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Everything posted by Owledge

  1. @Nikolai You are still a judgmental talker full of yourself. Saying what I did was inappropriate is a total perversion of what healthy people (which whom I have no problem at all interaction by the way, surprise, surprise Dr. Wannabe Freud) consider apparent. This is still total victim-blaming. YOU need therapy with this distorted perception. You belong to the majority of unempathic victim-blamers who are the reason why there are still illegal wars in the world killing millions. Please stop commenting on this, because your projecting and condescending/patronizing chatter is insulting and horrifying, and at that point there is nothing that can be done for you.
  2. little tiny flying things

    Applies to your statements, too.
  3. Related thought I wrote down recently: https://twitter.com/Dowlphin/status/564441140330774528 Making an effort is what makes all the difference, and can be perceived and appreciated, no matter where a person is in their cultivation.
  4. This is exactly my point. I suffer because I follow a path I know is good, at least in principle. Giving up virtue is one of the hardest things to do. I have always been a bright kid. I saw what was unhealthy in people and chose not to succumb. As I said in my blog, it's a choice about whether to kill off your self-esteem in order to be liked by (rotten) peers. I'm not saying I shouldn't suffer because of my choices. I am saying that my choices are porpoiseful and that we need to talk about these things openly, thus I am doing that. Silent acceptance of injustice is one of the greatest evils in the world. Without it, all those wicked things would not be possible. We would pursue healing instead. (Always giving in passively, lovingly, does not work with people who are still living a conscious choice to follow the path of darkness. They will only exploit that, as mine has been exploited repeatedly. Sometimes even a punch in the face can be compassionate (because skillful in pursuit of someone else's healing). I don't have any illusions about those musicians. I cannot change them. I just wish they had refrained from offering something they didn't intend to fulfill. Ignorance is definitely bliss. I used to go to conventions and was able to (mostly) enjoy them, probably only because I didn't know how many of the people around me who superficially shared interests would leave me bleeding on the street. Bronies are carring a big anti-bullying sign, yet they aren't willing to extend that to their own circles. Such cruel hypocrites. Well, you know the saying: It's far easier to fight for principles than to live up to them. People tell themselves convenient lies, and I've always been the fool who actually makes an effort to live those things, not realizing how others are just playing pretend. This honed my bullshit detector quite a lot.
  5. From personal message with mutual agreement: -------------------- Nikolai1: I read enough to get the gist, or what felt like the gist for me. Why are you caught up in this insanity? Why are you paying all that money to make an unbearably awful song about yourself? What possesses you to be so vain? (And try not to tell yourself that you did it 'for charity'.) How could you expect this to be anything other than a matter of extreme disinterest for the songmakers? Is it not obvious to you that they need to think of their reputation in all their projects. Yes they have a duty to you. But you have a duty to give them material that is simple, normal, and in the spirit of what they do and what they thought they were offering. I hope all parties learn something from this. In this whole episode you behave exactly like someone who needs to be bullied by life. I'm sure you're an amzing person as well, but its always a problem when a person dpesn't realise that for themselves. Best wishes, nikolai -------------------- Me: You are extremely judgmental and lack inquisitiveness, assuming whatever serves your own beliefs and decisions about how to see the world. You reveal your mental convenience in the first thing you said. This is the lack of empathy I am talking about. You choose to assume a position that would not cause you mental inconvenience and discard anything that doesn't serve that. As the guy who does the charities pointed out to me, there is a common psychological problem in people's behavior. When they think (or want to believe) that they cannot make a difference anyway, they tend to blame the 'victim'. This is basically like telling a raped woman: "I hope you have learned from this not to dress like a hooker. Have some understanding for horny psychopaths." Naturally you wrote this privately. Too afraid to be judged yourself? Too afraid of the scary encounter of people who are willing to bear mental inconvenience for the sake of empathy? -------------------- Nikolai1: I wrote privately out of sensitivity to you. If you want to put it on the thread you may with my permission. Rather than blame everyone and their lack of empathy, please try and look at yourself and how you might unconsciously create the reactions in others. Most people get through life without being bullied. For others, it is a repetitive pattern because they themselves are the common factor. You're an intelligent person, and I'm happy to discuss this further privately or publicly, but please don't judge anything I say as personal attack or you will want to attack back - which is never good for dialogue. -------------------- Me: I have been doing self-reflection all my life. As I wrote in the thread, I know what causes these things to happen, but there are always two parties to it. I am causing insecurities in people who choose the easy path, then realize I am choosing the difficult path, then they feel bad in contrast, being reminded of their inconvenient self-knowledge that they tried to hide behind a mask. I give people every leeway I can in this, since I understand their behavior is fear-based, thus I am being my lovely best, but without incentive to change, people won't - fear is way more convenient, and I'm not trying to make them change, but as this case shows, one can unwittingly get entangled in the affairs of such people, because they are lying to themselves and others, and that's deception, and deception is bound to cause problems like this, and then refusal of personal responsibility is what leads to arrogant and hurtful egotism.
  6. This result I am witnessing now. Lack of emotional depth in either way. That's the middle path for you. When I despise people now, it is without emotion. When I love something, it is a thought in my mind shaping the words. If a personal problem is to be named, after examining my whole life now, it would be indeed a great polarity, but the polarity between my virtue and authenticity and the depravity and faking of so many I come in contact with. In a nourishing environment I can grow to incredible heights, but such was absent almost all my life. Thus I now, in some tragic irony, feel the need to allow rottenness into my character in order to lessen the tension to my environment. But I am making sure to direct that only to those of the mindset that inflicted the wound.
  7. little tiny flying things

    This reminds me of how I recently got reminded of how when people claim they can see auras, they might be deluding themselves, because when they talk about a bright rim around people and certain objects, this might just be a kind of burn-in effect created due to brightness differences between an object and a background. This is even mentioned as techniques for making aura-sight easier: Stare into nothingness (= don't accidentally focus on something, but don't move your eyes) and watch people in front of a light background. So that phenomenon is very likely bullshit, because I experimented with it and I could see such auras around pretty much anything that had good contrast to the surroundings. And by moving my eyes, I could 'smear' those auras and make them thicker.
  8. Caffeine pills?

    I have written a topic on caffeine pills a while ago. (You should be able to find it.) Got some more insights now I guess. People keep saying that according to studies, moderate regular intake of caffeine helps the brain develop better. If you don't up the dosage (max. 1 pill a day), it's probably fine. I used the pills a while ago to chase away depression-like moods based on lack of energy. Currently I try to avoid them, because I am exploring the strategy of fully giving in to tiredness and lack of energy and making the best of that. It was my desire to get stuff done that made me take the pills, because after many years of lack of fulfillment, consciously deciding to not do anything (basically apathetic slacking) is maybe the hardest thing to do. But repeatedly running against walls sucks, too.
  9. Naturally. Opposite of a boob you will find another boob. Unlike a noob, whose opposite is a boon.
  10. Probably not, but you might get suspentet.
  11. The spacing between the title's words (THE DÀO BUMS) could be a bit larger. Currently it looks very strange.
  12. Not my cup of T. (Are we The Coffeeao Bums now?) But seriously, the new name fits to a T. By dhe dao, your user didle isn'd updaded yed.
  13. It's weird: There's a new movie - American Sniper. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2179136 People keep ranting how it's US military glorification or something. But it's directed by Clint Eastwood. Now allegedly he is quite right-wing, but then I also remember him directing that movie duo about Pearl Harbor, first on US side, then Jap side, so showing both sides. I could imagine though that this is a case of hindsight-always-20/20 and that he doesn't see the similarities between past and present warfare. I am tempted to watch the movie just to find out, because the reviews I could find are useless in this regards, because conflicting. But I'd hate it if it DID have ambiguous messages and I paid for something like that. So can you give me your view on that that clarifies this uncertainty? Is this a movie that points out the negative sides of warfare in general but glorifies the nationalistic propaganda story of the (troubled but) hero soldier? Is this movie conveying a message of the likes of "We need to take good care of our brave men, they're fighting against evil terrorists."? Or does it seem like a legit anti-war movie that shows the horrors of the folly and only depicts all the glory and pathos in order to portray the situation realistically?
  14. I've gathered from a 5-elements chart that deep sighing is associated with the kidneys, which are associated with fear. Now I'm trying to examine my condition based on TCM. I'm dealing with some rough stuff lately, more than usual that is, so maybe it's related. Since two days ago or so, I yawn quite a lot, but it's kinda mixed with sighing. I'd get am impulse to breathe deeply, and most of the times that (which I couldn't even clearly distinguish whether it's yawning or sighing) attempts to breathe deeply into the belly, but fails. Only sometimes I manage to breathe it down into the belly. I always try, but it just doesn't work. It probably works better if I don't try consciously. Is my body/psyche trying to get rid of something? Is this a symptom of cleansing or an active harmful process? My waking cycle has always been very flexible in recent years, but it's still unusual that I get out of bed and after 6 hours awake I am damn unmotivated, have the blues and (attempt to) yawn/deep-breathe usually several times a minute. I've had a blood and urine test lately and ultrasonic examination of my inner organs and based on that, my body is fine. Getting therapeutic back massages lately, too, but the symptoms didn't start with that, but more likely with a recent interpersonal crisis (resolution/dealing with). Not sure if in any way related, but I'm also craving meat lately. If this is about grounding, then I don't know whether it's a healing or an avoidance reaction.
  15. Je ne suis pas Charlie

    The fearless doesn't try to accomplish anything. And if the fearless keeps sending love to those who don't appreciate it, he might eventually find himself having picked up some nasty fears. Nothing is perfect or static. Everything is in motion. If the fearless isn't in danger of falling, it means he's dead. Or outside of karma, to use a different view. And the catch with being outside of karma is that it's pointless to stay here. You can't affect anything anyway. Time to move on then.
  16. Je ne suis pas Charlie

    At some point you realize that you have to respect people's will. And if people are making a conscious decision to be wicked, then it is appropriate to give them hell. Anything else would only feed their corruption. No real change without intention to change. Some have to be coerced into merely adapting, or worse. If you keep trying to change those who don't want to change, it reveals that you have an emotional attachment based on your own goals, which is a vulnerability that will be exploited, and then you become complicit, because you're basically demon fodder. ... A bit like when people don't care about PC security, saying they are open and have nothing to hide, and then their computers are used for DDoD attacks.
  17. http://dowlphin.deviantart.com/art/What-is-the-moon-pointing-at-510336614
  18. People with No Heart (literally)

    Skillfully (or obliviously) dodged.
  19. Who has seen American Sniper?

    Wow, until I did more reading now, I wasn't aware that the movie is based on an actual person, and on his autobiographical book ... and that the movie made him appear nicer and less of a total sociopath than he actually was. I also believe it was no conicidence that American Sniper came to cinema on MLK day, along the movie Selma about him. Yet another distraction-from-truth operation.
  20. Just wanted to share a little tidbit. Maybe it's nothing, or not what I think, or whatever. Just feel like sharing. Feel free to speculate to your heart's content, haha. My massage therapist mentioned that she had an itching feeling at her hair line, center forehead (which, since her hair line is quite high up, would probably be the so-called(?) unicorn point), and had no clue what could be causing it. It must have been a significant sensation according to her description. Today she told me that later the itching had moved down to between her eyes/eyebrows. Any interesting information on why the same points can manifest so many various sensations? I myself have a magnetic feeling and rarely it felt like a cool breeze (which in the Kunlun Nei Gung system is said to be when the real energy flow is active, so to speak), but I've read that it can also be heat/burning sensation. Also tingling? And itching is still different from tingling, but is that 'official', too?
  21. People with No Heart (literally)

    I rarely have the energy to watch a lecture video this long these days, and I probably could make my own video like that by now, after all the things I have learned. But can you summarize some key messages from it?
  22. TCM on excessive yawning/sighing?

    @soaring crane By chance, I found it now, while looking for something else: https://conscioustouchbc.files.wordpress.com/2011/06/theory-of-the-five-elements1.jpg