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Everything posted by GrandTrinity

  1. "The best penis enlarger"

    Price is 200 Euros. A tantric teacher told me about this whose studied many of the tools out there... this thing is medical grade... check it out. Too expensive for me now, but maybe I splurge on it later. Dont forget to sublime your energy to sahasrara/celestial gate when you wear it
  3. Rosicrucian

    anyone down with the rose cross? Seems like some really interesting mysticism... if I can crack it open.
  4. I am now a registered 500 hour yoga teacher through the Agama Yoga School in Thailand. I am also certified to teach Tai Chi and Qi Gong. I am considering teaching somewhere in Asia, like Taiwan or Japan (nice money there...nice culture too). However, I am also interested in teaching english and of course evolving my own studies... any tips on any of this? Much appreciated. Good to see Taobums is still thriving, its been a while for me. Cheers from Thailand, Jake
  5. Living, Teaching, Learning in Asia

    Thanks for your insights everyone. I will look into Osaka, that sounds great! Taiwan could work also. It sounds like I might want to avoid China at this moment, perhaps earning enough cash elsewhere to enjoy China later. WDQ, what is this about boycotting Korea products, explain? De_paradise, wow you have a lot of experience in Asia. I would love to talk with you about that. How does the 60 Visa thing work in Taiwan? I would think that if one gets a part or full time job, this would enable one to get a special visa to not deal with that stuff? Its a freakin island, what do you do? sail or fly out ever sixty days if you must? hahaha
  6. Choa Kok Sui Anyone study with him? Intersted?
  7. Yang Jwing Ming

    What does everyone thing of this character? I have read most of his Root of Chinese Qigong and enjoyed learning some things from it. He has a number of books out on Qigong including one on releivign back pain which I have not gotten time to read yet and one on qigong massage that I have enjoyed skimming. In time he plans to release details about Tibetan Qigong which sounds intersting. His latest book is called Small Circulation and was released recently in May, has anyone or does anyone plan to check this out?:
  8. WU dang orbit?

    Winn keeps mentioing the importance of the wu dang orbit, anyone can please recount what distinguishes this from the regular orbit?
  9. Art Of The Bedchamber

    This book looks hella-good, anyone here want to chime in?
  10. Wu Chi Chi Kungs

    Lets make a list of all them? (This is also known as Primordial Qi Gong). Winn's Tai chi for Enlightenment Wu Chi Chi Gong Wu Dang by by master Jiang Practice as taught by Daoist Priest Michael Rinaldini Garripoli Version no mantak chia version????? !??? I will have to tell him to get on this! Sure there is a few obvious ones Im forgetting....? I am sure EVERY master (and even practitioner) has their own uniquely subtle versions, of course!?
  11. The Dalai Lama Diet

    that is some pretty interesting wisdom!
  12. Spinal Care

    As someone who meditates and works with chi, what is your experience of chiropractic? I have heard a tai chi player say that chiro is "too sharp" for the chi and thus can "drive it out" I have experienced a spectrum of positive and negative effects from chiropractic myself. I am tempted to try network chiro or applied kinesiology or something else. My current doc has a machine called the insight subluxation machine. It is used by NASA and replaces x-rays in assessing the spine. I like it. Since my major issue is with the Atlas Complex at the upper cervical, I am currently seeing a specialist in this. Does anyone have experience there? What is your experience and opinion on chiropractic through the lens of a meditater?
  13. Spinal Care

    Freesun, unfortunately I am in the USA not Germany. I read through the English section of th vitality website. It was very interesting. However, it did not talk about the actual technique. What is the procedure? how many sessions does it take to "hold"? thanks!
  14. Essene Gospel of Peace

    This is a great, original gospel!!!!!! So enlightening! Particularly, raw-foodies and vegans will like it. Also, taoist willl enjoy. It talks about angels of wind and water, heaven and earth, god and satan related to hygiene, about body and spirit. I cant wait to read parts 2 through while flying to India! this is available on Amazon for very cheap. The full text is also on some websites.
  15. Spinal Care

    The Atlas complex is a bitch to heal. Well it will take maybe over a month with regular bi weekly sessions perhaps... a very weird vertebre, at the top of the spine. Mythmaker, what is up with that? you practice legit or learned it second hand? How is it similar/diff than external qi gong healing? it sounds similar. What if any is your experience with upper cervical healings? How long/many treatments does network take to kick in?
  16. Top 5 Practices

    1. working with consciousness and conscience to purify being 2. yoga - mostly mysore style (ashtanga vinyasa, power) 3. yoga of sleep aka reclining buddha aka yoga nidra 4. various qi gong as needed 5. Misc: my blog, planning a trip to India, reading, watching MANY AWESOME DOCUMENTARIES on yoga, shamanism, etc
  17. Trip to India...

    I am likely going to India at the beginning of January for a World Congress on Psychology and Spirituality. So, I would like to: A. Invite any other Tao bums to attend! B. Solicit premier ideas about where to go (ashrams, museums, sites, etc), who to train with, and other tips about visiting the primal holy Land of baby Krishna! So far I have sent a form to Pattahabi Jois's Center in Mysore, stating that I am considering training there for 6 months! I tentatively plan to visit Amritsar, the home of Kundalini Yogis/Sikhs, Siddha ashrams, and many couches thanks to Much love, Jake
  18. Trip to India...

    Well I have the Yoga Journal Guide to India which might help. What is so great about Pondicherry? It is surely on my list of places to consider checking out, though it it much south of where I will be initially, in New Delhi. Delhi is close to China/Tibet so I will surely be careful to check out the Thunder Vehicle friends and ashrams along there... the Yoga Journal Guide may come in very handy!
  19. I tend to feel energy leak out my anus when I practice yoga unless its sealed up, anyone agree?
  20. Anyone familiar with this author's works? He sounds pretty legit...
  21. Black Magic?

    What is black magic? is it to be feared? I understand it plays a significant role in Tibetan Buddhism? Can anyone answer these questions? Thanks
  22. Eye Health is KEY!

    Remember like all 80% of sense info comes through eye. Our eyes are very tense! This reflects in everything! I have been enjoying healing my eyes the past few days VERY much as it also heals the brain. First, I am enjoying the book Magic Eye Beyond 3d. Magic Eye was invented by an eye doc who is also an accupuncurist. It has sold over 20 million copies! The benefits for you eyes, brain, relaxation, meditation, intuition and just plain FUN are infinite! Wow! Be warned that it is not easy, at first, to see the magic in the pics, but with awareness of your energy, relaxation and deep breathing, soft eyes will bring the magic through and you will be amazed. Dont give up, the rewards are awesome! It really is magic when you start to see... Next, I have been enjoying the Mindfold. This is a mask which lets you have 100% darkness and is very comfortable at the same time, suitable for sleep, meditation, whatever... The mask has room for your eyes so they are not being touched by the mask--no irritation at all. The mindfold was invented by shamanic artist Alex Grey, who is THE MAN. Also, it was very funny becuase what convinced me to buy this was the fact that G. Bush Jr. was recorded on video wearing a Mindfold mask while flying on Air Force 1. Update: Magic eye, I find, is making me able to see with greater depth perception, something we loose with linear technology. Find out more on eye stuff: - this is a crazy way of speed-reading which is supposed to use the whole brain, it is recommended by the Magic Eye inventor and it looks VERY interesting! I am always skeptical of photoreading, but this might be real? They know about Qigong.
  23. There iare three new CD's and two new videos at the store in Im sure its quite interesting stuff! I havent decided if I will get any of it yet, but if anyone else wants to I hope you will add to the library or even perhaps a few of us will pitch in and add these goodies to the library.
  24. Yan Xin's Free Energy Secret

    Very interesting article
  25. the Dragon and Lao Tzu

    Modern Taoism frequently talks about the dragon force. However, where does Lao Tzu talk about that, if at all? True, words are said to matter little - but can this connection be drawn? I believe Confucius labeled Lao Tsu as a dragon after they met. Where can we find other connections between dragons and lao tsu if at all? Or is the dragon a modern fantasy of religious/organized taoism exclusively?