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Everything posted by Owledge

  1. Today I received a somewhat strange telefax. No sender info in any way, no specific advertising, just a collage of religious babble, and I'd like to understand who might be the originator of it. So here are several theses and terms from the telefax, maybe you know who follows that line: - the pope is the antichrist (some number-of-the-beast things mentioned, like crown inscription VICARIUS FILII DEI = 666) - the holy day when God rested is saturday (sabbat), not sunday (sunday = sign of the beast, see The Catholic Record, London, Ontario, Sep. 1st, 1923) - Jesus Christ will return - judgment day, heaven, hell - the eternal evangelium, message of the 3 angels - fallen babylon: Roman Catholic church and her children Protestantism/ecumenism as well as babylonian and heathen teachings - those who take on the number of the beast will be punished by angels Is this a specific creed at all or more likely some unknown splinter group?
  2. Which creed calls pope antichrist?

    The tactic to send propaganda via fax seems to fit jehova's witnesses, for I've never heard anything from the adventists here. But there's also a graphic of a 'seal' with a big "7" in the middle and the words: The seal of the Lord of the ten commandments - Sabbat - God the creator of heaven and earth The fax refers to a lot from the Revelation and some Moses, Mark., Jes., Joh., Thess., Dan., Psalm, Eph., Petr., Matth. ... seems to be about everything. One part says that sin leads to death and the merciful gift of God is "eternal life in Jesus Christ our Lord" (1. Joh 1,9) There are other references to eternal life on the new Earth, a right to the tree of life and entering the city that is the new Jerusalem, and that this will come when one follows all of God's laws, including Sabbat. As far as I know jehova's witnesses believe the Bible is true word-by-word, so the many details about what the bible says look like them to me. Maybe this is the witnesses' use of the 'new media' because they don't have time to go from door to door anymore and are rejected anyway?
  3. Earth Expansion Theory

    Well ... my head sometimes feels like I'm wearing a hat, and I'm not sure whether that's really the internal alchemy.
  4. Earth Expansion Theory

    Yeah, it speaks for itself even how many trivial things we don't understand, here on our own planet. There could be pandimensional animals sitting on our heads all the time and we don't know it.
  5. Always good to see the parallels to the so-called enemies: What you write reminds me of (among other places) Mogadishu and Khat. You know what I mean? I learned about this from a documentary about what really happened during "Black Hawk Down". Just read a bit about Khat.
  6. Earth Expansion Theory

    Yes, and although I agree, there's one argument that is not good: They say that because the 'atmosphere' of the sun is much hotter than the surface, the energy can't come out of the sun. But actually is is not impossible. It could be because the fierce chemical reaction that produces this heat is not possible within the sun's body, but only beyond the 'event horizon' so to speak where the sun and the empty space meet.
  7. Who would think it's possible. And it seems to not require a certain amount of intelligence, because when you try to befriend a fly for example, the problem is not the fly, but you, when you don't treat them like any other animal or person. Patience and respect are key ingredients. Just been patient with a locust This dragonfly was photographed while alive and sitting on the ground, an inch away from the lens This hoverfly was rescued by me from a carnivorous plant (Sarracenia). I helped to clean its wings with water and tweezers. Seems to be very thankful. *g* What was especially interesting was that the hoverfly kept going back to the opening of the plant's pitcher, and I first thought "How suicidal", but later discovered that yet another hoverfly had been trapped in there, and I rescued that one, too. It might even be the one from the photos, I don't remember.
  8. Gaining the trust of small animals

    Recently I discovered a stiletto fly (brown hair - beautiful!) sitting on the violets, took some photos, then took a leaf and gave the fly a lift, then held it to a wooden staff and the fly climbed on it. -> Nice position for a photo: Yesterday I saw a 'Paint Lady' on the lavender that had a slightly damaged wing. Probably a bird tried to catch it. I slowly approached it with my finger and could touch that area trying to fix it up a bit; the butterfly allowed it!
  9. Are you aware that the US government makes great efforts in the area of information warfare, especially in connection with the new technologies? It is amazing how much they themselves even admit and how they don't want to leave any development to chance. There's so little credible information. It makes no sense to get excited over what's being reported right now, especially in media that is typically accessed by the masses. You have to consider that it even took five decades before some people mentioned the coup of 1953 in somewhat mass media, and still it is miraculously overheard in the avalanche of media noise. Why do you think the truth about this will come out in the near future? Furthermore... why even wait for those details? The whole thing is just the forseeable consequence of forces that are well known for half an eternity. It's hardly more than finally watching an announced and promoted play on the world stage.
  10. Apparently synchronicity is a phenomenon that occurs much more frequently for people on the spiritual path, the path to awakening. Exploring different theories, one being external (metaphysical), another being a change in personal awareness through altered way of perception, did anyone gain insight about what it really is? Or does the experience of synchronicity remain a mystery all the time? The examples of synchronicity mentioned in the wikipedia are mostly relatively causal in my view. I myself experience synchronistic events more in a way that is utterly disassociated; events in totally different categories, most of the times giving no clue at all, no possible 'message' (a few exceptions). Even if it is just a change in perception, this might be interesting to explore. Maybe our left-brain-consciousness becomes more active here. Of course it could also be internal AND external... that we sharpen our senses/perception for an external phenomenon.
  11. Do you think that the phenomena of DMT that are shared by other drugs that also have some pretty negative side-effects are the same thing happening? I mean... things like OOB experiences are relatively hard to explain as pure imagination, but they are said to occur with all the mentioned drugs. I just learned today that other substances can give thinks like OOB experiences, too. Didn't know that. So I just had the idea that maybe the discrediting view towards drugs with seriously negative effects might discredit the 'spiritual' effects, too. But on the other hand, naturally there seem to be drugs that actually cause nothing more than made-up experiences (hallucination).
  12. Synchronicity - any insights gained yet?

    1. nei kung - check 2. virtue - check 3. listening - check conclusion... 4. patience makes it easier By the way... concerning all those triple-digits I experience ... Have you taken a look at my member number? When I noticed it shortly after registering, I thought: Oh, who didn't see that one coming?!
  13. Synchronicity - any insights gained yet?

    Although from my experience, the really strong desires won't manifest that easily, no matter how much excitement you put into them, while all the worthless number shit is thrown at me all the time. One day this wordplay came to my mind: numb ... number ... numbers
  14. Healthy Americans Against Reforming Medicine

    @Blasto Taoism ... Buddhism ... religions. Of course they're not that much a warrant for quality, I mean, they are in parts seriously flawed ... or why do buddhists honor and value ALL life equal and would never end a life and are thus vegetarian, but ah... plants ... well plants aren't really life, you know. That's a special thing. We have to kill plants to eat. Is there a more precise explanation of this problem in buddhism? What is it really about? The ego? The spirit/soul? Do plants have a soul? Why do they treat all life as equal?
  15. Healthy Americans Against Reforming Medicine

    Yeah, people should become aware of what they're doing. Here in Germany people so often say - Why vote? There's no party left that I can vote for with good conscience. They all showed that they only long for power. Well, this by itself reveals their own longing for power, for when I inquire about that, I find out that they just ignore the many smaller parties on the ballot because they won't have any power anyway. So they want to be on the winner's side and thus take part in the power games. Besides ... every vote gets the party some money here, so it helps for future activities. Following this principle-based thought pattern ... You won't guess what I'm voting for ... Pirates! Apparently this small party already causes fear in the establishment, because of all the slander they ARRRR subjected to.
  16. Synchronicity - any insights gained yet?

    Considering the numerological aspect, the only sense I could - sometimes - discover is a probable analogy to the chakra system and its elements or organs (1 = earth, 2 = water, 5 = throat). Like when "555" occurs with something that is of vocal nature. So it seems to simply show what is, thus the advice might apply here to not get attached to phenomena. Well, how should I? They're useless! But fascinating nevertheless. Maybe by having this chakra system in my mind I'm summoning those occurences. Maybe I have this system because of observed synchronicities. I don't remember whether the hen or the egg came first.
  17. Healthy Americans Against Reforming Medicine

    @Joe You're right that the original idea was nothing like the 'big ideas' now, but don't get upset about problems that are artificially created. In the end ... shouldn't matter what people want? That's a real problem. The people aren't properly represented. So as long as this is the case, everything else is not worth arguing about, because by arguing pro/contra, you make yourself an advocate for a grievance that should never have existed in the first place.
  18. Synchronicity - any insights gained yet?

    There is no conceivable purpose to it. No benefit, so at least seemingly no desire that could have caused it. Just let me make up an extreme numerological example, just to make it clear: Imagine you write a text document on your PC and the file size is 1111 Bytes. In the evening you put the document MIME encoded in an e-mail, write some comments and send it and the resulting e-mail has as size of 3333 Bytes. And then you - without knowing why - turn your head to the clock and it shows 22:22. Now this could be considered highly synchronistic, right? But apart from that, you're no wiser than before. ... 1 - 3 - 2 - AH! How interesting!
  19. Synchronicity - any insights gained yet?

    I mean that in your examples things just happen when they are beneficial, as you'd wish them to happen. So id could be discussed whether your desire manifested. In my way, I guess it's just disorderly, so no benefit comes from it. By the way ... I wouldn't go so far as to say it's synchronicity, but the first part of this text that I just found the motivation to read on that website fits in an interesting way here (in terms of Wu-wei and subtle influences): http://www.reuniting.info/wisdom/aligning_...the_tao_lao_tzu
  20. Synchronicity - any insights gained yet?

    Hm, this might be a sub-class of synchronicity. Reminds me of a report of a European in Africa, how you can't get things done quickly, but when you forget about them, they get done effortlessly, although in that case it was more a matter of chaotic group communication. The type of synchronicities I experience are not helpful like your Wu-wei examples, but more symbolistic. Like seeing something in real life and then later the same thing in a movie, without any imaginable connection between them that could have transported the content of the movie into real life by its watchers. This is by the way maybe parallel to the topic of numerology, for which I opened a thread some time ago. Some occurences are just extremely unlikely, and explaining them with selective perception is often not sufficient. No wonder that the idea of subtle ways of collectively shaping our reality came about.
  21. Lama Dorje

    This is a very interesting aspect and poses the question where to draw the line, or whether this should be variable - adapted to the practitioner. I created this little theory based on my own experience that also here you sometimes have to make one step back in order to be able to make two forward. Or to say it more clearly: Maybe the optimum way of being taught is different for everybody, because: In order to get to B, you HAVE to start at A. Do you know what I mean? I don't disregard explanation or knowledge, because it has actually helped me finding Kunlun, and diminished fear and increased compassion. All only through gaining understanding by doing research. As an example: For someone who is a lot in the head, it might be especially difficult to open to the subtle energies because there's no idea about what they are and no provious experience about how to bring them about. A heart-centered person might KNOW what to do when told to let go and open the heart, but for a 'heady' person to reach the same goal, it might be very helpful to explain it in detail. This is more helping than hindering. But it often lacks there - when the teacher offers a fixed procedure for everyone without taking/having the time to examine the "A" from which the journey is supposed to start. I hope that soon I will understand all this a lot better, but this is just where I am right now. As a sidenote: You might not believe it, but I think that maybe this warned-of attaching to phenomena might also be that one step back that enables progress, because when motivation is missing, this could help immensely. Whether someone 'falls into the trap' of attachment is simply a matter of self-awareness. I'm doing so much self-reflection that I kinda have a strong 'controlling instance' like another personality in terms of awareness that takes care about myself to not fall into traps and studies myself as a case, like a psychologist studies a patient. That often means that when I'm dealing with a problem, I'm aware that it should not be a problem at all, but know that simply knowing this won't solve the problem. I sometimes just can't help it, but I'm fully aware of the whole complex. Of course, this personal aspect is a matter of available time. It's just that practicing Kunlun as a total beginner, without a group and in a quite non-supportive environment is really freaking hard! And these difficulties and lack of outside help lead to the necessity to deal with all these matters by myself, and this leads to the dilemma, because this is very head-biased again. Some influences just can't be thwarted. Maybe later, but that's time-inverse, you know. That's why the beginning is the hardest. It's like in order to be able to travel from A to B, you first have to mentally arrive at B and know the place.
  22. Healthy Americans Against Reforming Medicine

    Hm, in Germany we have a system where some people are more paying and some more getting. But nobody talks about Socialism. They call it solidary. It's a lot more complicated in detail, but I don't see why the USA can't adapt systems from other countries. (But of course, this is all just made-up problems.) Actually the true sense of "hysterical" is not the same as of "hysterical laughter".
  23. I just read some comments on the IMDB and thought that it might be pretty enlightening to read the most negative comments, too. Some of them mention a horrible case of false promotion, and I can deduct from that someting that bugs me, too, and I can only make assumptions here, but I'm fed up with superficially thrown-together movie ingredients. I really enjoy subtlely and when things simply fit together NATURALLY and - without exaggeration - when I watch a movie that quickly switches between or mixes deepest sadness and hilarious joking, it seems sick and perverted to me and gives me a really ugly feeling. Hard to explain, but maybe these powerful emotions and situations should be treated with respect. I see a mix like that in a movie and wonder what the film maker must have been thinking. Again, I haven't seen "Up", but for several years now I see a trend in the movie business like in the rest of society: For a blockbuster movie that makes big bucks, you have to have some humor, some grief, some drama, some horror, et cetera. Don't forget to throw in some of those! They make money! I think it's quite obvious when this intention was not at work in a movie. It's like I can sense the self-confidence and character strength of the film maker. I really love movies that feel honest and natural! And maybe where this kind of movie is not available, narrow-genre ones are still better than 'OptiMix'. I'm very curious about your thoughts about this and how accurate you think my analysis is.
  24. Risks of Genetically Modified Foods

    (lapsed, deleted)