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Everything posted by Mokona

  1. Oneness

    Didn't the b100 days of building the foundation get posted somewhere? I suppose that would be a good start to experiencing oneness (maybe?)
  2. this forum is awesome.

    You mean your preferred perception of what a master should be. Saints and energy "masters" are totally different things. Even the religious institutions get it wrong. It's a common misconception on this forum, that someone who is skilled at energy manipulation must be also be some kind hearted "Jesus" type. When in fact, it is really often the opposite. I'd suggest going to your local temple or church if you want to find someone to place on a pedestal, everyone else is only human.
  3. this forum is awesome.

    I totally forgot about the chat option! Oh man I need to start checking that out again.
  4. I'm I possessed?

    I've been blessed a few times in my life to have experienced higher/divine energy - that is exactly how I reacted to be filled with it. I'd take it as a positive sign, and start up a serious(but playful) internal energy cultivation activity such as Zen meditation and QiGong. Good luck. As a side note(Disclaimer: I don't know these facts for sure it really is only a guess) - Sounds like what some describe as the "Higher Self" took control, too. Who knows, though. Good luck ! P.S. It may be hard to find a "master" in person - but skype works great for getting assistance when distance is an issue. I might suggest the Kundalini Awakening Program(Glenn Morris) Or contacting a instructor listed on the website and sharing your experience and what you want to do, to see if that class would help, becuase it might not be what your looking for.
  5. I have heard that it is better to be invisible, than it is to be powerful.
  6. On Pain and Suffering

    It's not exactly pain, but I find it interesting because I am subject to it... Emotional and/or psyche problems. How powerful is chi kung to healing something such as deep seated anger? i've had limited success on others when I have tried Reiki, but no self progress. Also, for the self taught - i'm feeling that even if knowledge isn't imparted transm ssion would be or is needed. It is just my personal opinion - it's difficult to keep up chi kung practice at the beginners level and I am one of those who pursue it for self healing as well as spiritual exploration.(difficult because I personally experience a one step forward two steps back dynamic)
  7. ............

    IMO Pain is only beneficial if it is perceived to be so, the same with negative outlooks. Of course pain normally indicates a problem. As an example, i've been stuck in the old man bent over position at work, and i'm only 25. my supervisor wanted me to stay, thank her boss squashed that crap. But the point is the pain was an indication of injury, but I need to become emotionally involved. That's how I see it anyway.
  8. Honestly, More 'students' need to reach a level where they can perform real healing. (And they have to be willing to use that ability). It would become mainstream on it's own, then. (IMO) Twitter is a good way to reach a larger audience, as well as youtube video. If someone was willing to sit before a camera, state the issue and what they had done before to address it, and allow taping of the chi kung healing, then come back onto the camera to talk about the healing... It's easy to catch a large audience that way. EASY.
  9. Tell us about your Monthlies

    Have you tried anythink with your chi, besides building it through horse stance? Such as a guided meditation or healing?
  10. Your favorite Qigong DVDs?

    Which are most dedicated to feeling and working with chi, as opposed to straight excersise?
  11. Advance Energy Techniques

    I'm not familiar with the terms, but the end effect makes sense to me. Which body(If this questions makes sense) is the one that ends up in the void? That black space with no sound? As an example, My conciousness bounced from deep inside my body to a place where I couldn't feel the physical, and I felt as though I was floating in the ocean surf, in the above described place. I wondered if my little sis was doing well and found myself at her side(Hearing her but not seeing her) *Verified what happened at her friends house when she came home*
  12. Advance Energy Techniques

    Great post, + reinforcement for the win. I never thought to try and effect a candle eyes closed before.
  13. ............

    As a 3rd person observer - I really think this is an exaggerated response. By gones should be by gones. I mean, really? Bless your hearts for at least believing yourselves to be the forum police on manners and ego but this has gotta be itchin the straw man in all of us at this point.
  14. I agree, I just mean that results can come from any seated meditation position, if one happens to be difficult.
  15. On Pain and Suffering

    For back pain you might want to look into Foundations, I have this wierd pain in my back when I sit in meditation, it's much less noticable now (Dr. Eric Goodman and Peter Park authored) I'd love to use chi kung to heal my hurts, as of now I still can't feel energy during moving meditation, only during VERY relaxed sitting meditation, and not always.(More practice needed!) OP/Marblehead- Congrats on getting well - do you consider any of your current practices(Qigong/Meditation) to be at all helpful to maintaining good health?
  16. OUT of BODY EXP./ ASTRAL Projection

    Perhaps if you practiced control to OBE during waking hours things wouldn't be so bad?
  17. Do you mean you had to heal yourself(psyche) in order to sit in a full lotus position? You didn't just stretch out until it worked? You know, i've had full blown bliss sitting on the edge of a chair doing Lama Yeshe's "Bliss of Inner Fire" You could give that a shot.
  18. ............

    Do you mean physical pain from injury or something else? I have a wierd pain near my back deep inside my body that becomes very acute when I relax in any sitting position. I thought it might be becuase I was avoiding "back excerises" so I took up Foundations by Peter Park and Eric Goodman.
  19. ............

    I went in for some weird pain last month. I was sitting at my desk and my neck started becoming stiffer and stiffer. it hurt nearly too much to drive to medical. when I arrived someone else from my command was in for the same thing, on my way out another guy had just gone in with the same symptoms. The doc didn't try to find out what was wrong with me, she prescribed heaps of muscle relaxers and sent me away. She just said " sometimes people feel pain." It was crap.
  20. ............

    I forgot to post the OWL petting video, I'll PM you in a few hours. Do with it what you will.
  21. ............

    I've met in person more people who can do that than I have fingers. My favorite was a scientist that worked in Iowa City. He started getting into wierd stuff and went off track but hey, we are only human. In retrospect - why do we consider our healers and energy workers to be pedestal worthy? Some people with strong energy abilities are straight jerks, or wierdos. I had one guy that started going nuts as he got better, and wanted to sex my energy or something. We stopped communicating.
  22. ............

    IMO about 5 elements, The type being reffered to, as a cycle, wood leading to metal, to water... on and on. (Incorrect statements, i'm just pinpointing the correct 5 elemental info) I don't see why it would be required once you can feel feedback from the patient. I used to practice a form of distance healing that used projection/OBE and Reiki(and Chi kung experimentation), and from what I found is while I couldn't make out everything about a person(at that point) but I could feel areas they felt pain in my own body, and work on the effected area. I can't see how any set process would be more effective than direct psychic feedback? (That's sorta what is being discussed when "Listening" is mentioned?) Curious and just asking for clarification.
  23. ............

    I volunteer to clear up this mess by being a recipient of distant healing energy. I won't even charge for the chance to use me as a guinea pig. Just Kidding! Sorta, hahha !
  24. ............

    Its because any heightened emotion can increase energy, even the negative ones. But is that how you want to train your body when positive states feel so much better?
  25. Studies document energy coming from trees :)

    Trees are cool. I accidently hooked up to a tree's energy the first time, it shocked the connection back closed becuase I freaked alittle.