
The Dao Bums
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Everything posted by VCraigP

  1. 4 year old blackbelts

    Sacrificed on the Altar of economic reality.
  2. EMF Pollution Protection II

    I read that you can try to request the electric company to have the smart meter take readings only once a day, or at least not constantly. Please contact them and inquire. I just read about smart meters on and that really sucks having one put right there.
  3. Master Yang

    Welcome to the tao bums. If you haven't noticed skepticism as this forum then you haven't really lurked here long. Paranoid? maybe a bit. Charlatans have attempted to drum up business here in the past. OF course that statement is strictly my opinion. Plenty of good teachers have popped in here as well, also my opinion. Go study with Master Yang some more and tell us more. Also, meet some senior students and tell us what they are like as well. Nothing wrong with seeking to exercise discernment. When we are continents away and with only words and a website to go by of course most will wonder if Master Yang is the real deal. I hope for your sake that he is. Good luck. Craig
  4. Question about Healing Sounds

    Ultimately it is up to you to pursue a course of action which might help. So far only one person has commented with any personal experience. Your experience is what really matters. Six healing sounds from M.Chia are IMO coming from a very clear history of Tao practice. Working with the organs and sounds has many many examples to find in China. I like M.Winn's explanation that qigong is truly about learning to communicate with the life force. I have used the healing sounds extensively in the past and had profound experience with them. I don't think the issue of whether or not Chia's whole body of work is worthwhile applies here. This is a simple practice to get you in touch with your organs and to help move stagnant energy. I believe they can work. Will they work for everyone? Will they work for you? No one but you can answer this. I vote for doing the simple healing sounds as taught in the Healing Tao system. It is part of the basic training which includes the inner smile meditation. In my experience this is also an effective way to connect with your body, bit by bit, and with your organs. Practice of the inner smile will help make six healing sounds more effective. My opinion. I am a certified instructor in this system (1993), but haven't taught much. Good luck. PS - I always thought it would be interesting to go to a TCM doc for pulse/tongue diagnosis and then do extensive healing sounds practice for a time then return to see if the doc would note any change. Maybe you can do this experiment? Craig
  5. Jeff Primack

    Actually this is a re broadcast of an earlier interview FWIW. I recommend listening to many of Lamas interviews. It is nice to listen to so many different perspectives in the qigong world. Jeff seems to be good at promotion. Posting on TTB to defend himself doesn't seem like a good way to promote what he does so I doubt we'll hear from him again. In the interview he comes across well intentioned.
  6. Double orbits

    Any qigong can be involving Yi. Where Yi goes Qi flows, yidao qidao. IMO any qigong which intentionally moves qi or moves the mind through paths in the body is involving Yi. Do you get benefit from your method? Does it feel like what you should be doing? Are you asking because you have mixed feelings about it? I suggest you let your self be your guide. let the grand experiment continue. Craig PS - Perhaps the real question should be about Yi. Should you be practicing in this fashion or not? Is it possible to move beyond mentally having an INTENTION to do something towards a state of ATTTENTIVENESS where you perceive the flow of energy as it is and add to that flow by being attentive. Or if something is not flowing perhaps move your attention away from that obstruction and find what does enable better flow of energy. Perhaps you already are doing that which is why you are discovering "unorthodox" flows which you feel the need to discuss. :-)
  7. Tongue on the upper palate

    ChiDragon I hereby revoke your name. Since TCM concepts are Myth to you then you cannot use the term Chi. Since DRagons are obviously Mythical you certainly cannot use that either. I suggest you rename your self Mud Monkey
  8. Ginseng when young.

    When in doubt - go for Siberian ginseng. aka Eleutherococcus senticosus, or Eleuthero. Can be taken long term with little to no potential problems. Huge body of research on it's adaptogenic properties as well. Get good quality pure powder in capsule form or SUN Brand tablets. DONT buy the extract as it is mostly less effective than the pure powder. Also, try American ginseng which is closely related to Panax ginseng but viewed as Neutral not Hot like Panax. But, yes, using Panax is also good. My preference would be in formula with other elements to balance, and also rotate it's use with off periods or other tonics. You are your own experiment. What results are you getting? Are you able to discern?
  9. Yeah, that's why the phrase isn't - Chop down and sell ALL the wood and Carry AWAY all the water :-)
  10. Wing Chun In Hong Kong

    OK, but OMG could those girls get any skinnier?? I'm not feeling the juice. BTW just watched Ip Man on Netflix. Makes Wing Chung look pretty awesome....
  11. Yep I have a friend who is an intuitive and apparently (according to my wife) a powerful energy worker. She got ordained as well. Good way to go, have been contemplating it myself. Respect. Craig
  12. Hey everyone. Dont Under react. This is a distinct move to take self care away from folks. No TCM remedy has yet been approved under this regime? This is seriously bad knews for the many many TCM practitioners and patients. Also under these regulations, as alluded to in Sunshines OP dosages of vitamins have been severely limited to undermine any hope for effective use in any serious deficiency. This regulation "Codex Alimentarius" I believe is intended to be implemented in the US as well. Oh Well. They can't take Qigong away from us... Craig
  13. Denying doesn't negate the intention of your activity. I am free to interpret actions and their meanings. ta ta for now
  14. agent provacateour Minister of dis information Not Chinese? Not American certainly. Come to TTB with an Agenda? We all seek self education. I doubt you can teach here. Peace.
  15. John Chang Video

    Trunk I am more than a bit surprised by this bit of journalism here. In my view MR Denty's perspective is seriously biased and I think time has shown he had clear reasons for this bias as he was part of a team seeking to promote Verdesi. I also feel that characterizing Denty as being part of an "inner circle" may be a stretch unless you are only going by the statements and opinion of Denty himself. Your report reads to me as a damning of all Healing Tao practices as "useless childs games" and all healing tao instructors as "without any accomplishments", not just a critique of the so called Healing Love practices. In my view the healing love and the iron shirt practices are seriously flawed and incomplete respectively, but to throw out the whole teaching is in my opinion a simple minded approach. Sean Denty had a serious axe to grind and I think you are doing a disservice to history here to make such a report. It is NOT fair and balanced :-) I was there. I read all the conversations avidly. Craig
  16. thanks Good and interesting answer. will be in touch. Craig
  17. Dear 5ET OK, here come some questions. In Celestial Neigong Vol 1 ( the only one I have ) you run through a simple course of standing and seated meditations. Would you say it is ideal to go through the full set each time? You make it very clear not to skip a proper close down, so that much is clear to me. I have been playing with the different postures and it seems you could create a routine as you are drawn to. For example starting with "building the energy" or "activating the energy" follow with "Balancing the energy" and proceed to seated "Pyramid Meditation" followed by closing. Or you could even do any 1 technique followed by closing. What are your thoughts on this concept? Secondly as you indicated these practices strongly activate the energy in your hands. For a qi healing session I was contemplating doing Activating and building and possibly yin yang hands prior to doing Qi emission work and doing close down after doing the session. I am not a professional, but I have some training in this area. Any input? Do you practice qi healing? Thanks Craig
  18. Celestial Qigong/Neigong DVDs

    OK Sundragon, Sloppy Moving comment to new thread, although 5ET may have decided to leave this discussion to his forum as he mentions; "So, any current students interested in discussing the practices is welcome to join the Thunderwizard forum on the thunderwizardwebsite. I have absorbed my Shang Ch'ing Teachings into that discipline anyways... Any one else with honest questions for me can email me..." I have registered there, but honestly would prefer to have discussion with 5ET here.
  19. Celestial Qigong/Neigong DVDs

    Why start a new thread? Dear 5ET OK, here come some questions. In Celestial Neigong Vol 1 ( the only one I have ) you run through a simple course of standing and seated meditations. Would you say it is ideal to go through the full set each time? You make it very clear not to skip a proper close down, so that much is clear to me. I have been playing with the different postures and it seems you could create a routine as you are drawn to. For example starting with "building the energy" or "activating the energy" follow with "Balancing the energy" and proceed to seated "Pyramid Meditation" followed by closing. Or you could even do any 1 technique followed by closing. What are your thoughts on this concept? Secondly as you indicated these practices strongly activate the energy in your hands. For a qi healing session I was contemplating doing Activating and building and possibly yin yang hands prior to doing Qi emission work and doing close down after doing the session. I am not a professional, but I have some training in this area. Any input? Do you practice qi healing? Thanks Craig
  20. Celestial Qigong/Neigong DVDs

    Mike Denney You have repeatedly expressed that you aren't interested in engaging people who want to question where you are coming from and you have every right to take that stance. Other folks. Mike has every right to say "get stuffed" or "I'm not interested in discussing this, take it or leave it." Moving on. I have a few questions which have come up about the practice, but will post on that later. I appreciate your participation. Craig
  21. Chinese Metal Element

    Regarding the metal element. Metal color is white. To the Chinese "white" also means "clear". So metal element can also be viewed as transparent, hence like air. That all makes a lot of sense until you read that Metal is also considered to be gold as well by some scholars but I can see it both ways. Also, I agree the most important is to see the function, characteristics, properties of the elements. Fire Radiates Wood expands, grows , rises Earth condenses Metal Contracts, falls Water element falls but also represents the extreme of contraction and has the aspect of magnetizing, attracting. So I see the Wuxing similarly but I suppose I hold an awareness of the poles of Fire and Water as balancing extremes. Fire Radiates rather than rises. Water attracts, magnetizes rather than descends, though they both have these aspects I see the rising as belonging more to wood and the descending as belonging more to Metal. Craig
  22. Eight Pieces of Silk Brocade

    Dude...really? Me judgemental and over critical. You told the guy to take down his vid "if I were you I would remove it..." And the link to "an 8 brocades vid" was a link to a vid YOU produced, which you weren't honest enough to come right out and say. So in reality you are saying "your work sucks, you should buy what I produced instead" How neighborly of you. It is obvious the most of your participation here is commercial in nature. This is not critical but rather the application of critical thinking. This is a discussion forum. Therefore I used the term Spamming because your primary objective since first posting here was as a promotion for your videography. Once upon a time people would actually participate here a bit before trying to launch their commercial ventures. I don't think your ciesta will be noticed. Craig
  23. Eight Pieces of Silk Brocade

    Boothy Nice simple and peaceful presentation of Baduanjin. Would love to hear more about who you are. Daoist qigong collective. Not nice. Are you spamming? Overall this isn't the best way to start at the taobums. I advise participation. In essence what we have here is one guy showing up with his first post saying, hey take a look at my free video and check out my blog. Not a terrible way to start, but not very TTB participatory either. Next we have another guy saying. Wow your video sucks, check out this video. Again not nice. Boothy. Welcome again. Daoist qigong collective. Not nice!! Craig
  24. Celestial Qigong/Neigong DVDs

    Hi there. A couple things. Your links go to "Create Space .com" not Amazon. Not that it's a problem, just wanted to point that out in case you actually thought those links go to Amazon. I did find your book on Tuetonic shamanism on Amazon, but no DVDs. So correct me if you thought your DVDs are actually supposed to be listed on Amazon. Minor stuff, if you want to buy it go direct to your website or Create Space...whatever. Next, this post of yours prompted me to revisit your DVD which I acquired soon after it came out. Unfortunately some things happened in my life which sidetracked most cultivation and especially new explorations so I don't have any long term experience of this practice to report. The first time I looked through the DVD I got really sleepy and didn't study very much at all. It was the kind of sleepy that in my experience comes from some material putting me into an altered state of consciousness. I had a similar reaction to other material in the past, so I can recognize it. Today I reviewed it again and did some practice. The material is SO SIMPLE. So why is it SO POWERFUL!!!???!!! Exactly as you say on the DVD, yes it is deceptively simple. Due to having met you once in person and spoken to you on the phone perhaps I have a greater affinity or ability to develop a resonance, whatever, this material had a very strong effect on my energy field. I think I'll have more to say after REALLY practicing it, but for today after only going through the material in a cursory way I am very impressed. Thanks Craig
  25. Spiritual awakening and car problems?

    Here's an idea. Lets make a link between this issue and another thread. What about getting a grounding pad from Maybe this is too simple an idea but I would be very interested to see if this would have an effect on things. Just cause I havent heard any real feedback about these products yet, it seems you would make a good test case. Although I did first hear about these from a FB friend who was a long time ago contributor here and he claimed it worked really well for him. NO I DON"T WORK FOR this company :-) Craig