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Everything posted by trailmaker

  1. Haiku Chain

    of a single day what can linger in recall; stillness in real time?
  2. Haiku Chain

    they are statuesque and imprinted in memory of a single day. eh?
  3. Newbie confused by "see and not see"

    a pleasure sifting through all these responses. clarity in dialog is so fine when closing in on...that which cannot be adequately described.
  4. hear, hear! and in the meantime put on a good blues cd and enjoy. or read some li po or even better on the blues, basho.
  5. Imbalance?

    right - along with your other beneficial practices, are you including increasing muscle tone and cardiovascular workouts that are compatible with your cultivation of breathing techniques? just a thought - good tone, and non-controlled breathing optimize balance. like maybe pumping iron and getting a yang 'high'? same time endorphins kicking in with soothing yin force, negating the pain.
  6. Was Laozi a mathematician?

    not familiar with that version of the tao te ching, but sounds interesting enough to get a copy and compare with other translations. lao tze as a mathematician? hands down ace at breaking even, while avoiding trivial addition and subtraction (perdition and distraction, ha).
  7. SALT

    yes, 'jod' means iodine in swedish.
  8. Haiku Chain

    free of confusion and time-bound experience perfect part of all.
  9. Newbie confused by "see and not see"

    absolutely - clean rhetoric essential to good teaching. could say it another way , like 'see and unsee'? esl serious barrier for some teachers, and intended clarity brings confusion.
  10. Lack of sleep and fatigue

    . a good teacher guided me to delta level IV sleep in a way that includes REM. great siestas. the chemistry of sleep is a fascinating topic.
  11. Freedom & Desire

    felt to me couple years ago got a hold of it and had been waiting long enough; perhaps moment of surrender?
  12. Lack of sleep and fatigue

    nice take on 'being aware'. making plenty sense. guess over time i pigeonholed all else 'work yoga', some days better than others, of course. daily awareness is energy.
  13. Lack of sleep and fatigue

    rest/health of course beneficial anyway, and healthy stress levels can heighten awareness in every way. at one time i was a paramedic in a busy city. can guarantee that with enough sleep deprivation and on-the-job stress one can get caught up in a nightmare (in a heightened state, mind ya', but the awareness is other than pleasant.) took a few days off 'til sleep and practices returned to usual. didn't drink any coffee in the meantime, ha.
  14. Third-Eye Attention

    had a teacher introduced third-eye, through eyes-to-the-middle meditation prep. felt what you're speaking of, but no squint or anything involuntary developed. don't need to do that anymore myself, but it's a good method, good you got a teacher, i really appreciated mine. the approach i was taught was away from visualization once it occurred, thus open to good meditation. so focus to refocus and there you are.
  15. Surrogate parenting?

    been around here a couple of months. generally been around otherwise longer than most, and haven't enjoyed a forum, website, etc this much, ever. longtime personal practice, and the language is still spoken. of course after several thousand years a language dies hard. people come here with an appreciation of/for the transitory nature of 'all things', coming to know that in tao the status quo is change. got to like it.

    HugoOlivaresMila is compiling a growing list of related titles under 'taoist discussion'; check his bookshelf post for some good ones.
  17. Haiku Chain

    sky and earth are one and all directions converge free of confusion.
  18. hi HOM - some of my favorite bookshelf titles are: 'the tao te ching', david hinton translation. 'tao - the watercourse way' by alan watts. 'mountain home', the wilderness poetry of ancient china, translated by david hinton. the 'i ching', book of changes, wilhelm translation, introduction by carl jung. 'the yoga of herbs' by dr vasant lad/david frawley.
  19. Haiku Chain

    my eye now has ears thus sensing without intent worldly path to way
  20. Haiku Chain

    we may look ahead it is good to be ready ever in the now
  21. Enlightenment, in depth

    cat - really got to like that take.

    bag balm and and then give it a rest. yep.
  23. is it only me or the TB has lost its magic?

    hello pietro - enjoying your thoughts on transition. i like that there's no end to it.
  24. Magnetic Qi Kung

    negative = receptive?
  25. Haiku Chain

    now past and present both becoming one with all apple tree blossoms!