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Everything posted by Mokona

  1. Third Eye

    Like pouring a wooden bucket of holy water over myself while wrapped in blessed chains!?
  2. Third Eye

    When I wear my glasses I find it easier to feel out my third eye. Is this unhealthy? I've always wondered if the rim holding the lenses togther over my nose, even though it doesn't touch, creates a sort of placebo affect. Other-wise I can feel a sliding motion as whatever tool the mind uses to feel out these things slips along the area. Or *Maybe i'm crazy* Thx guys!
  3. Detoxing

    If I could keep up my single meditation(before bed) every day i'd be happy. It is amazing how difficult it can become to find the time, working 11-12 hours a day - going back to a tiny POD filled with three other guys who work different shifts and come in and out while your trying to sleep or concentrate on meditation. Fuuu! I'll stick with the gym until this is done with! (and at least get "in shape")
  4. Third Eye

    With the sitting next to you thing, or crossed leg shaking thing - It isn't possible to prevent others from immdediately messing up cultivation, and its even done subconciously? I think you mentioned crossing you arms and placing your hands in a certain mudra to prevent this in another thread. But it is strange to think that there is no other way of protecting against such a thing.. Can't willpower or concentration to hold chi inside of yourself be used, to prevent it from being moved or changed by another?
  5. Third Eye

    There have been a couple posts regarding some sort of general "danger" to opening the third eye too soon, but from what I get from this post the third eye comes into play for creating a healthy and (Non-perverted) energy body. So is it alright to work on opening the third eye or isn't it? lol. Also, strangely enough I met someone online who may have been doing something like this? I don't know maybe you can give me some insight. The first time I met him on an occult forum, and he wanted to project to me so we could have some sort of energy 'sex' he told me that it was 'okay'? He then started talking to me non-stop and when he would chat with me every chance he got resulting in the top of my head would getting fuzzy and a pleasant feeling would even commence.. Normally I would get down-right tired during this. He turned out to be something other than mentally stable.
  6. The FINE Line

    The "I don't know principle" is very strong in this subject, many people work ardously to scientize chi and explain the goings-on of chi interactions but it can be very difficult. In your original post, weren't you concerned with ?Anyhow, I've had that happen to me many times, by different indivduals, and the more I keep up on energetic and meditive works I seem to become sensitive to the nuances of 'spirit' take that as you will, I can't explain it and I care not too, I don't have a belief system, I've just noticed that some things "work". Also, some people call it psy but i've remote viewed black leather gloves hanging in a persons bedroom in Europe, others i've interacted with have felt effects from neutral meditation, when I wasn't attempting to do anything to them, then there have been times i'd point my foot at my mother while relaxing on a lawn chair behind her at the pool and shoot energy into her. Normally it that last one works quickly and she tells me to cut it out. Honestly, Astral you may feel that continues practice, experimentation and no desire for an outcome will eventually bring forward very undeniable experiences, of the type that you seem to be seeking in your original post. Just practice as often as possible and I recommend at least one continues practice of being "aware" of your surroundings, and the way the close enviroment feels. Good luck.
  7. 26.7% of U.S. are obese

    Thanks and actually drinking loads of caffeine in coffee and soda has become almost normal for a while and then also noticed that my hands and feet have been amazingly cold(as you've mentioned above) and I've become more suseptable to getting sick. In which case, I can't seem to get completely over whatever I caught that is mixed into the dust out here, and I never get very sick anymore. But that's why reading and working on these things helps so much
  8. Third Eye

    Curious, a friend was sitting on the couch behind me as I meditated and I saw a flash of red droplets or red color passs between us and he fell into a restful sleep that completely re-energized him. Is this an example of deconverting energy?
  9. 26.7% of U.S. are obese

    Are their any natural teas that help combat fatigue? I saw that your posts on vinegar show the many uses and fighting fatigue is one i'm gunning for. Dropping all caffiene sources and reducing my sugar is something to really look forward to, in my opinion.
  10. Challenges for a Newbie

    Changing habits can be helped by making step by step goals to follow and being a bit hypersensitive to the actual habit you want to break. Watch that habit and slow down and change it, sorta like the Zen meditation of watching your thoughts and letting them drift past. It is easy to get caught up - I'm 23 and my gaze tends to roam when I talk to females, still. I just slow down and pay attention to it, then it is easier to relax and gaze into the eyes of the person, and focus on what is important, not on what the body wants to do. Do it enough and it becomes a new habit and you'll have washed away your old one. Using this same thing with a strange condition I used to have removed the tendency to repeat my every sentence a second time quietly under my breath. This habit no longer exists. Going for biting of the nails next, the most difficult one to date.
  11. What is Tai-Chi?

    I'm 23, and Tai Chi Quan was the most relaxing one thing I have every practiced within my entire life. Drool.... Lol, How does it do it? I dunno! But it was cheap, I can continue to practice on my own and it is "again" soo rela xing.
  12. Why?

    I don't know what to call it. Hell, it might not even be spirituality that i'm after becuase the definition doesn't always fit and it is a very abstract area for me. Really I first got into learning about death after one night I awoke to a feeling of emptyness and misunderstanding about death itself that wasn't covered by the Catholism's frilly angels and fiery pits of lava, which later lead me to run into large, strong entities that were probably the source of many of those angel or demon creatures anyway, I just feel that they are aren't presented very well in literature. After I started meditating and learning about inner energy. I even started reading Jed Mckenna. After finishing all of his books and starting his method, I find that it is like dumping out all the BS in the mind that is possible to find and that it was too painful to hold a job and sh*t out everything I thought I knew but don't really know while trying to stay sane. But the process keeps sneaking back up on me anyway. Learning about energy started causing exciting out of body type experiences and meditating near groups of people would fix their issues and make them happier, so I got into healing and exploring the energy body with NEW a bit. Trying Reiki, which is a disapointment as I feel that more can be done with intent and other methods than what is taught in Reiki alone, besides all the goofy advertising and crap that comes along with Reiki now-a-days. I became very interested in out of body exploration and went to visit someone who proved his competancy to me. Through him I met a goddess, and was blown away for about two to three years under her influence. Which was fun, but who knows what it actually taught me, beyond the fact that it isn;t all that hard to influence or mess with the energy in others if you know how. Teaching wasen't her thing, as much as teasing, playing, and having a really good time was. Anyway, so i'm still a white belt, who can't do much and studies a new book every few weeks and keeps trying to find those techniques that work best for myself, usually without much luck.
  13. 26.7% of U.S. are obese

    A conversation like this would benefit from recommended cookbooks, go!
  14. Third Eye

    If I can't sit in full lotus is "indian" sitting okay? I can't even do that without leaning against a wall. Sitting straight with my bum on the floor in just about any position causes me to slowly fall over. I think that a small stool would give me more stability, but I don't have one yet. I've noticed during my first semester at the local community college that constant use of the third eye has a pleasant opening effect. I closed my eyes and leaned against a railing at one point and almost fell over becuase I felt that I was falling "through" it at one point. "Holy crap" Heh! Although I wonder how my enviroment holds me back from developing. I feel tired when attempting energy work here, and I have this feeling of being drained in my room and start to feel lethargic immediately.
  15. Third Eye

    A friend of mine can see spiritual beings with open eyes and see inside people. Anyway, I think he uses his crown centeer more often than his third eye. He is fairly unhealthy in appearance and doesn't excersise much or use a special diet, so I suppose everyone is different.
  16. Ridcule of energy practice

    It is recommended becuase it makes your practice synergetic - but if you feel that you can only perform at certain times of the day you you'd be off. Maybe I took you too literally? I just mean to say that the time of the day isn't the most deciding factor! For giggles i'll mention that i've never had more or less trouble dependant upon the time of day, just for myself though.
  17. Ridcule of energy practice

    You could have said: "Noonish"
  18. Self quote: As you once said: "Oh the horror" Funny to think that you could care less about offending others but jump to such a defensive stance when you feel that I've infringed upon your toes. Its actually very hypocritical and easy to see, and you understand that if it is something other than the very act of being hypocritical than as logic dictates you must be either or even that I would think to say something that would indicate your Which could easily fall under common sense (not so common ) as an outcome of your writings. That in itself would just be a conclusion drawn from your own posts, and not a direct attack of any kind. Its like pointing a #2 pencil and saying: "Made of wood!" Please excuse me if you don't enjoy my vernacular, I toned it down for you. But then again maybe something is melting down, perhaps your stressed out because That must be a bummer!
  19. I think you've missed the point of self-moderation and politeness, but bless your little heart you just don't seem to understand
  20. Ridcule of energy practice

    Hardyg, I've had good reactions; such as one individual who asked if he could just watch, and afte I finished my form asked me what I was practicing and where I learned it. Or the times I've even suprised those who thought I wouldn't know such a thing as Tai Chi, and exclaimed in a suprised manner. Even a friend of mine with no knowledge or interest in this sort of thing, a weight lifter, saw me practicing and told a senior Petty Officer that he thought it was inspiring that I would continue to practice even in our conditions, even if he did think that it was strange. Other times, while meditating I have had a person or two exlaim that they thought it was wierd, or that I was for practicing it. My own sister used to tell my mother that I was speaking with the devil or somesuch.
  21. Now that we are beyond the age of five you can try replying to me with something other than what I just said, to you.
  22. Internet anonymity makes it easy to draw bullshit lines in the sand, when it comes down to it, we have to have moderators because people can't seem to help themselves when they know they can be insulting without consequence. Therefore it is easy to play people along and probably enjoyable for some too, I've seen one person join a youngster chat session in order to cause chaos, purposely, because he enjoyed watching people become upset over his behavior. How else is there to say it? No shit? It isn't really possible to tell another person 'how' they should take a comment or post, or remark made in person, you can't force someone to 'see it your way'. Actually it sounds like you don't understand people as a whole. If you can't identify idiocy in your own behavior than you might want to stop posting until you can.
  23. Teacher Presence, Radiating Energy...

    I was curious about something in relation to recieving energy. It seems that the less I meditate the more difficult it becomes to feel energy, does that mean my vibration is "lowering"? I thought perhaps I was getting out of touch with that 'receptive' state. I don't know for certain.
  24. David Verdesi

    Actually this reminds me of a clock potato - remember those?. Also, there was a time I decided to screw my History lesson in high school and just zoned out on the tip of my finger, my attention sorta pulled away and a yellow zap popped out and the tip of my finger felt really funky. - I never equated it to anything until reading the last few replies, cool stuff.