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Everything posted by Thunder_Gooch

  1. Any javascript masters here?

    I would be willing to switch to whatever ever browser was easiest for you to code for, I know Firefox requires the grease monkey extension to be installed but I think chrome can use grease monkey scripts natively.
  2. Dorian Black's Final Farewell! :)

    I don't consider you a troll.
  3. Dorian Black's Final Farewell! :)

    Glad you are back Dorian, I'll need a friend to help beat down the trolls once busy season starts at my workplace.
  4. More Pie Guy's Tips On Saving Money

    I was wondering if we could get a thread split for post 27 through post 39:
  5. Wanting some advice on my practice

    Good health is a good goal to have, certainly more realistic than mine
  6. Immortals and their magical powers

    An end to the cycle of death and rebirth, that's what. That's the end goal of the system and if you get past level 30 you can attain it.
  7. Wanting some advice on my practice

    My advice is spend some time figuring out what it is you want from your practice, otherwise you'll just be a spiritual impulse shopper for the rest of your life. Let me quote you something I think you might like from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
  8. Why I am against 'powers'

    Obviously you missed this:
  9. How to lower body temperature with meditation?

    Body temp is linked to your oxygen metabolism, should you find yourself practicing an art that teaches you to slow that down to the point where your heart is beating so slowly and breath so faint you would be pronounced dead on site, your body temperature would drop as well. People who think this don't know what they are talking about. That being said, if your mind is focused on pulling in and collecting yang chi at LDT it will heat up, or at the very least you will experience the sensation of heat.
  10. Measuring emitted qi More info you might like here:
  11. Siddhis in Taoism

    Here is my POV on the situation. 99.9999999999999999999999999999% of all teachers, resources, dvds, books, systems, etc., are disinformation. They don't actually lead anywhere. 99.9999999999999999999999999999% of spiritual seekers will die at the same level of spiritual development they were born at, even though they may believe otherwise. Many of my friends who are into magick and occult topics explain to me that spirituality (magick and the occult too) is like art, like feng shui for your life itself, it helps decorate and color your life and isn't supposed to do anything more than placebo. It is artistic and entertaining and decorative additions to one's life that exists to better ones life. I don't get that mindset, I want a scientific system with a clearly defined purpose, and clearly defined training methods, do this and it will lead to this, then do this and it will lead to this, etc. Simple, precise, clearly defined, methodical, purposeful. What we have are literally millions of newage teachers writing millions of newage books that don't lead anyone anywhere, that don't actually do anything really. And then we get this ocean of disinformation and no one who actually knows what they are talking about can be heard above the roar of the crowd. The voices of the ignorant masses, drown out the voices of the few who actually know something meaningful. So in this regard those who know "usually" know better than to try to open their mouth especially in communities like this where it leads to nothing but soul sucking, arguments, lasting months if not years with the worst sort of trolls/imbeciles imaginable. Those who know, are "usually" smart enough to keep quite. Those who are ignorant aren't. Yup that's it.
  12. Jim McMillan has passed away

    To any mods reading this I would like to request a thread split from post #22 onward.
  13. I wonder if this will be the next false flag.
  14. Siddhis in Taoism

    "Those who speak don't know. Those who know don't speak." -Lao Tzu
  15. Yes it was not either of the "twin towers" however it was a third building in the WTC complex called building 7. The official explanation is that office furniture fires cause the collapse.

    Senator Lindsay Graham has warned South Carolinians about the threat of a terrorist nuclear attack on the same day that our exclusive high level military intel revealed to us that nuclear warheads were being shipped to South Carolina from a major Texas airforce base under an off the record black ops transfer.

    You mean like operation northwoods, the joint chiefs of staff wanted to crash planes into buildings and blame it on Cuban terrorists to drum up support for war with Cuba via a false flag but Kennedy would never agree to it:
  18. need to find breaking the maya code online

    I feel like an idiot now, thanks for finding this!
  19. need to find breaking the maya code online

    I don't think there is one, I spent about 20 minutes searching for you but came up empty handed. You will probably have to buy and return to amazon :C
  20. need to find breaking the maya code online

    Best I can do for you is this: I would buy it have it over-nighted, watch it and tell amazon it smelled funny and you want a refund and return it, if you don't have the money to buy it. I can't find it specifically online anywhere.
  21. Syria

    Here is the deal. Days after 9/11 General Wesley Clark said that the joint staff that worked for him previously informed him that our goal was to take out: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and Iran. We have already killed Gaddafi (Libya) as he planned on creating a new currency called the gold Dinar and helping Africa transition to it and away from the US Dollar. We've already killed Saddam (Iraq), as in 2000 he tried to move to trading Iraq's oil in Euro. We are going to war to secure resources and loyalty to the petrodollar system, plain and simple. We are not going to war for humanitarian reasons. ______________________________________________________ As soon as we attack Syria these WMD's will be moved to Iran? Man that is brilliant!