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Everything posted by DalTheJigsaw123

  1. Brain Boosters

    I cannot get into a full-lotus. I also have bad knees.
  2. mood/exercise study

    Interesting stuff! Have a link?
  3. What herbs do you take and why?

    What about smart drugs? Like Alpha Brain? Does anyone have any experience with this?
  4. Brain Boosters

    I was looking into this! I know that Joe Rogan has suggestions - A website called ...Onnit.com? One of them is called Alpha Brain? Anyone heard of it, or tried it?
  5. 9 to 5, Escaping the Rat Race

    Thank you who have commented! Let's continue adding more to this thread. - http://zerocurrency.blogspot.com/ - http://zerocurrency.org/ - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1522883/ - http://www.mostwatchedtoday.com/tag/zero-currency/ -
  6. IQ's and the tao?

    I averaged 115? However, when I was younger, I was in special ed for Math, go figure! LOL:)
  7. THis was really good! Thank you!!
  8. Volunteering, Running, Working Out, Games and so on.
  9. Let's Talk About Afterlife

    Who knows. I have had near death experiences, but I'm still skeptical. I'm back at square one. But...I do stay with the TAO!
  10. Suggestions for Mobile Games/Apps?

    Buddhist related or not. I'm looking for some good Apps and Games for my Samsung Android Galaxy 3. Thanks, Leon
  11. 9 to 5, Escaping the Rat Race

  12. 9 to 5, Escaping the Rat Race

    I'm with you on this one. On Sunday I'm working a 16 hour shift!! Hang in there and focus on your hobbies. Then focus on making your hobby a job?
  13. Better to save than to invest? (concept of Time)

    I really like this! Thank you!
  14. Better to save than to invest? (concept of Time)

    This was sound advice! Thank you! Any good resources I can check out?
  15. What are you watching on Youtube?

    Agreed! doesn't this only make it worse?
  16. XBox One

    Mobile gaming is the future!!

    I highly recommend this great documentary. I saw it a few days ago. Trailer for Paul Davids' new feature documentary that will premiere on Syfy as a late night movie May 15th, 2013: "The Life After Death Project." A scientific inquiry into evidence for life after death. His previous documentaries include "Timothy Leary's Dead," "Jesus in India," "The Artist and the Shaman," and "The Sci-Fi Boys," a Universal Studios Home Entertainment release that was winner of the Saturn Award for Best DVD of 2006. He was also executive producer / co-writer of Showtime's "Roswell," a Golden Globe nominee for Best Motion Picture for Television and co-author of six "Star Wars" books for Lucasfilm and Random House. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2838946/

    Interesting! So you do food offerings to the dead?
  19. Solitude is important

    I'm with you on that first statement, not sure about the last one. Great question, hope someone answers it for you and I.
  20. happened here in london today

    I been watching this at work, it's all over the USA networks. Thanks for posting this. R.I.P. to the man that died.
  21. Do a Conspiracy Really Exist?

    Do a Conspiracy Really Exist?
  22. What is the secret of being ultra smart ?

    Great thread!!
  23. Great thread! Please, keep going! This is giving me some great ideas!! Any suggestions for Veg recipes? That are frugal?