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Everything posted by trailmaker

  1. week stay at shaolin temple?

    Right - Whatever the level at which you're admitted, got to be good to be there...
  2. Haiku Chain

    as lids slowly close scales fall from old lizard eyes the real realized
  3. Haiku Chain

    Birds over mountains Back home, watching, now blinking with unbroken gaze
  4. Hello

    Welcome - enjoy the discussion...
  5. Haiku Chain

    tennis trophy glints appearances, images alive and vibrant
  6. The music guy from

    Right on...
  7. Haiku Chain

    let the monsters sleep even fondest memories disturb peace of mind
  8. I need help

    Hello sameesh - do you have access/experience with the I Ching? There's a wealth of worthwhile reflection in there, once you tune in...sometimes need a teacher, eh?
  9. Haiku Chain

    waking to a dream sounds not heard, and yet percieved dreams and memory...
  10. Hello from Australia

    Welcome, circlework - glad you found your way here - great place to talk to people thinking (or not) about Tao.
  11. Haiku Chain

    half empty of sound left to imagination chi will amplify
  12. Greetings from near Seattle

    Hello gassho - good intro - welcome...
  13. Haiku Chain

    reeds clatter and bend rustling bulrushes await deep snows of Winter
  14. Overdosing on TTB

    A change is better than a rest, I heard said one time - getting out is a change - nice thing I find in TTBs is you can drop back in when you feel like it...
  15. Haiku Chain

    drop of air in sky airborne soundless descent a sudden presence
  16. Haiku Chain

    Don't know why, just do. Profundity of each word... makes good grist for thought
  17. Haiku Chain

    at the Mars Hotel echoes, Garcia/Hunter still water ripples
  18. Haiku Chain

    bind them, call it 'book' ... just now in from walkabout checking birdbook
  19. Haiku Chain

    When you've been out there all day put away the tears hearth and home, return to calm comfort in repose...
  20. An Akward Question...

    When any position becomes uncomfortable, you can change it - I just stand up, walk around, meditate all the time, anyway...
  21. Haiku Chain

    lowly junk, priceless sorting through the day ahead the time is priceless
  22. Back

    All here maintaining as usual - same where you're back from? Welcome and enjoy the apparent dimensions. The other ones, too...
  23. Dealing with Feeling

    Right - A thought - When I was your age I had read everything Jack Kerouac had put down for posterity, and had started contemplating the Tao Te Ching - after about 20 more years met a teacher who showed me the way to put all that together - fortunately I already knew still meditation techniques. You're the teacher or else you're the student at any given moment...Everybody needs a teacher now and then...
  24. Haiku Chain

    all for all the best no-fault action difficult the way then wu wei
  25. Haiku Chain

    neat anecdote... the gentle brown snake alert, collected, coiled spring best not tread just there