
The Dao Bums
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Everything posted by GrandTrinity

  1. Enlightenment in higher Education?

    Thank you for the links, this is the wavelength I am looking for more of, I wish these people were a little more aware of the benevolent holistic arts and sciences, but they are coming very close perhaps.... Thank you.. got to be some more out there, eh?
  2. Robert Peng

    Well even if its garbage, put in the library when your finished reviewing? I like free garbage! Unless its pure shit, but if Winn speaks highly of him, I doubt it is (the again, many talk smack about Winn unfortunetly). Also his website is quite informative.
  3. Yantra Yoga in New York

    This month? Ahh like verything is going on this weekend in North East USA!!! Chi Nei Tsang workshops, 2 good concerts, Yuanming Zhang teaching and now this! What to do??? Rex or anyone, please tell me more abou thie Yantra Yoga being presented here. Do you think its the simple 8 movements? These are available on video, and I am inclined to buy the video, anyone familiar with it? "The Eight Movements of Yantra Yoga: An Ancient Tibetan Tradition" by a Norbu student/Norbu Also, see for another video teaching of Yantra yoga.
  4. Shrooms

    Oh, I know about the Volcano!!!!! The Aromazap is a scaled down, cheaper and smaller version but equally as effective and useful. There is no need for a volcano unless you want to trip balls and have much herbs, impress people or just have the money to spend on being extra funkdefied. Ahh, herbal technologies of vapor Anyways, as for fungi... hahaha... that be some other shiiiot. David Deida warns that if you associate light with psychedellics (as opposed to sex), you will become very feminine. I think this definetly happened to me on some level, making me yin. However, I like to see it as balancing my inner female. Definetly used healthfuly when used for deeper communion with ancestoral spirits... I think its okay to use drugs, as long as you keep developing. Ken Wilber starts his book "One taste" by talking about ravers who take E and have orgies, he says "more power to them" hahaha!
  5. Bodhi Savas

    Hey Spectrum, will you enlighten us more about your previous comment on this thread? The relationship between masons and taoists is very interesting, to say the least. Perhaps you know about it?
  6. Five Continents, 5 elements

    What continents match with what elements for you?
  7. Major metaphyisical school I found the Yin and Yang of chakras article interesting... very scientific but spiritual. Spiritual healing and religion, for one's world and new mind...
  8. Immortality Poll

    I couldnt find anyting, but perhap Sean would know??
  9. I think I got some Orgon

    LOL, orgonite is in everything, so its a little weird? Also pretty fun to have in my pocket and chillin, I feel some power for sure.
  10. Yantra Yoga in New York

    Sweeeet, but there was no date on there? click here tp find vajra and tao martial arts monastery in BUffalo NY! I just learned of it! Newly revealed!!!!!!!1
  11. Shrooms

    wow this thread is pretty firey. Id say the only law that matters is natural law and dharma... not that state laws do not matter but the universal ones due most. Is it not religions and governments that brainwashed us our whole life? The root of religions is the tao. THey all say the same thing which stemmed from Tao. I just went out side and connect with heaven and earth. Came in, ate a banana, gave myself a self massage, did standing medition all the way through to reunion of heaven and man, enhaled a vaporizer of fine herbal substances, then studied some Harvard consciousness based research at ...ahhhhhhhhhhhh the balance. Waking up at 330, experimenting with my own consciousness for higher education. Of course, I would not admit to my school I ever do anything illegal. On the other hand, (my school is fully accredited) the president, in his inauguration speech quote "Brother Bob Marley" twice, mentioning "Babylon" four times!! My schools is based in Vermont. I feel that Taoists are immune to laws... on some level because they know about natural law which is much more signifigant overall. If one cultivates the wisdom and virtue which can be had with a psychedellic experience, they have a potential to teach a lot of people about peace, reality...
  12. Dances of Ecstacy

    I love to dance at good concerts... the other day I attended the Disco Biscuits, I like String Cheese Incident, soon Bob Marley's son is coming to N. Hampton Mass, and so is Medeski Martin and Wood with Jon Scofield. All of these great shows do amazing things for my meditations and chi, bringing them to new levels when I dance to the "music of the spheres" aware of increasingly deep qigong principles... Anyone with similar experiences? Check out this cool quote from a yoga teachers newsletter: Dance: The Hidden Language of the Soul It's been said that the body is a sacred garment, and that dance is the hidden language of the soul. The ancient Greeks believed that dancing was a gift from the gods and that the gods offered this gift to select mortals, who in turn taught the art of dance to humanity. Those are some deep worlds (edit: "words" - but interesting how these words are so close!?). Master Wu talks about Shamanism on his website, there is an article about drum and dance being like a universal way for humans to get knowledge... amazing stuff, how this happened virtually in EVERY culture. I think in the future, we need to go back to dancing and drumming and jamming to music. Definitely in physical education classes where our children just run around in circles. That makes me sick! Phys ed classes? They should be studying psychosomatics (qigong) and worldwide theories on nutrition and health or mental development (meditation)!
  13. Great lecture transcirpts

    Dr. Jeff Mishlove is a really cool guy, I met him on Check out these great interviews he did: So far, I read and enjoyed the Alberto Villoldo interview about Shamanism and Healing. Check out Jeff's vision, the rainbow YinYang: And check him out on or his personal hompage to see really cool art with the symbol...
  14. Shrooms

    Yes if you go to you can see a 3 hour documentary about astrotheology (study of stars/heaven and religion) and shamanism- the universe, time and space... I took amanitas once, your supposed to do 30 grams. They are not toxic if you eat them dried out. If you drink you pee (I didnt) you will trip more, and harder, recycling the active ingrediants for up to like 5 times. WHen I took them, I had a serious experience. I felt like I could see into the future and simply felt a deep mytical emptiness. Everything seemed to be pulsing like in waves, as if my heart had merged with my environment. Some of these effectss, Im sure, were due to anticipation that it would be like this. One of theings I did on them was to figure out if I went throug earth, what lat and long atude would i come out at? someowhere in afghanistan...
  15. Though yall would enjoy this. And does anyone know who that dude is below? Healing Love: Five Elements and the Art of the Bedchamber: Metal: "Parting the clouds" and connecting the Spirit Water: Massage Techniques for her by him. Jade egg practice, Breast massage and Ovarian Chi Kung Wood: Massage techniques for him by her. Seminal Chi Kung Fire: The art, actual sexual congress, different stages, positions Earth: Valley orgasm, deep healing and integration. FROM:
  16. Good Day!

    Yes, welcome! I knew you'd show up! Can you please tell us more details about the Jade Qigong? You might consider donating a copy to our library You teach Tai Chi & Qi Gong at University of North Carolina? Is that extracurricular or as a professor? I am always interested in the merger of Eastern and Western Higher Education. I enjoyed reading your website - I never knew that accupoint one spot is meant to activate the entire meridan. Also, you might discuss the rift between TCM and CCM in America for us?
  17. Energy work

    Whats up with France? The word Meridian is French and I hear they had Accupuncture waaay before America?
  18. Immortality Poll

    Wow, thanks for that quote Cam. I have a I-Minger book and although I didnt read it, if one looks at the concordance of it on one knows I-Ming is a real dude. So, is I-Ming still kickin? He is alive? Is he immortal with a pure chi body??? You know what? I asked my friend this question recently. Both his parents are mystics. He told me: Well, the Earth and the Sun, like, even they will die one day, even the sun breaks down. THis is cool to think about, but still - the answer to this question does not appear black and white. On the other hand, a Taoist immortal does see this as black and white.
  19. Shrooms

    They clean up their shit? hahahaha night goggles? Where/when did Chia "admit" that???? I do not beleive it! So what is the clear light? Not the white, not the black but the lucid like transparent everything cosmic being that is ultimate supremely benevolent? How do you feel on Kelsang Gyatso as a guide? What is the secrets? Thanks. Also, I just remembered another very important insight from Ken Wilber. He says its fine to do drugs as long as you also increase your level of development. By increasing your level of development, you study the mind or meditation. Perhaps this should be a standard policy in regards to people taking psychotic drugs? Perhaps one day. However, the question here is about personal freedom. Shrooms are not legal, but now Im getting of topic. Actually, an interesting fact is that Fly Agaric (oh words...) Amanita Fungi are legal everywhere but Israel!!!! Whoever does mushies - arm yourself with the following mandala and you will be relatively safe if not blissful: C/O
  20. Shrooms

    Just thought of something else... they call the Shaman a "wounded healer" for a reason! Also, however, consider this: We only live once, and there is no other heaven than the one we create on Earth.
  21. Shrooms

    Denty, can you expand on stabilization of clear light? Also, Lerner, note that DMT is the chemical in the brain. Certainly if you practice the highest kan and li, you will have similar experiences of than with psychedelics. Also, consider that Mantak Chia leads kan and li retreats in caves, this naturally induces DMT production in the brain - same thing as psychedelic tripping. Also consider that the spinal cord fluid carries DMT - doing qigong is the same as tripping if you can pump the fluid properly, like with chi kung fundamentals of Winn (he claims). Finally, consider that maybe you should learn all the Kan and Li and then go on a "vision quest" and compare you practice without and during shrooms. At least that way you will have an immortal perspective. Also, I think if the weather is really nice outside, your at a river and really happy, perhaps surrounded by people you love you ARE going to have a great time. In contrast, if you go into the trip thinking it might be nightmare, the weather is bad, some people are home who might disturb you, the phone rings, etc etc... you get the point - its the situation that counts. True, the mind can slow down on psychedelics or when tripping on cannabis. Actually, however, this is the mystical emptiness which is useful as per the tao teh ching's comments on the mystical center of emptiness. If you can slow down your mind, thats good, if you can speed it up, thats good. That can also be bad, and that can also be bad. The point is balance like anything. When you trip, balance the mind and body - plan to do it. Also, balance the nervous systems, balance it all in the heart and through perfect clarity and stillness, but go into it prepared, because you heart will tend to speed up if your not. My point is, go in prepared so you can bing something back for humanity. Don't go in completely blind (GO IN HALF BLIND) pissing in the wind, instead experience the truth of human evolution. Also consider that Winn says the mind is a drug. Life is one big cosmic fungus. Lets make that fungi have a symbiotic relationship with god through orthodox unity.
  22. Happy Birthday Tao Bums!

    Wow, this is a real historic event, no joke!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, otherwise I would have no respectable Taoist community. Not that th HT USA forum isnt respectable, but at least we have smilies!
  23. Shrooms

    Yoda got real excited just now! Thats awesome. Cosmic bones? hahhaa. Done I remember someone on here mentioning a pressure cooker? hahaha Lerner, you might want to check out Winn's old HD post on this, from the time of last X-mas. He talks about the saami Shaman and how mushies have yuan chi, but how Terence Mckenna got trapped by low level entities in them. Yes, the experience is not always euphoric and can be quite the opposite! Thus, however, you become more determined to get at the root of human evolution - yoga and mind and body development, the root of all world religions, government and human institutions- they will make you think extreme thoughts... My best, most ecstatic experiences were at concerts on mushrooms - jam bands. I did them a lot for two years. THen, I totally stopped for the past two years and have been studying the tao and astrotheology behind them... will start again when its time, but I have a lot more research and work to do first. Allowing for human consciousness to be liberated... takes time. Definitely, you need the right intention and environment and vision. Thats why its called a VISION QUEST. You go to get information and bring it back, perhaps write it down....etc I'd suggest starting with psylocybin. One of my friends who took it, said he couldnt stop thinking about infinite. Thats what happen to me, and energy... then I started to study that shizle... Mantak Chia says drugs are like a fake orgasm. Chia says if you take LSD you get kan and li right away, but he says he prefers to go the slow way. Heck, look at Tim leary? He was fucken crazy before he died, but he did contribute to our scholarly knowledge of psychedellics... Terence Mckenna was fucken crazy with his experimentation, real out-there but also a skilled scientist. You might want to check out the book Chaos Creativity and Cosmic Conciousness Also, I should note. I was reading a book in the libary at my old college, about the immortals, I think it was poetry. Anyways, one of the immortals says "you want o know my thoughts? eat magic mushrooms and you will know my thoughts!"
  24. 9 Palaces Solar Qi Gong

    A gem? For $20? I'll take it! But first, can you describe the techniques/generally what you learned?
  25. Energy work

    WELL SAID Its really messed up... every accupuncture school needs at least one Tao bum to train them in Qi Gong and whatnot.