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Everything posted by Thunder_Gooch

  1. Is there a Taoist version of Dream Yoga?

    who was he?
  2. Nei Gong: Taoist Process of Internal Change

    Sure read up on robert bruce's work, and chunyi lin of spring forest qigong. To me the deep trance state where your senses are dulled or almost completely disconnected from reality is the sweet spot for meditation. Chunyi lin of spring forest qigong calls it the emptiness. Some of Robert's free stuff.
  3. found this interesting.
  4. Nei Gong: Taoist Process of Internal Change

    Spring Forest Qigong, and some introductory Long Men Pai exercises. As well as a few other similar systems I am interested in your book, if you would sell me a pdf/doc cheaper than a printed copy I would buy it. Right now my my practice revolves around achieving a deep state of trance where my senses are very dulled and time flows faster than normally outside of myself, while focusing and feeling chi accumulate in my lower dan tein. Also I do some standing meditation push and pull hands etc.
  5. The Tao of Anime

    I found an anime I really enjoy, its very thought provoking. It reminds me of a lot of my experiences in meditation. I thought you guys might like it as well.
  6. Taoist Pick Up Lines

    What did the taoist master say to the hotdog vendor? Make me one with everything.
  7. Nei Gong: Taoist Process of Internal Change

    Could you tell us a little more about the system itself, where it comes from, what accomplishments the lineage holders held etc.
  8. How to commit suicide?

    remember suicide isn't an off switch... its a reset button.
  9. Wang Liping Seminar Complaints

    I had a great time as well, it was really wonderful meeting like minded people who are serious about training. Meeting master Wang face to face over video chat was simply amazing, that alone was worth more than the tuition. I believe we all got more than what we paid for. I look forward to studying LMP more in the future. I wish we had gone into the methods more in depth, focusing more on theory less on actual practice during the seminar, but we did cover a lot of ground on the basics, we have enough to work with for now. For those determined enough I am sure we can get training info on the other practices on our own. I believe the people who put this seminar together sacrificed a lot of their time and effort to make it all happen, they did their absolute best, just because we didn't learn golden flower method shouldn't be such a huge deal.
  10. Cutting the root of the spirit?

    wang liping told me i needed to cut the root of my spirit to stop rebirth.
  11. Amusing Ourselves to Death
  12. Wang Liping Seminar Complaints

    I agree with what vortex said, all the staff were extremely nice and did the best they could, they chauffeured us around town, and provided us with bottled water, took us to stone mountain park, and were some of the nicest people I've ever met. I also got to ask Master Wang Liping "a" question on live video chat he took one hour of his time both Saturday and Sunday to speak with us personally. I was a little disappointed that we didn't get to cover more ground on the practices, but I believe kathy did her absolute best. Also I believe a few of the participants asked too many simple (as in you could have googled it later) questions during the lecture that held it up tremendously. I believe my total cost for the seminar was somewhere around $350 after all my expenses were included.
  13. Dear Taobums, I am looking to spend the rest of my life with as little real world responsibility as is humanly possible. I want a nice place where I can meditate and not be bothered. I don't mind holding down a part time weekend job, or even working double shifts on weekends. Are there any communities which would be supportive of this lifestyle. I only own some books, a car and a laptop, and my clothes and personal belongings. Everything I own fits nicely in my trunk. I've tried living out of my car, and thats not so bad. However it becomes problematic, when it breaks down. I've tried renting rooms from people but that also doesn't seem to work out so well, with all the drama and such. I welcome your ideas. -mpg
  14. always aroused around girlfriend

    Just get married and soon all of these arousal problems will go away. on a serious note I've heard saw palmetto may help prostate issues.
  15. A friend of mine passed along this wonderful opportunity. I don't know if I can attend due to work constraints though. If any of you are really good at note taking I would be willing to pay 50% your expenses for a copy of your notes about the training.
  16. We need to group together to get the max group discount... how many bums are officially coming? Also I think the 20th is the official registration deadline.
  17. Beginning QiGong - Best books for exercises?

    Spring forest qigong is by far the best beginner practice out there.
  18. Dragon Gate aka Longmen Pai Workshop Atlanta GA May 23-25

    Does anyone here know the actual location to the seminar, I want to get a hotel as close to it as possible. Is it being held at stone mountain park? Or the china town address?
  19. My fellow trees

    My grandmother told me when she was a child a rose talked to her and told her we were all one in the same. It's a story she told me that stuck with me my whole life.
  20. Dragon Gate aka Longmen Pai Workshop Atlanta GA May 23-25

    Great news I may be able to attend, I am having to pay other coworkers extra to cover my shifts. Have we gotten an official tao bums group together to lower the individual cost of tuition? We need 5 or more to come as a group to get the max discount rate.
  21. I am interested in a class just on tummo, not really on KAP or other teachings. Would you consider a class on just tummo. Also I am interested if you have any knowledge of any of the other naropan yogas. Would anyone else here be interested in such a class?
  22. Correct me if wrong but didn't tummo come before KAP? To be honest, no offense intended, I'm really not interested in the whole KAP itself.