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Everything posted by trailmaker

  1. Haiku Chain

    dawn, forest, trees; heart. sudden awakening, ask anything finer?

    Sorry, hello again? You had good posts whether or not it's you. Blasto you have plenty good posts - all get read, some get more attention at the moment and then all gone?

    pues hola de nueva ola...tras una cantidad...always something new

    certainly poetic stuff like some masters who embraced the moon to better know the yang forces. enjoy...
  5. Ice Cream and Qi gong.

    There again what limits?
  6. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    Right - so, maybe well to fear whatever runs in the 'face of nature', Chief Seattle of the Suqamis: "Man does not weave the web of life. He is merely a strand of it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself." So what are we gonna do, eh? Like Manitou said, "At some level, the advice is 'do nothing'
  7. Ice Cream and Qi gong.

    fun thread oh eat all the ice cream you want and work it off. part of my daily practice, when cultivating only that.
  8. Haiku Chain

    snow lies underfoot what lies o'er to lure the gaze of "the twa corbies"...
  9. Haiku Chain

    My pal Billy sang... A year within memory A sonnet in there?
  10. hello world

    Hello and welcome - nice intro - right, lotus - leaves, flowers (esp. stamens), seeds, edible, used in ancient cuisine, all sweet, astringent, ayurvedic neutral, heart and kidney beneficial?
  11. Haiku Chain

    'You coco cannot but driven nuts by bicker... inspired; seek, resolve.
  12. Why and how is Te found within Taoism?

    Tao Te Ching
  13. Haiku Chain

    CT and A7 you do good! my neighbor's kitchen is the finest place for some nice conversation
  14. Haiku Chain

    so fine set of threads amateurs though we may be. oops - may I adjust? crimson tint and pink.. maybe a Big Sur sunup rise to start your day..
  15. Haiku Chain

    Today I forgot what democracy means, Ah... then best think it through
  16. Oooo nobles dakas and dakinis!

    Bienvenu, Marquis, have a good time.
  17. fine topic - so fine simplify
  18. Haiku Chain

    I cannot place it ...between moon sign and moonshine forgotten summer?
  19. Haiku Chain

    we shall fly tonight hummingbird's iridescence darting, out of view
  20. Brain and biochemistry

  21. Haiku Chain

    parts break, multiply then coalesce, seek shelter with the coming snow
  22. hello

    hi janell - welcome to a good place - hope you find it so.
  23. YoYoYO, i gota say hey befor i can say anything lol

    hello hydro - welcome - nice intro - certainly 'key' to know that one does not know - something that comes along with that awareness facilitates choice of meditation approach, no?
  24. Haiku Chain

    fanciful. what fool wears fool's clothes? both kinds sometimes and never not really goofing?
  25. Haiku Chain

    wait till it's broken if you want to enjoy it do, and let it go