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Everything posted by Mokona

  1. Being Different

    Very thoughtful posts here, it's all very insightful.
  2. As i've been practicing, me and another two KAP buddies of mine believe that the Secret Smile can be underappreciated. It's the powerful positive emotion that is going to help you raise Kundalini once enough energy in your lower centers is available. Which is why is can also be triggered by intense grief or Flight/Fight response. And I would expect it is a smoother ride to be happy, rather than scared or sad. Good luck K! Edit for additional info: Infact, I can feel the posiitve emotions circulate when I do Chi Sets and Micro Cosmic orbit, and I can't feel the enenrgy. But I CAN feel the positive emotion. Question: Has anyone here gotten the orgasm/bliss part to work? I've felt bliss doing Lama Yeshe's "Bliss of Inner Fire" and Bliss from Crown and Third eye practices, hell - I've even felt orgasmic pyschic bliss in intense periods when a female qigong practictioner used to "have fun" with me. But I can't figure out how to make the bliss for this practice; as Love, Confidence, and Happiness are working better - I still can't figure out the Bliss part. ROOAAR!! Rawwr! Grawr!
  3. Price can be a bummer, I missed a kap1&2 that was held recently in Fl, that i was going to take, but my car decided it needed expensive repairs around then. Have to keep the Jeep running.
  4. Darins Kundalini Experience

    Thank you for sharing. Please make more videos.
  5. Have you noticed physical changes since these experiences? changes in health, concentration, attitde, ect? Also, do you do any personal energy experimentation or do you stick to the books(scrolls) or what have you.
  6. Vegetarianism

    Thread of that nature would be amazing. Especially if examples of healthy food and what to avoid were thrown around. Much love
  7. Vegetarianism

    Is it the internets fault you come across as pissed in so many of your posts. It can't be your diet, as the posts in this thread indicate it really is possible to tell who posting eats meat, or doesn't. WINNING
  8. Vegetarianism

    Secret Smile time.
  9. Meat eating thread

    <- Can't view youtube at work :-(
  10. Vegetarianism

    I wonder how often that tiger catches the common cold?
  11. Sitting in Full Lotus

    We have previous full lotus threads you could add to instead of starting new ones. Not to be picky but this subject comes up so often it might be better to consolidate these sort of posts or make a sticky thread for everything full lotus.
  12. Sinfest vs The Tao Bums

    Plenty of people just don't care about the money system. I was distantly attuned to all three levels of Reiki for free in the early 2000's, it was amazing. Just find someone who knows what you want to know and start Skyping. Don't worry about anything else.
  13. Stagnation at 2nd Chakra

    Suggest doing your chi sets, of whatever excersises you normally do, ending with free flowing movement as if you were under water, while feeling relaxed. Suggest having good sex with yourself or a partner. journaling about the pyschological side of your ability to accept change and sex and creativity may lay open why the area is blocked to begin with, and start the clearing.
  14. Does Magic Exist ?

    What is your definition of magic? Being skilled in energy work makes connecting to symbols really easy, the energy and sometimes spirits behind it. It can seem magical when someone contacts a Goetica spirit, but it's just something that developes with alot of energy work.
  15. Gold Pills

    Damn, that pic is NSFW.
  16. Best OBE Program

    Yoga Nidra works well, you can stage OBE from that point fairly easily.
  17. Stillness Movement

  18. Stillness Movement

  19. A gave a friend of mine direct spiritual type experience through energy transmission. I also had asked another friend to do something similar. It worked very well for proving myself.
  20. The myth of the eight-hour sleep

    Ha! Anyone with common sense realizes that they wake up in the middle of the night. I just find it to be a good time to bleed the lizard before going back to bed.
  21. Static shock problems...

    My wife and I once recieved a static shock from holding hands, I immediately told her that her touch was "shocking" and gave her a kiss.
  22. New music craze "Dubstep"

    When I'm working on positive emotions, I like to put on Dubstep and do Chi Kung. It really gets the blood flowing.
  23. Anyone tried remote viewing?

    Its 2012. Get with it.