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Everything posted by VeeCee

  1. age

    Yes - that's probably true, but it's still better than medicated kids. Spirituality is such an individual thing I don't think it can be taught in schools. Everyone's path is different.
  2. age

    Actually some school systems are starting to teach meditation. It helps to calm kids down and improve their focus.
  3. Spiritual Attitude

    I think about this a lot when I go out for a walk. Trees don't try to improve themselves. Deer don't try to improve themselves. Rabbits don't try to improve themselves. They just ARE. Only humans with their self consciousness try to change who they are. Is it to our benefit or does it just take us further away from the source?
  4. I like this one from St. Francis of Asisi: Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace. where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness, joy. O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console, not so much to be understood as to understand, not so much to be loved as to love. For it is in giving that we receive, it is in pardoning that we are pardoned, it is in dying that we awake to eternal life.
  5. age

    I was much more attuned spiritually in my teens - then dealing with the day-to-day reality of college, career, and marriage sort of pulled me in another direction. It's only been since I've turned forty that I've really gotten back into "it".
  6. a good age

    I have to say that my forties have been very tough. I'm looking forward to turning 50.
  7. Cam, I'm old enough to be your mom - but thanks.
  8. Interesting - I was wondering the same thing. I think the other bums who attended the workshop did not have quite the same reaction to the experience as Cameron (Guys - please correct me if I am wrong). It is my understanding that Cam is unusually sensitive to these types of changes - plus he had been doing a lot of work on personal stuff prior to attending the seminar. Anyway, I am just beginning my path, and I wondered the same thing. At this point, I am not doing any kind of energy work - just a lot of reading. Still it does make one think "Am I really ready to follow this path if it leads to the possible alienation of my friends/family, loss of my job, etc." I can't say that's a direction I'm willing to go in at this time. But does that mean I can't get anything out of studying philosophical taoism? Lots of food for thought. V.
  9. I figured It Out

    I think he just got a hold of some really good drugs. You know what they say in school - bring enough to share with everyone.
  10. Sexual Energy

    I understand that. And what I was referring to was more a psychological animae/animus thing. It's apples and oranges. Sorry for being confused/ing. V.
  11. Question

    How often do members here use live chat? I've tried to use it on my home computer - but being technically disabled, I cannot get into it (something about my computer not supporting Java). Thx! V.
  12. Question

    That's because I wasn't using my home computer this morning. It was the first time I was able to get in. I get a link, but nothing happens when I click on it. The only thing I have right now is IE7. I hear that Firefox is better.
  13. Sexual Energy

    Witch , I wanted to follow up on my comment on Cam's journal. I am also not sure that I am correct in using the yin/yang terminology. I was just expressing my opinion that I think we should work on balancing our own energy rather than relying on someone else to balance it for us. I may have misunderstood what you were trying to say. BTW - I enjoy the POV you bring to this site, so I hope you don't leave. V.
  14. I Could Have Dropped Dead

    It's a good thing that you followed your own instincts and pushed your doctor. Sometimes they are too quick to give the "you're fine" answer when there is no obvious problem. Take it easy and get well soon. V.
  15. weather&energy

    Me too. We had a week of rain last month, and I felt sooooo lethargic. It helps a lot if I can spend some time outside each day. I'm enjoying the change to autumn - love the warm days and cool nights!
  16. enlightenment

    Do we really need to get into the my enlightenment is better than your enlightenment thing? I've only been on this site for a little over a month, and I've seen it happen 3 times now. What is the benefit for anyone? Can't we all respect the fact that we each need to walk our own path? Peace
  17. Got this e mail today

    That's very deep Michael.
  18. Hello to all Toa Bums!

    Well you came to the right spot (I think). There are a lot of people here with a lot of different viewpoints - so you'll probably get a response on just about anything you may ask. I am more interested in the philosophical aspect of taoism; others are more interested in the internal arts. Anyway - welcome aboard!
  19. Effect of cold bath on the body

    Okay - someone explain to me why you would be interested in sperm production if you're trying to be celebate? Do you mean decreased sperm production?
  20. Lama Dorje

    Although it wouldn't be a bad thing to be Frodo either. Remember that Frodo is the only one who could carry the ring and take it back to Mordor to be destroyed. Very important stuff!
  21. Lama Dorje

    It's just an old joke. It basically means I answer to pretty much anything.
  22. Lama Dorje

    Uh oh - I'm in trouble then because sitting is my favorite form of cultivation (next to sleeping).
  23. on the topic of gurus

    I believe you can choose to come back and help others. I think that's what a bodisattva is/does.