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Everything posted by Thunder_Gooch

  1. Who are the top people out there?

    You are not referring to wim hof are you? I know he is a tummo master in the Netherlands. I'd love to see any pictures or video you've got of this guy, if you could give us some contact info on him I'd like to ask him about ending rebirth. Thanks in advance.
  2. Advance Energy Techniques

    It's interesting you mention vagus nerve stimulation. Another master from a school I am studying would meditate underwater using a pipe or reed and enter a near coma state. I think the cold water on the face may trigger the vagus nerve to quiet down. I have found being underwater to be very powerful, and it is used by another teacher I study to increase Intelligence in students. (win wenger author of the Einstein factor) Dr. Yoshiro Nakamatsu is Japan's greatest and most prolific inventor and holds 4000+ patents. He invented the floppy and hard disk and digital watch among other things. He uses underwater training and credits it with his insights. My father was underwater demolition in the navy, and he said whatever that training did being under water for so much time changed him. He came back from the war like a Jedi, and took control of his physical environment and really made something of himself in a big way. He tells me all the stories of his life and shows me pictures and newspaper clippings and it's hard for me to believe one man really accomplished as much as he did, but I know it to be true.
  3. Advance Energy Techniques

    Deep abdominal breathing is what lets you get deeper and deeper, slower and slower, more relaxed. It is almost as if you are asleep while sitting up, but your mind is still aware, but the body goes to sleep. I've had a few obe's and a few lucid dreams at obe level. But that isn't really my end goal. If I get that deep and realize I am dreaming I try never to waste it and focus on sucking in as much energy as is possible.
  4. If anyone can help this person please do

    I was told the dantien can be ruptured and explode if worked with within a week of the last ejaculation, this warning seems common among several schools that focus on filling the LDT. In mo pai the cords are cut at level 3, so it becomes mobile, it is sent down to the perineum point and attached to the yin storage center chakra there, both are returned to the LDT's original location and then attempted to be fused as one uniting yin and yang as one. I speculate this occurs with all of the dan teins being fused together with their yin counterparts, maybe even all the other chakras as well.
  5. If anyone can help this person please do

    Another school I train in says 1 week for any LDT stimulation at all.
  6. My Little Pony

    Thanks for this. Here is another version of it:
  7. In 2005 I messed around with a specific frequency 42Hz, and tripped my balls off, worse than any Acid trip I've ever read about. And it is the reason I am no longer an Atheist. 42Hz was seen in master Buddhist monks with 50,000 hours of practice. It is called the gamma wave band of brainwaves and it is linked to consciousness itself, and is seen in very low amplitudes in normal people, but in the monks in the study it was over 30x higher than normal people attempting meditation. Many of the gamma band binaural beat products on the market near 42Hz were pulled because of the reactions people were having with them. Anyone who tells you you can't have a negative reaction to Binaural beats or other technologies like Transcranial Electric Stimulation (TES) to use electric pulses to induce brainwave entrainment at specific frequencies, doesn't know what they are talking about. This was me in 2005 except worse: That being said, binaural beats in the theta and delta range are probably harmless for most, higher frequencies not so much. Entrainment is dangerous, biofeedback via eeg is much much safer. I recommend you buy an eeg system for this purpose, there are many commercial systems out and they are affordable. I own the deluxe model but the cheaper version is only $100.00 USD
  8. jing

    Responded via PM.
  10. jing

    At least 2 publicly known schools can produce abilities able to be documented scientifically the initial training in both is nearly identical, and add to that probably a third which has very similar methods. I agree with scotty that you should look into multiple sources, but go in with a skeptical mindset. Remember the spiritual community is rife with frauds, wanting your money. Remember most of these systems aren't authentic, they are just junk people make while living in their parents basement to sell books.
  11. Fascinatingly Disturbing Thought
  12. jing

    One of my teachers who is not in mo pai/long men pai, warned me many times over not to work with the LDT within a week of ejaculation for this reason, and instead to work with the middle dan tein, so I've followed that advice. I don't know exactly what exercises can cause it to tear but I am not willing to even possibly take any risk and find out.
  13. jing

    I can't give you my honest opinion on the matter without kicking off another 20 page flame war, so I won't. But you are right, no one should get involved in anything that is dangerous, that is unless they are ready to accept the risks and believe the system offers something others cannot.
  14. Advance Energy Techniques

    I don't mean to get into a p***ing contest with anyone here, but I encourage you to at least try out a deep trance state where you go so deep you are where you can barely feel your body, at least that deep, and try to work with chi in that state. Then compare that to whatever it is you do in a non trance state. Come back here and tell me that the experience is even close to being on the same level.
  15. jing

    The end goal isn't zapping people, it's to become a Taoist immortal spirit, and if that's your end goal it is worth the risk. He's already asked for help from master Wang Li Ping.
  16. If anyone can help this person please do

    I think he is confused too, because getting to the stage where it is full enough to be damaged is something like less than 1% of people training in a LDT practice will ever achieve. However the potential for this kind of damage is very real, even if you don't believe it.
  17. jing

    Guys listen I don't know if he really did break his LDT, but in systems who's goal is focusing on filling the LDT and compressing it you can cause it to detonate if you train within a week of ejaculation. 99.9999999% of you will never need to head this warning as you aren't training in systems with this focus, however it is a real threat for those who are. He's here asking for help, not for people to be jerks to him
  18. Are you proud of your nationality?

    While I am grateful we aren't as bad off as many countries, I am not proud of what my country does to others and it's own people. So while I love the country I am apart of, I am not proud of it's actions.
  19. Fascinatingly Disturbing Thought

    “Nothing is not nothing. Nothing is something. That's how a cosmos can be spawned from the void -- a profound idea conveyed in A Universe From Nothing that unsettles some yet enlightens others. Meanwhile, it's just another day on the job for physicist Lawrence Krauss.” -- Neil deGrasse Tyson, Astrophysicist
  20. It probably is a wrong view, I am just going off what he told me. He said we came here to be deluded and enjoy it, and seeking enlightenment was the most pointless thing a person could do. I assume this only applies to nondual definitions of enlightenment, there are other definitions that may not apply, such as energetic enlightenment. I don't know I am not enlightened, just found this guy interesting.
  21. I don't think he was saying you have no control over your actions so much as the world your actions occurs in is a dream. What I got out my talks with him, is that when you wake up, you are aware you are in a dream, and the person you were was a dream character. The awareness of your experience remains as it always did, Just as you are now. You aren't a physical body but rather the experience of a physical body, the thing observing this experience isn't going to die even if your dream character does. But this is only in the context of some guy on the Internet I met who claims to be enlightened. For all I know he could be the absolute ultimate troll on the Internet. I just liked what he had to say, it interests me deeply, and it fascinates me. Don't lose sleep over it, I subscribe to a more energetic notion of enlightenment than I do a nondual notion. I just think these are some cool ideas to think about and entertain.
  22. Had a car full of people pull up to my front door of my work place, blasting bob Marley, and screaming at the top of their lungs: Totally not making this up, I am serious. Whatever is is, don't sweat it.
  23. Why "Pure Yang?"

  24. Well each of our paths are different. To be honest this idea of enlightenment may not be what enlightenment really is. There is a good chance this guy and others like him are just nutty butters, that have flipped their lids. I don't think this version of enlightenment is what I want at all. I just want to end rebirth and continue meditating for eternity, that's my idea of heaven and that's what I seek. I just like to explore new ideas and concepts and teachings. Philosophy like this usually doesn't do much for me, I just found it thought provoking. Even in a worst case scenario, whatever happens isn't up to us so there is no use worrying about it. We might as well enjoy life and be good people no matter what. I can stub my toe and know that suffering still exists irregardless of if it is illusory or not, so working together to lessen the suffering of others is still a noble goal no matter what the ultimate reality of the situation may be or not be. Basically I am saying whatever is already is, so it shouldn't effect how you live your life or what you choose to do with it.
  25. Closed Eye versus Open Eye Meditations

    Buy a mindfold and it doesn't matter either way