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Everything posted by Ladros

  1. Honesty with people

    I have tried to learn myself to let people be, let them come on their own pace and learn things on their own way. I hope, that that is the way for them to understand more. Realisation for things, what ever it is, just needs to come inside. I cannot change it for anyone else than me. My rock on my life have been my parents, but these days I try more and more to just talk with them on different things and on how those things could probably be seen differently. But then, in the end, just let them decide and give them support on what they have chosen to do. And I do faults too, that's been a good thing for myself to remember And like its been said before in this thread, it is interesting to try to learn to see things on different point of view, not one of my own, as I am not perfect. And then try to practise tolerance and patience.
  2. Jed McKenna On Selecting Teachers

    I must admit that I am a bit sceptic towards such statement, or then you are just looking at different levels of enlightenment. Anyway, I find it hard to believe that thirty years would produce such a great amount of enlightened people, with good practise and groundwork - maybe few. It always varies with people and with people on that path. It is true that from the fruit, you shall know the teacher, but it kinda works on both ways.. ..And the scale even grows bigger when thinking that there are teachers on different levels as there are students and I think that not always the 'highest' one is the best one. -Ladros
  3. What are you listening to?

    I like for example Air Ensemble, the Songs of Hildegard von Bingen Slowhill and and then for example:
  4. films (maybe a bit more on documentary side, but anyways,..): Other Worlds by Jan Kounen Yogis of Tibet The Tibetan Book of the Dead (and the book too) as for books: The Yoga of Light with commentary by Hans-Ulrich Rieker
  5. This was actually quite hard, but I need to say I would have liked to meet HE Druwang Rinpoche, one of the greatest tibetan buddhist yogis of this century, but even him passed a way two years ago. I know there are a lot of authors and people out there, but I don't get anyone else in my mind at this point -Ladros
  6. Great classes this weekend!

    These indeed are Great classes, would recommend to anyone
  7. Do You Train Martial Arts?

    Hi I started to practice karate at age 9 and then later at age 14 started hwardo kwan hapkido, though it is not teached anymore in Finland, but the group remained and these days they practice kyosho aiki jutsu. I have not been active in the group for some time. I still do chi kung at some degree, though it is not a martial art, but to me something that i mostly learned from there. I think I was fortunate with my training partners, as most had interest to chi kung, healing arts and kyosho techniques, made practising a lot more interesting and we all were able to share and learn things on a bit deeper level. -Ladros
  8. Hello!

    Hi, I made a fast look out through the forum and thought to join since here is some interesting topics and good conversations going on. As about myself, I am tibetan buddhist and practice Arhatic Yoga and have about 10 years of background in martial arts, hapkido mostly, done some chi kung too and I do like it. See ya people -Ladros