There used to be a TV program called ( I think) the prisoner.
His "catch phrase" was "I am not a number".
The problem with with "facts": I'm 57 , female, British and "characteristics":I'm curious and "behaviours":- I'm talkative - are not all that we are or have been or even what we wish to be.
By not revealing "facts" we are "free" to create a personna that is more in tune with who we want to be.
On the other hand hiding behind a curtain of secrecy might indicate that we have something to hide or are merely being dense, provocative or simply to lazy to care about the feelings and perspectives of others.
I would rather believe that most people were good and trustworthy and be disappointed now and then than live in the expectation that everyone was a lying good-for nothing ..
So back to the question (sorry for the ramble) I'm 57 I started using the internet in 1973 ( before it was the beast it is now) I used to be a computer whiz kid ( punched card, paper tape will explain it for those old enough to know) .
I passed my psychology at 50 and I took up tai chi at 49 and created a web site to share what I was learning
( ) and did I mention I was curious?..
Hope that this helps make it easier to talk to me