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Everything posted by trailmaker

  1. Relationships with older women

    Thankful for a population of younger women with very old souls...
  2. Noob from Aneros forum.

    "The only value in dispute is in agreement."; discussions here are more along those lines. Hope you enjoy the break...
  3. Meditating in a graveyard

    Some times hard to know when the time is right...
  4. Haiku Chain

    adorn the hallways... ancient cobbles underfoot antlers on the walls
  5. How does your Garden Grow?

    For many years planted 15'X25' plot, "The three sisters" (corn, winter squash and pole beans), enough for all year long. Carrots, beets, potatoes. Also nice perishables like melons, radishes, lettuce, etc. Now do tomatoes on the porch in a 5-gallon bucket, and buy everything else from local organic farm stands...lots of family farms around here.
  6. Haiku Chain

    sounds like a subtle recipe. just add hot water oysters, lemon, worcestershire wonderful on side (um, had to edit for 5-7-5)
  7. Newbee here

    Hey KL - Welcome - When you get tired of where you're at you can always take a break around here. A change is as good as a rest, right? Been studying/practicing long? Where in NYC?
  8. Haiku Chain

    all in time, timeless all in perfect metric form when you get it right
  9. Haiku Chain

    Argentinian Latin rhythms eternal theme and the tao of dance
  10. Introduction

    Most welcome VC neat name - great takes on all things cyclic around here - do enjoy...
  11. Is Gardening Evil?

    Sounds like no-fault action on this one is pretty tricky...maybe try companion planting, so that what does grow is desireable and also discourages "weeds". Wu-wei...?
  12. Haiku Chain

    pray for peas on earth oats peas beans and barley grow life-force testimony
  13. Haiku Chain

    or you'll wish you had perhaps a canvas and brush more form, less function
  14. Haiku Chain

    best use a tissue. keep them off the porch as well or you'll wish you had
  15. Hi

    Yes, welcome - no doubt someone around here has been somewhere down whatever road you're on...
  16. Haiku Chain

    shadow companion the physical implicit in form and function...
  17. Haiku Chain

    gym workouts daily diets; D-cup underwires, is all vanity?
  18. Helping out a friend.

    All of the above, AND professional intervention...danger to self and others...
  19. hello world

    OK - I was born and grew up in Norwich to an age when I could appreciate Kerouac; many a mile on the way ever since, all the way to here. Be well...
  20. hello world

    Welcome Joe - Have a good time here - Where are you in New England?
  21. Heartism - Closest to Taoism

    A lot of ideas in motion - justification?
  22. Haiku Chain

    give me Haiku Chain! real and unknown are parts of Way well...get what you see Coolest? We live in the hope...
  23. Hugo Darien

    Hi Hugo - Next? Maybe more of the same and if that doesn't happen, something else will...?
  24. Haiku Chain

    crows squawk in the sun. as ravens croak a warning soaring hawk circles
  25. Bliss is Everywhere!

    So right just so...