some time over this.
  12. nCov19 Development and Prevention Discussion Only

    And hopefully a vaccine.
  13. Which books sit on your nightstand?

    The Brothers Karamazov was amazing, I was also profoundly affected by Crime and Punishment, maybe even more so. It touched a very dark and personal place. What a master of his craft!
  14. The perfect weapon

    From the link: ”The basic logic is that the geographical location with the greatest diversity of virus strains must be the original source because a single strain cannot emerge from nothing. He demonstrated that only the US has all the five known strains of the virus (while Wuhan and most of China have only one, as do Taiwan and South Korea, Thailand and Vietnam, Singapore, and England, Belgium and Germany), constituting a thesis that the haplotypes in other nations may have originated in the US.” I think an equally, or more, plausible hypothesis is that multiple strains have been identified in the US because they were introduced by travelers from multiple different regions. Perhaps one day will learn the truth about its origin but I doubt it. The amount of speculation and misinformation is gargantuan and proving the source will be quite difficult. No one wants the responsibility and governments are masterful at lying and misdirection, particularly the US, Russia, and China.
  15. There may be more to the OP than meets the eye. Have you ever looked at the individuals who follow you here?
  16. What are you listening to?

    I was blown away when this first came out. I feel a definite American core but certainly there's also a bit of cultural appropriation going on.
  17. Dawg's Awakening

    So sorry you’re going through this! Sending you my love and support.
  18. Dawg's Awakening

    My dad also has dementia. When mine develops, my plan is to forget to stop meditating! đŸ§˜đŸ»â€â™‚ïž
  19. Dawg's Awakening

    All good points. I agree that meditation does point us to that thought free experience and then tries to extend it. And the dzogchen path is a unique approach relative to taking our samsaric experience as the path itself. My main contention was the idea that we can or should “permanently” silence the inner voice. I think that is a myth but, of course, I may be wrong. I’ve met with some very advanced masters, none of whom would say that they are totally and permanently thought free and emotion free. That said, their relationship to that inner voice is very different than ours. Thoughts come, thoughts go, emotions come and go, and leave no trace, no karma. One Bönpo master once admonished his students, “I even go to the toilet different than you!”
  20. Draining the swamp!

    Very similar argument to saying Covid19 is just like the flu.
  21. pissed and shit on by a pathogen

    I like it, the Pathogen in Chief! đŸ€ź
  22. The perfect weapon

    I stand corrected! 😌
  23. The perfect weapon

    I suspect you’re right about the 5,000,000 number but I do think you’ll be buying a book you don’t want to read!