
The Dao Bums
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Everything posted by trailmaker

  1. Haiku Chain

    in one's body/mind yin/yang forces, all, within savor awareness!
  2. Haiku Chain

    crossing and fulcrum qual and quant, daily doing hopefully balance
  3. New Member

    hello, WDH - and welcome to the tao bums. fine intro. have fun here; tao of cool always appreciated.
  4. Haiku Chain

    a throw away line it's okay just let it go when the time is right
  5. Give up smoking

    i went for acupuncture - worked overnight - haven't had a cig since 1988. my wife went at the same time, and no luck (but she really didn't want it to work.). his technique for me made smoking tobacco taste unpleasantly galvanic, like chewing on tinfoil. no fun=quit. best of luck.
  6. The Best Tao Te Ching Translation?

    good question leon - i've been enjoying the david hinton translation for a couple of years now, and there are many others that remain to be compared. does anybody know the translator/compiler of the edition that came out in the 70s with brief, poetic verses and large black-and-white photographs complimenting/reflecting each verse. i had a copy, but loaned it and never got it back - would like to get another copy. trailmaker
  7. taoist groups in the uk

    hello 'hyporich' - tight intro - i am sure you will find correspondence here. "always a component of anxiety in depression". where are you in taoist studies? most welcome.
  8. Haiku Chain

    perfect equation balancing real and surreal all nonlinear all nonlinear with disambiguation clarity revealed
  9. Haiku Chain

    indeed a nice exchange. it's long division hints of the algebraic perfect equation
  10. I'm here... Capital, right?

    hello - Capital intro! bet you'll have fun.
  11. Are you REALLY a Taoist?

    i like the quiz - fine filter. 1 neo-pagan 100% 2 mahayana buddhist 91% 3 liberal quaker 88% 4 new age 88% 5 theravada buddhist 85% 6 u/u 80% 7 taoist 71% 8 hindu 68% 9 b'hai 66% 10 jain 64% 11 orthodox quaker 64% sure do agree that taobums forum could use its own quiz and am sure that one can be concocted without creating undue competition and at the same time way to clearer focus, especially for beginners. neat project to contemplate. thanks, trailmaker
  12. Are you REALLY a Taoist?

    i like the quiz - fine filter. 1 neo-pagan 100% 2 mahayana buddhist 91% 3 liberal quaker 88% 4 new age 88% 5 theravada buddhist 85% 6 u/u 80% 7 taoist 71% 8 hindu 68% 9 b'hai 66% 10 jain 64% 11 orthodox quaker 64% sure do agree that taobums forum could use its own quiz and am sure that one can be concocted without creating undue competition and at the same time way to clearer focus, especially for beginners. neat project to contemplate. thanks, trailmaker
  13. Haiku Chain

    choose to use and mean chant the tune and do the dance and away we go!
  14. Haiku Chain

    molecules of mind work silently mirrorlike reflecting pure light
  15. Haiku Chain

    alchemical child fine line...equilibrium and oh imbalance
  16. Involuntary jerking while dozing

    hi hardyg - you might google "restless leg syndrome" for chemistry/physiology of this not-uncommon experience.
  17. Haiku Chain

  18. What languages do you speak?

    first language english, fluent in spanish - would really enjoy a spanish subforum, but am in a minority. trailmaker
  19. Hello everyone

    hi renee - welcome. i don't know of a better place to help put things in perspective - hope you enjoy.
  20. locked out of AYP

  21. Haiku Chain

    artform - glad for your recovery. body/mind floats free contemplating consciousness one two three, away!
  22. well if you know you have the answer, don't ask the i ching for a second opinion. it'll blow you away.
  23. is it only me or the TB has lost its magic?

    like at one time there was a back-to-the-vedas movement in hinduism, gautama buddha refined that, and lao tze re-refined way. back to the basics every time. natural law prevails. breath of fresh air every time.
  24. Taoist Vagabond

    admirable and a bit enviable - as a younger man i did just that - wouldn't trade those years of sharing 'knowledge' along the way for anything. welcome and bring all you got. quite a bit here, never ceases to amaze.
  25. Hello from forestofemptiness

    nothing wrong with change. especially when you want to do it different next time, right? glad you're hangin' in. trailmaker