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Everything posted by trailmaker

  1. Haiku Chain

    please do not disturb signs on doorknobs as I pass ah - my room at last...
  2. Carlos Castaneda and Don Juan

    CC was certainly writing about the power...
  3. Haiku Chain

    voluptuary tentative thought, resolute now, is the time right?
  4. A Brief Introduction

    Sure - Welcome - "...How do you like your tea?" (FAQ)
  5. Hello...

    Right, welcome and have a good time...
  6. Haiku Chain

    good and bad vanished... fresh rain, bird feeder abandoned a woodland retreat
  7. Tao Bums's emotional vampires

    Excellent post, this being a discussion forum on the way - with personality types go behaviors - knowing the "types" facilitates communication - everybody appreciates recognition...
  8. breathing tip

    Good thought - "Inebriate of air am I..." - It's all been written down somewhere, and the good stuff keeps coming up...
  9. Haiku Chain

    Unlimited heights Solitary bird flies the highest after all Just thinking back...
  10. How do you prepare your tea?

    Oolong in the morning in a teaball in a cup just add water at a boil and steep as usual
  11. Haiku Chain

    nose to the ground, woof now making the morning rounds dog's day opening...
  12. Knowledge, Belief, Faith

    Old, old questions. How about Awareness? Just some fun, thinkin'.
  13. Haiku Chain

    nature pollutes us. what doesn't kill you leaves you more resiliant
  14. Brand Newbie...Hi.

    Hello and welcome - Have a fine year...
  15. Knowledge, Belief, Faith

    Yes, the mix-up - pretty safe haven to know that you don't know (of course until you Do...)
  16. Optimal happines

    the far so good
  17. Knowledge, Belief, Faith

    Yup Yoda was pretty much wu wei being. Long since Beamed Up good old soul...
  18. Haiku Chain

    and think of Auschwitz and we live on two levels, ...real and fantastic (with thanks to Tennessee Williams)
  19. One more hello!

    Hi Cueball, most welcome - and with a good name like that got to have fun...
  20. Optimal happines

  21. Knowledge, Belief, Faith

    Sure just like that - nice take - fun thinking...
  22. Haiku Chain

    ribbit... it wasn't my turn! taking my place in the choir humbled, resolute...
  23. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    Right - Don't p!ss too close to the well; Don't s-!t upstream, time-honored wisdom...meant as lore in vernacular...
  24. Haiku Chain

    one footfall, silence then a single voice breaks in a moment's solo
  25. Haiku Chain

    so peculiarly they sing alone in chorus frogs fog-bound song flight