
The Dao Bums
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Everything posted by trailmaker

  1. Nice to be here :)

    Welcome - enjoy your stay...
  2. Hello All

    Welcome - now that you've posted here you should be able to post where you like...
  3. Haiku Chain

    between yin and yang tranquility transcendent certain consciousness
  4. Whats up everybody/ Celibacy

    Hello and welcome - definitely a question and comment place here; sometimes answers as well. Get the right partner and no more premature issues...
  5. Haiku Chain

    Hungry hour later All done and then forgotten So now what to do?
  6. Haiku Chain

    I'll take myself home. Seems like a washout just now There's always next time...
  7. Greetings

    Welcome and have a good time...
  8. Haiku Chain

    Dew drops on green leaves. In the dimension of time content, moving through
  9. Hello

    Have a good time - do any haikus?
  10. Hello!

    Results are likely to improve - your English is OK in this post - welcome and go with it...
  11. Greetings

    Welcome - lots of levels here...
  12. Merry Christmas.....

    Best of Holiday Wishes, and a peaceful New Year, all... Trailmaker
  13. howdy

    Whatever comes next indeed - and if that doesn't happen, something else will - welcome...
  14. welcome

    Likewise, for sure...
  15. Wuji in Teutonic Spirituality

    Fine essay - good to distil from the eclectic...
  16. Haiku Chain

    What wax do I use? Waxing, waning, on the way Lyrical haiku
  17. Haiku Chain

    Buffalo grazing. We're here 'cause we're not all there The open range of thought
  18. So fresh and so clean

    Hey - here we are...
  19. hi, questions

    Welcome - now that you've posted an intro should all be a go...
  20. Yes indeed - The last of my three teachers was a master of the basics - knew the pitfalls, which often include one's own hopes and expectations - what might your advice now be to a student on this topic?
  21. Alan Watts "The Book"

    Haven't checked it - likely will sometime - many years ago came to value those western thinkers who were able to grasp and teach eastern thought...
  22. Greetings from a new member

    Welcome and enjoy the discussions...
  23. Haiku Chain

    rock softly reading sometimes Lao Tze and then Li Po subtle web of thought
  24. Yes - "A Yaqui way of Knowledge" not difficult for this taoist to appreciate...