Edward M

The Dao Bums
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Everything posted by Edward M

  1. Your YouTube channels

    Hey Bums, Just had a thought that perhaps any bums who want to share their youtube channels on this thread could do so if they feel their channels will be of interest to other bums? I'm happy to share mine, but i have not got any uploads, just a long long favourites list. The recent ones are mainly music video's haha... Well, you bums decide if this is a good idea or not... if so i'll share my channel and whoever else want to can do so... Peace
  2. Your YouTube channels

    **edit** obviously not a very popular idea-- edited out my channel-- Peace Ed
  3. Hi Chris, Sorry you have been forced to suspend online orders. My friend Mike Kaniewski speaks very highly of your dvd's and system. What method did you use before? would it be possible to have buyers do a bank transfer which when cleared the product would be sent to a dropbox? Hope this is resolved before long. All the best, Ed
  4. External qi healers

    Metal keys!!! wtf i think we are scaring bumblebee away from an effective treatment mate lol.... Peace Ed
  5. External qi healers

    Hmm the 'plate' technique Peace Ed
  6. External qi healers

    Hi BumbleBee, Sorry for delayed reply. I've heard Michael Tse does do external qi treatment, but i have no idea whether he is an expert or has a strong qi energy. I have not heard of the other guy, sorry. Sure Simon could help you out, or write directly to paul whitrod, if he can't himself, then he will sure know who can. In a book there is a story about paul whitrod causing a piece of paper to start flickering and moving about using his intent. He is very down to earth about it.. he says it just comes through the training of internal martial arts.. if you don't do the physical training you wont get it, it is a byproduct not a goal though.. All the best, Ed
  7. External qi healers

    This second one shows the qi zaps All the best, Ed
  8. External qi healers

    Hi RainbowVein Well, i've never had a treatment from him before.. but I have witnessed him giving massage to others at a retreat. He also uses internal energy and literally zaps people with energy There is also the practice of blood cupping to remove impurities from the blood.. I'll be honest it is apparently on the painful side, but also apparently well worth having done for its healing effects.. I'm sure he also uses sufi based prayer and invocation/zihkr. I'll dig out some footage of him doing healing from youtube and post here Peace Ed
  9. External qi healers

    Hi BumbleBee, Try emailing Simon Das: [email protected] He lives in Hatfield and if there are any nearby he will know of them. I'm guessing he will refer you to Paul Whitrod who has a martial arts and healing school in Stratford, East London.. http://www.paulwhitrod.com There is also Pak Muhammad, who a lot of people here know of, he isn't far from you... he does traditional sufi healing including external energy transmission/healing.. Simon can get you in touch with Pak Muhammad. All the best, Ed
  10. Auditory hallucinations

    Owledge, Yeah you are right.. my bad, didn't take that into consideration.. Thanks for pointing that out Peace Ed
  11. Auditory hallucinations

    Jack, What do police sirens mean to you; what do you associate them with? Have you ever done something illegal or something neutral that you feel guilty about? Do you feel something is coming for you, like karma or a big bill or something? I'm no expert, just trying to get the ball rolling for you in terms of trying to understand what this could be. Must be quite unnerving and even annoying for you, all these sounds! Perhaps you have taken lsd/mushrooms before and your sub-conscious is open to suggestion somewhat; just thinking because when you stopped the qigong/meditation the sounds went away just like other poster suggested (sorry cannot recall who it was now), or maybe not. If your sub-consious is really quite open and in touch with your conscious mind then these sounds could well have a metaphorical meaning that only you can understand. There is actually a whole therapy practice for psychosis based on the theory (a sound one-no pun intended lol) that in psychosis the right hemisphere is stuck in rem sleep mode and thus is taking waking experience as if it was a dream. Hope this is useful, and interesting perhaps if not useful. Take care dude! hope you get to the bottom of it soon **edit** link to the theory i mentioned: http://www.hgi.org.uk/archive/psychosis.htm Peace Ed
  12. Awareness of Non-Meditation

    Vmarco.. very good posts on this thread!! thanks
  13. Tulku, Seems to me you are an extremist and seeking some kind of big powerful image 'super God'.. A Super God, in who's view? your's? what are you trying to achieve? You can never be God.. you can go within and become aware that God is present wherever you go, but you can never become God. An immortal spirit is just that, a spirit that will never die (if such a thing exists).. not a God.. if you disagree then i ask you again.. in who's eyes? Buy all means go for sexual abstinence, just be careful you don't shut down your lower chakra's... or that if you slip up and 'waste' some then don't suddenly become a sex addict. The balance of one's ambitions can usually point very accurately to the balance of one's mind. Bear that in mind when you do your self-evaluation (a good thing to do by the way). All the best in your journey, let us know how it goes as you continue... Peace Ed
  14. LeonBasin, Thanks for posting this!! This sounds like what happened to me, but it didn't involve aliens. I made up a whole episode of false memory's including many different events. But i can say for sure that although i've come to conclusion that my waking consciousness has become intertwined with dreaming consciousness, there is something real about it. Things that happened actually caused physical effects in the waking state.. mainly in terms of my physical body and also a couple of times objects around me. Also, we all know that in dreams we can come across guides etc.. well things i was told in these 'false memory's' turned out to be true, and stuff that happened in them happened in real waking life... but that last one could be because i believed it so strongly it happened.. Hope this isn't a thread derail!! just thought it relevant to the subject matter. Peace
  15. Auditory hallucinations

    My opinion i see a medical professional straight away because these things tend to get bad very quickly.. If it is caught quickly then you got an extremely good chance of not being a lot of medication for a long time.. just a minimum for a short period at the worst... maybe some therapy or a brain scan at the best.. Hope this helps.. i'm speaking from experience here.. Hopefully YaMu or somene else qualified can give you some advice. If you can get to Paris in France, Serge Augier is the top dog for treating neurological disorders with tcm.. well worth a visit. Peace
  16. Ken Cohen-Qigong course

    Enjoy your practice http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohbQkrTWD8Q&feature=g-vrec Peace Ed
  17. Resetting the energy body

    Interesting thread. A shaman did an overshadowing on me (deposession) and then one of her spirits wanted to do a healing. I lay there and felt a lot of light around me, the atmosphere totally changed and felt really..well, reset afterwards. The shaman told me she saw the spirit untangling etheric cords connected to my body. Have to say i really have felt much better since then. It actually inspired my TCM Doctor to go and do a course in shamanic journeying which he is now practicing. All the best, Edward
  18. Just came back on the forum to request the mods to do a member cleanup or issue some more warnings... this thread has become a joke and i'm starting to feel this forum as a whole is becoming a joke.. sorry to be harsh. Surely as spiritual practitioners we should be practicing tolerance and patience. Here is a thought for you: there are two streams of karma and action, both going in opposite directions. One stream goes left and is action that brings bad karma to the doer and to the receiver. The other stream goes to the right and is action that brings good karma to the doer and to the receiver. Which type of archetypal beings belong to which stream? i'm talking demons and angels, tyrants and saints etc the list goes on... you can argue all you want about non-duality etc, but you have a choice: which stream are you going to follow? Peace Ed
  19. Bums, Give the guy a break, surely if you don't believe someone is enlightened (whatever that is?) then you can just ignore them. Why be so rude and disrespectful? Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but some things are helpful to say, and some things are not. Peace, am leaving this forum for a time, too much nonsense on here at the moment. Edward
  20. Hey Bums, Been pondering on this topic the last few days and thought it time to get other's opinions on this. Does the BigBang theory disprove Buddha's belief in the universe having no beginning? His arguments/explanations were saying that we can't know, which at that point in time, we couldn't. But now with scientific instruments to extend our senses, perhaps we can know. http://big-bang-theory.com/ If indeed there was a beginning, what does this mean? Quite an important issue i think.... Peace Edward
  21. Chain of events or circular reality?

    Thanks again CT, to be honest there is something about that guy i really don't trust... so probably wont watch it, but thanks for posting
  22. Chain of events or circular reality?

    Thanks CT that video was awesome!! SinFest, good question... according to that website i posted it was nothingness
  23. Is all this stuff really needed

    Gerard, I believe he was referring to 'energy practices' that have to do with storing qi, and not meditation/mindfulness practices. Peace Ed **interesting video's, thanks for posting ** edit
  24. Cool overview of Sufism

    You might have to use the pause button as it moves quite fast, but nonetheless this is a really enjoyable introduction to Sufism. Peace Ed