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Everything posted by GrandTrinity

  1. Rene Navarro and CNT 2 Course

    my friend and i werere interested in hitting up tracker school. i dont know. what kind of healing do you learn there? i was a boy scout and stuff. is it shamanistic at all?
  2. Movie titled "Insane Karate Moves"

    damn, i gots to get me some of that noni
  3. Prasara

    thats sounds siiiiiiiiiiick
  4. Dealing w/ Death

    hahaha, interesting. I think thisis true. One time i was maaaad depressed and I did a meditation thinking dead/life on enhale/exhale. Saposedly when you eat the holy grail you die too... I think the 4 dimensional art of life is the way to balance life and death. You cant just practice taoist yoga, you have to BECOME it.
  5. Tao: the watercourse way

    Interesting. Although I am a big fan of thanking and praying to water, what is Emoto's crystals are a hoax? Noobody else tested it but him? I find that hard to beleive given his popularity.
  6. Dealing w/ Death

  7. Rene Navarro and CNT 2 Course

    Well Rene and Winn stand to profit off my attendance, so obviously I am asking for a 3rd party opinions my friends. So far one person pm'd me and said he did not get too much out of his experience...
  8. Tao: the watercourse way

    true, true
  9. Ken Cohen 100 days Qigong Course

    I copped it off amazon, used for like 45. Turns out this is mostly a repeition of his other videos. Shows basics in qigong healing, sounds, standing and a little moving. I think the 5 cd set is the same 5 cd set he already relesed too! This is old material!
  10. The Green

    Anyone seen this book "The emporer wears no clothes" by Jack Herer, I HIGHLY recommend it.
  11. squating and realling opening the stagnant energy

    Another good one is this: With body erect sitting with knees on ground (body in a 90 degree angle at knees) lift up one knee, then the other so one calf, then the other is at 90 degrees to ground, put first knee back to the ground, then the other. Repeat sequence, starting on opposite side. Hands may extend out in front of you to balance. Repeat as much as you like, keep it slow at first with deep breathing. This opens the tan tien (hara) a lot and you will see a new level of openess. Everything in your body will start to flow a lot smoother with continued pratice, take it slow as this is a rigorous practice at first. When finished, pratice some meditation, orbit or whatever comes to your empty mind and relax thus collecting chi in your center(s).
  12. The Green

    Look at the 5 element creation and destruction cycle. Tree nourishes fire, and destorys h20. May god grant 1 good luck balancing that!
  13. Rant about tao mountain

    I was just thinking how the Healing Tao is an elitist school. They claim to be so spiritual, but tell me this: are the real spiritual people living is resorts? Are the spiritual people charging money for us to use their swimming pools and suanas and gourmet food? Are they living with ethics? I dont know. I think a lot of taoists would through up when they see how other taoists in America (richest country in the world) are living in such luxury. I know real yogis would! Im sorry but how can you be spiritual and be rich at the same time? You better balance it or your going to hell! Your saposed to live in a cave and then when your enlightened, come down and spread heaven on earth! You shouldnt have to charge people for your teachings because they should be given to the poor, the people who need and deserve it. And if someone wants to donate you money because you deserve and need it, then thats what should keep a healer going materialy, from the hearts of the people they help, not from their fat checkbooks. Tao mountain is a 5 star resort pretty much, and that is weird. Seriosuly, they should also have campsites at least, for people to camp out under the stars and learn the tao while remaining in the elements, rather than spraying water up their ass with the bedays. I want to go to tao mountain this summer, but I may just end up camping out somewhere in Walker Valley or a nearby town, if anyone would like to join me or knows a good campsite, then lets do it.
  14. squating and realling opening the stagnant energy

    I looked in this book on polarity therapy, it says what you do is to use a book under the heels of your feet. Then, you can squat all the way down no problem. Of course, doing it without warming up aint a good idea so do a little qigong/yoga streching first. I like to go up and down, point hands up for balance when down, use tendon changing. Also, make it like a wave, like a snake in da spine. And of course, a major thing doing intensive stuff like this is COUNTERPOSES. If you strech one way a lot, strech the other way a lot too. Bridging is a good counter for squats, as is the cobra. Oh yeah, and be creative and move around in it, jiggle. As time goes on and you get more loose, you can use a lesser thick book until you dont need one at day. Thanks Yodas mom, great tip about the wall. Its crazy how obvious that is, but monkey and I didnt think of it! Im about to go read a book (Healing from Within...) as I do that and think about kan and li, relaxing...gots to respect the heavenly mother.
  15. Latest HT post from Michael Winn

    thanks for that spyrelx... Also check this out, talking about Ron.
  16. Make your own Tai Chi? I find this, and Shengzhen to be my favorite forms right now.
  17. standing meditation: who does it & how

    its different every time, there are infinite ways to do it, to put your hands, up down, pulsing chi, guiding it, whatever
  18. Rant about tao mountain

    Stick your fingers, gently, all the way into your hara. Then to the 5 elemtns around it. Put your hand over your hara and lay back and mediate. Then you are rich because you are in your center. All money has to flow through your center. So in theory, if you keep doing this, you should be able to put mad money through your center. Do it? I know I will! money=psychic energy what is there infinite of? be a billion air money becomes chi and chi becomes money what is chi? what is between heaven and earth, of course If this is truely the fruit of your cultivation, you will be a billionaire spiritualy and physicaly.
  19. Who here is the best Yogi?

    What books/teachers/videos do you recommend? It appears that taoist yoga, or tao yin is the best system. However, there is A LOT to be learned from the Indians, of course.
  20. talks about all the kan and li meditations and stuff the 6 yogas of naropa does too but amazon aint got that shite in stock...I am looking to practice my fusion and stuff more. I got master chia tapes and winn tapes and booklets, hooray!
  21. Who here is the best Yogi?

  22. Latest HT post from Michael Winn

    AMEN. I know I wont forget Ron. I was in his last class at tao mountain. Damn, I am glad I took Iron Shirt instead of the basics! During this retreat he knew what was up. He knew I was stoned but he knew that was good. He stared me in the eye and read my psychic energy and it was like subtle body sex, he knew exactly what I was thinking and he was able to say it, and go deeper, talking about the next thing I was thinking, and then everything would turn to light, golden, all I could see were his eyes for a few moments, a number of times this happened, we went eye to eye, soul to soul, a very orgasmic spsirtual transmision, heart to heart, spirit to spirit. Countless times his spirit enters my third eye, as I think of him, countless times have his words, intuition and movements been downloaded into my crystal palace, countless insights I received from him, my FIRST (and last?) spiritual teacher. Now that his spirit is in the underworld, it is at home, where it belongs. As far as the upper world, it is up to us to carry on his teachings and bring that spirit there, to heaven. He is not in heaven unless we take his spirit there.
  23. Rant about tao mountain

    it all balances in the end... there were bedays in the two rooms I stayed at there...true they offer some work studies which is good...qigong is expensive these days here and in China, I mean, thats just the way it is. Rare do you see someone teaching for free. But check out
  24. cosmic heart spiral of love and shengzhen

    Who is the other Master, Jampa? With his healing tao insititute? Moving to Austin is something I have been thinking about. Indeed, I just looked up whats up with the massage school there using I see this Austin school of Massage is #1 in the state and they claim this: Part-Time Work Part-time massage therapists can enjoy $500 per week. This can be a perfect schedule for homemakers, students, or retired persons. Make $25,000 per year seeing only two clients per day. Full-Time Work Want to become a full-time professional? Earn $1,000 to $1,500 per week with just four to six clients per day. That adds up to $50,000 to $75,000+ annually! And Texas only requires 300 hours to be an LMT...