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Everything posted by DalTheJigsaw123

  1. Kundalini Yoga pdf free!

    Thank you so much!
  2. Archaeological Cover-ups?

    Thanks everyone!
  3. Information Wars

    I usually read Huffingtonpost.com and DrudgeReport.com and News.Google.com. There are other alternative resources, however, I am working on cutting down all of this stuff. Maybe viewing news once a week. I noticed that I have become more angry and more addicted to this kind of stuff, which doesn't help me in my life.
  4. Thoughts On Brain Sync?

    http://www.brainsync.com/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brainwave_entrainment http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binaural_beats http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hemi-Sync
  5. Thoughts On Brain Sync?

    Thanks again everyone!
  6. I am Reading his books/watching his DVD's and listening to his CD's. Thoughts on him? Thanks, Leon
  7. Thoughts On Brain Sync?

  8. Magick forum

    How about you both tell us about it!:0 Which book and the like! Lol
  9. Is ken cohen legit? I am studying his work.

    Thank you!
  10. Marc Fennell investigates how shopping malls are designed to make you buy things..
  11. Reddit Taoism Forum

  12. Sleeping surface and the health of your back

    What about exercises and the like can one do to get their back into good shape?
  13. http://www.history.com/shows/ancient-aliens http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6qtjI8eGtvM http://www.amazon.com/Historys-Mysteries-Ancient-History-Channel/dp/B000WP09PY
  14. Hey! How are you doing?

  15. Lifestyle of a Sage

    Love this thread! Thank you!
  16. Graham Hancock is one of the best researchers

    Awesome thread!!!
  17. A new report released Monday claims the science is clear: Eating too much meat is bad for your health. The so-called Meat Eater's Guide, compiled by the Environmental Working Group, is generating buzz for its "cradle-to-grave" look at the environmental impact of 20 popular types of meat, dairy and vegetable proteins. But it also emphasizes the potential health impact of eating too much meat, recommending that people to cut back to decrease their risk of heart disease and certain cancers. "The goal is to really make this information accessible to consumers," said Kari Hamerschlag, an agriculture analyst with the research and advocacy group. "On the health side, we really pulled together all of the information and tried to make it as clear as possible that there's not just one reason to limit meat consumption; there are a whole host of reasons." The report, which weaves together statistics from various earlier studies, allows that meat can be an important source of protein and vitamins when eaten in moderation. But in the U.S., moderation may be a problem. The report cites data from the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization suggesting that Americans consume almost 60 percent more meat than their European counterparts, and four times more than in many developing countries. And much of that meat is either red or processed. The health effects of this, the EWG report claims, are myriad: A 2009 report from the National Cancer Institute found that people who ate the most red meat -- which can have high levels of cholesterol-rising saturated fat -- were 27 percent more likely to die of heart disease. That same report also found serious meat eaters were 20 percent more likely to die of cancer than those who consumed the least amount of meat. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/07/18/cut-back-on-meat-new-repo_n_901554.html
  18. Wow, this is quite interesting. Would love to hear other individuals thoughts. http://www.jstor.org/pss/4617241 Could it really be?
  19. mental obsession

    Would love to hear more!
  20. Buried deep beneath the sediment of the North Atlantic Ocean lies an ancient, lost landscape with furrows cut by rivers and peaks that once belonged to mountains. Geologists recently discovered this roughly 56-million-year-old landscape using data gathered for oil companies. "It looks for all the world like a map of a bit of a country onshore," said Nicky White, the senior researcher. "It is like an ancient fossil landscape preserved 2 kilometers (1.2 miles) beneath the seabed." So far, the data have revealed a landscape about 3,861 square miles (10,000 square km) west of the Orkney-Shetland Islands that stretched above sea level by almost as much as 0.6 miles (1 km). White and colleagues suspect it is part of a larger region that merged with what is now Scotland and may have extended toward Norway in a hot, prehuman world. http://www.livescience.com/14974-geologists-remains-landscape-rose-north-atlantic-ocean-56-million-years-sinking.html
  21. fanatical Buddhists

    Beautiful points!
  22. Ancient Greek and Chinese historians had long referenced a unique cultural and ethnic group with red or blonde hair and blue eyes since the 3rd century BCE, that settled Afghanistan and forged a vibrant Buddhist empire that spread Buddhism to much of the the world through China and India. Mysterious 4,000-year-old mummies in the deserts of China with "white Europoid" features and clothing, Aryan Proto-Indo-European/Iranian http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xXHTE7qcKyg&feature=player_embedded