Greetings from South Africa.
I've been studying Taoism since 2000 when I lived in the United Arab Emirates. A friend and co-worker gave me a great book on leadership called "Real Power: Business Lessons from the Tao Te Ching" by James Autry and Stephen Mitchell that initially sparked my interest. From 2002 I began practising Tai Chi Chuan back in Johannesburg, South Africa. Soon after that I read Tao of Pooh and Te of Piglet by Benjamin Hoff.
And I've met some interesting people along the way who've found Taoism related information I've published on the Web. And what's been amazing for me is the balanced perspective that has come into my life. There's also been some interesting information I've found linking Taoism to Christianity, Jesus, Jungian Psychology and Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. Last year, in 2008, I also met some people from a Religious Taoism Group in Johannesburg and went to their Holy Temple for a ceremony with people from Taiwan.
My favourite Taoism material has been from Osho and Alan Watts. More about them later...
Warm regards