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Everything posted by Thunder_Gooch

  1. Does Anyone Have Power?

    That means nothing. You could be the most hardcore competition needle pointer and have olympic gold needlepoint medals to confirm it, doesn't mean your practice does anything to develop your spirit. These guys you are talking about, it's great they've dedicated their lives to something but it doesn't mean they have anything to show for it.
  2. What Are "Legitimate" Qi Abilities/Power? "When cancer suddenly disappears, people may call it a miracle. But a recent study by three physician-researchers from DMS and Norway found that spontaneous remission of breast cancer is actually quite common. More than one in five invasive cancers detected in the study by mammography vanished without ever being treated." "The spontaneous healing of cancer is a phenomenon that has been observed for hundreds and thousands of years and after having been the subject of many controversies, it is now accepted as an indisputable fact."
  3. What Are "Legitimate" Qi Abilities/Power?

    Do want something real, or do you want systems no one has ever accomplished anything with? Most people I meet are engaged in a game of make believe, and live their lives out pretending they will accomplish something via their spiritual practices. They wind up dying like dogs like everyone else, but at least they were entertained for the ride. Some people want something real, that actually leads somewhere.
  4. Yin chi number 3

  5. Yin chi number 3

    Trolls go back and rekindle old threads just cause.
  6. Does Anyone Have Power?

    I'm not talking about hallucinations, you can come see for yourself if you feel this way.
  7. Yin chi number 3

    Yes really.
  8. Yin chi number 3

    No thanks on any of your advice.
  9. Does Anyone Have Power?

    I'm not saying people can't screw themselves up with practices. Most of these practices are bogus gibberish. Lot's of people develop qigong/kundalini psychosis because they start doing random crap and mixing practices and inventing things and make themselves extremely unbalanced. There aren't that many real systems remaining that go anywhere or do anything, it's just a bunch of silly people doing silly things.
  10. Does Anyone Have Power?

    Except that some of the most powerful ones stuck to their training out of spite and hatred and malevolence, revenge being their motivation and got to an extremely high level, beyond John Chang even. The problem is thelerner, truth be told there aren't many serious "practitioners". I honestly and sincerely doubt you or anyone else here has ever met one.
  11. What Are "Legitimate" Qi Abilities/Power?

    Lot's of people get cancer and recover on their own when their immune system discovers it, they would have gotten better treatment or no treatment. The thing is just like Reki, these healers provide a catalyst for people to believe they will get better.
  12. What Are "Legitimate" Qi Abilities/Power?

    You either care about what Chang taught his students or you don't No Cause. I care.
  13. What Are "Legitimate" Qi Abilities/Power?

    You can attack me all you like, but I deeply care about what Chang actually taught his students. If you don't more power to you. If you are just here to troll, there actually is a thread for that where you can troll to your heart's content.
  14. What Are "Legitimate" Qi Abilities/Power?

    Both Jim and Kosta know exactly what they were taught. You can plug your ears, cover your eyes and scream "neener neener neener I'm not listening." until you are blue in the face if you like though.
  15. What Are "Legitimate" Qi Abilities/Power?

    If you say so. Copper bracelets, magnetic bracelets, sugar pills, homeopathy, gets actual results too.
  16. What Are "Legitimate" Qi Abilities/Power?

    Medical qigong just like medical reiki is just placebo. If you want something real, sour grapes won't cut it.
  17. What Are "Legitimate" Qi Abilities/Power?

    I've said this to others and now to you. You either want something real or you want to play make believe. Mo pai level one even if that's all we will ever have will lead you to a level that almost no one else on earth is at. Almost everyone else on earth dies with a completely empty LDT, even people pursuing spiritual practices. Mo Pai level one is a real practice, and even by itself more complete than virtually every other system you've ever heard about or anyone else has either. The question is do you want something real, or do you just want to keep yourself entertained till you die?
  18. Does Anyone Have Power?

    Sounds good on paper, but you can be a mentally unstable weightlifter, it's the same with neigong. How hard and how much you train is what get's you there. If you believe otherwise more power to you.
  19. Does Anyone Have Power?

  20. Does Anyone Have Power?

    I've heard of no beings achieving anything other than non dual awareness via any form of Buddhist meditation. Such individuals undergo the same change at death that virtually every other spirit on earth does. Mental realization or un-realization has no relation to the development of your spirit.
  21. Does Anyone Have Power?

    All I am claiming is you can come see for yourself. I try my best not to talk about my own experiences because they aren't believable. The best I can do is tell people to come see for themselves. You don't have to listen to anything anyone else says about anything, you can come see directly for yourself. No faith required. No belief required. I don't give a sack of manure what your friend claims, I am telling you to come see for yourself and make up your own mind.