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Everything posted by Eviander

  1. Thoughts on Buddhism?

    Alright. The same goes for any religion, but I think our points have been disclosed.
  2. Thoughts on Buddhism?

    What does that mean..really..and what is wrong?
  3. Thoughts on Buddhism?

    No. I'm talking about the actually establishment called "Buddhism" world wide. Yes they might have secrets undisclosed to the west in some far east cults..but again..the word religion appears before it. Yea if your interested in comparative religions I guess..but most of it contains the same mess Christianity has (hells, loyalty to the state, loyatly to family customs..ect.). But as for the Buddhas message..I could simply state that life only becomes suffering once you perceive it to be. So to layer that with Taoist philosophy..or some more modern existentialism..life is neither suffering or none suffering..it simply is..values only come when we apply them in our logical framework. Anyways the Buddah as a teacher had some sound advice..but you could say the same thing about Jesus (if he existed, which is off topic). The point being the religion that followed simple parables is perverted. Like every other religion in part it is used by governments to neuter their subjects. Why do so many countries with Buddhism as their religion have totalitarian governments..hmm?
  4. Thoughts on Buddhism?

    It's a religion. It contains dogma and is full of bs. Just another opiate for the masses.
  5. Closed eye visuals.

    So anyways, whenever I do a slight meditation or simple breathing while lying down with my eyes closed for awhile I begin to see very strange phenomenon in my minds eye. Images of faces, or people, or very alien looking things come and go without my control..and yes to a novice like me it is a bit intimidating. When I am having these visuals I always feel like I can enhance their lucidity but am afraid to do so....just as a general survey I was wondering what the contents of some of the users on this forums closed eyed visuals are..and to what extent they can control them. Edit. I also want to add that I also sometimes see reptilian eyes, pineal crowned beings, and sometimes even very strange looking architecture..arranged as cities or towns.
  6. Closed eye visuals.

    Oh no I want to enhance them. It's quite amazing how creative the mind can be on its subconscious/unconscious level. I just have a fear of the unknown..like everyone else.
  7. Anxiey medication

    So I have social anxiety..for reasons I do not know..energy blockages probably. Anyways..I tried acupuncture..am doing some yoga..and bought a taichi dvd and did some (though the tai chi is not habitual). None of it seemed to work..so I started taking my dads klonopin and it certainly works. I am going to get my own prescription soon..and am wondering if anyone has knowledge that pertains to such medication and chi flow..if it negatively effects the flow..inhibits the kundalini energy or damages my psychic body in any way shape or form..because mentally it certainly helps..though I don't plan to stay on it longer than is needed..
  8. Taoism and alcohol

    I usually dislike the effects of all alcohol except absinthe. I doubt drinking every now and then will negatively effect any sort of martial art discipline though..especially if its absinthe . Though I have only drunk it a few times.
  9. Anxiey medication

    Yes I agree, I have gotten some sound advice, but I did make up my mind not to use synthetic pills to solve this problem. Those are some interesting herbs. I googled them but could not find much information. None of them act as a serotonin reuptake like st johns wort do they (to your knowledge)? Because not much information on their chemical composition is available. As for my progress from my initial post I do believe I have become slightly better. I did some self hypnosis and am continuing my yoga and am beginning a course of radical undoing. Also I asked this early and also googled it...but is the fudosai meditation posture just another word for the lotus? If this is so will the swastikama(Sp?) meditation pose be sufficent for the secret smile meditation.
  10. Acne

    So anyways..I suffer from some acne on my face..(mild acne..which should not be mistaken for pimples). And was wondering why the taoist, or eastern, or w/e views and treatmens for the cause of such where..since evidently the western method does not work ( I already tried)...My guess from my knowledge of these traditions would be a lack of chi flow to my face..anyone have any suggestions on what to do?
  11. Anxiey medication

    I have just tried so many things...ssris for a little (did not like them..for reasons we all know) collodial gold...kundalini yoga class (bad teacher maybe?) and acupuncture and klonopin (ok so maybe not that much) but I really think that I want to take the natural route. Even though I have been suffering more than is normal for a physically healthy 19 year old from this for at least 2 years..I think a quote from a game called planescape torment might come to bear here and that is endure..and through enduring grow strong. Anyways...what is your favorite type of green tea (offtopic but its mentioned) because the ast type I had was organic japanese green tea and it was nasty. Thanks for the secret smile link..only one problem..what is the fudosai meditation posture? I am not flexible and if it is anything like the lotus then what would be a good substitute. And I know a good place to get kava kava (liver damage has been debunked) but i am shaman is probably where I will order mine. I might not use it for anxiety though..or maybe for a little bit of recreation and anxiety. I am aware of traditional chinese medicine..I tried acupuncture and it worked for a bit for bodily awareness and chi flow..but I know herbs ect are also included but I am on a limited budget and cant go out and get tai chi classes, acupuncture and a herbel analysis... And again I am new to eastern techniques so what is sudarshan kriya..I googled it and got kriya yoga?? Which was explained as breathing techniques, is this correct? Yes. I do not want to become dependent..and want take the cheapest route possible. I am thinking about kava for recreational and maybe occasional anxiety relief..like I said earlier..but I will explore breathing techniques more in depth (or pranyayama is the hindu name?) since like I said in a previous post...I believe my head or jaw is pushing down on my left lung and my sinuses or very irritated.. Also thanks for the link to elixa..I might give that a try considering it is within my budget.
  12. Better than full lotus

    That makes sense for sure. So in your experience..what seems to be helpfull for building up to lotus rather than slowlely moving your legs up to your thighs in a half assed lotus is to to do the splits..untill you can get them as wide as that image? For godsakes if this is the case..I have a year of painful stretching.. Another question about lotus and taichi..does taichi facilitate a practice in where lotus will come as one unlocks the chi through the slow dances..or do you have to do yoga..or painfull strecthing in order to make progress into lotus?
  13. What's your diet?

    I have been on quite a number of diets considering my age. So far I have tried being a vegan, vegetarian, and now I'm back to eating both poultry, fish, and diary. My reasoning for going vegan at first was because of the vegan craze of intellectuals in my generation and how it is the most "primordial and organic lifestyle for the human primate". Unfortunately I soon found my energy levels and body mass drop momentously and had to rely on coffee in order to properly function. My parents then inclined me to at least go vegetarian (at this point I was reading a lot of Hindu/Buddhist philosophy on restricting your actions to not promote or indulge in anything that is connected to suffering). So I was vegetarian for a while..but I still had the same problem with being to thin..to weak..and not having enough energy. I kept reading these "gurus" who said it is pivotal for one on the spiritual path to not consume meat..but I soon decided that my suffering and lack of proper protein was to much of a loss as opposed to the suffering of some birds or fish. Anyways..I have now been reading a little about how dairy can be unhealthy for you..which doesn't surprise me (of course every research or scientific study is biased) so I do believe my next diet trial will be a non dairy diet with fish and poultry (by the way, does anyone know what this is called?).But I am interested to know what diet the users on this forum oblige to and the reasoning they do.
  14. What's your diet?

    Why would you want to turn off kundalini??!
  15. The Tao Of Nietzsche

    Another great paragraph of Nietzsche from his book The Dawn: "Are you co-conspirators in the current folly of nations, who want above all to produce as much possible and to be as rich as possible? It would be your affair to preset them with the counter-calculation: what vast sums of inner worth are thrown away for such an external goal. But where is your inner worth when you no longer know what it means to breathe freely? When you no longer have the slightest control over yourselves? When you all to frequently become sick of yourselves, as of stale drink? When you listen to the newspaper and leer at your rich neighbor, made lustful by the rapid rise and fall of power, money, and opinions? When you no longer have any faith in philosophy, which wears rags, and in the candor of those who have no wants? When the voluntary idyllic life of poverty, without occupation or marriage, which might well suit the more spiritual among you, has become a laughingstock to you? Do your ears ring from the pipes of socialistic pied pipers, who want to make you wanton with mad hopes? Who bid you be prepared and nothing else, prepared from today to tomorrow so that you wait and wait for something from the outside, and live in every other respect as you have lived before--until this waiting turns into hunger and thirst and fever and madness, and finally the day of the bestia triumphans (rise of the beast or triumphant of the beast) rises in all its glory?"
  16. The Tao Of Nietzsche

    Yes, I am reading the portable Nietzsche right now at my own possible pace. I know he has been demonized but he was indeed a brilliant philosopher and psychologist by edging in his unique view of life and the necessity to realize perspectivism and create your own meaning in life (he was the father of existentialism). Though we must remember he had paresis (syphilis) and was quite unhealthy and mad. He denied anything but that which was of the earth..and of course..in his time such thought was very hard to be open with. He is definitely great for stimulating the three lower chakras in my opinion (maybe even the fourth). But he did not have any experience in meditation, lucid dreaming, or out of body experiences..and as I am aware, very little knowledge thereof. He was intellectually brilliant non the less..and is probably a necessary read for any intellectual, mystic, Taoist, or whatever (though he was contemptuous against mystics..but again..he himself seemingly did not know how to live considering his health). A quote from the Gay Science. "Will and wave. How greedily this wave approaches, as if there were some objective to be reached! How, with awe-inspiring haste, it crawls into the inmost nooks of the rocky cliff! It seems that it wants to anticipate somebody; it seems that something is hidden there, something of value, high value. And now it comes back, a little more slowly, still quite white with excitement--is it disappointed? But already another wave is approaching, still greedier and wilder than the first, and its soul too seems to be full of secrets and the lust to dig up treasures. Thus live the waves--thus live we who will--more I shall not say. So? You mistrust me? You are angry with me, you beautiful monsters? Are you afraid that I might betray your secret entirely? Well, then be angry with me! Raise your dangerous green bodies as high as you can! Make a wall between me and the sun--as you do now! Verily, even now nothing is left of the world but green dusk and green lighting flashes. Carry on as you please, you pranksters; roar with delight and malice--or dive again, pouring your emeralds into the deepest depths, and cast your endless white manes of foam and spray over them--everything suits me, for everything suits you so well, and I am so well disposed toward you for everything: how could I think of betraying you! For--heed it well!--I know you and your secret, I know your kind! You and I--are we not of one kind? You and I--do we not have one secret?"
  17. Better than full lotus

    My opinion on the reason that westerners have a harder time sitting in full lotus for extended periods of time is the problem of sex appeal that promotes the tensing of the lower abdominal muscles for the image of "toned abs" See here is the archetype image of Buddha in lotus See how he has a relaxed belly and face..I would see this would allow the thighs to be more comfortable and stable to sit in such a position for 2 hours plus. as opposed to the westerner This one, who obviously has some tension in the lower abdominal muscles and thighs..I would assume it would be much less comfortable to hold this position for 2 hours plus.. This is just my opinion of course..but personally I cannot even do the lotus position at all ..I've heard it is the most comfortable meditation posture once you are able to stay in it stably..thus I have much work to do..
  18. Jaw clenching..a epidemic bad habit?

    Hey..its basically because girls I was attracted to used to call me fat...I still am a teenager though (19)..and became anorexic because of it. I actually wasn't fat at all though..I had the whole Buddha look (baby cheeks and a protruding belly.) I wanted to look like the "sexy men" on tv..but of course..I learned the hard way that it's not sexy nor healthy..now I suffer from a programmed habit. Thanks for the suggestions..I will google some hypnotherapy for bruxism..since based on your post, you are not aware of any sites or torrents concerning body image/bruxism hypnotherapy. As for the other two..I am only 19..I can't afford it and wouldn't go that route anyways.. I am aware there are many energetic Taoist or Hindu methods to cure this problem..which is why I posted this on this forum..Taoist practices are just so discreet in the west..and my google searches did not bring me any good results..which is why I came here. I will start to do this..but I have been having some mental problems which deter me from meditating for to long..in fact I just tried a simple meditation sitting in the swastikasana posture doing breathing with my tongue on my upper palate this morning..though since I am new to yoga it gets uncomfortable fairly easy and my mind wonders after counting..and it gets boring (beginner at meditation to) I guess concerning this aspect, practice makes the better man..but some helpful hints on such meditations or new methods of meditation would also be appreciated. Also , If anyone is interested..I just ordered A 5 dvd/cd/booklet set By Dr. Hyatt called "Radical undoing yourself..which is said to turn tension into beneficial energy...which will hopefully somewhat alleviate my problem Radical undoing yourself It is common because it is practiced by models and actors and musicians in the mass media. Here is an example of a fairly relaxed image of heath ledger before his clenching Then Heath ledger trying to be "sexy" It is indeed..a very bad habit. And a mental sickness to say the least..that is hard to unbreak from my torturous experience with it.
  19. Jaw clenching..a epidemic bad habit?

    Yes..but when I look in the mirror I tend to undo it..actually I remember clenching my jaw and holding in my stomach in high school in front of the mirror to try to get girls. Thanks for the pose..that one hits the spots a bit better than the whole routine I have been doing. No it's not this. I actually remember intentionally lowering my jaw and sucking in my stomach to look more sexually appealing ( though I'm realizing now that it actually does not look healthy).
  20. Jaw clenching..a epidemic bad habit?

    Quite effortless and effective..will have to make that habitual.other helpful exercises would also be appreciated.
  21. Favorite artists?

    So I got into this art craze lately and have been admiring the relaxing powers of beauty and expression. I would just like to share two of my favorite artists here and hope that others will also share theirs. Paul Laffoley: This guy is definitely more than an artist, hes actually more of a super-genius Renaissance man. Heres a website dedicated to him Laffoley Heres some of his visions Michael Brown: I like the overall feel of this guys art, it makes life feel dreamy Website: Brown I was hopping to make this into some sort of art sharing topic, so feel free to share your artwork or the work of others. (My avatar is also a painting of laffoleys )
  22. Transhumanists?

    Just wondering if anyone has heard of trans-humanism and what there thoughts are on such things. Just to sum it up, transhumanism is basically the idea of using nanotechnology or other high forms of enhancement to create human-cyborgs of overall extreme capacity. Think of using stem cells to artificially create the state of ultimate "enlightenment" that some people search for their entire lives. Think of being able to buy this state of bliss or create states yet unfathomed with the use of technology. Technology to better humanity rather than to destroy it. Opinions?
  23. John Chang

    Now I am sure most of you have probably saw this video, or at least heard of the Daoist masters whom have unlocked chi powers which almost seem fantastical to modern science. But I would like to know if anyone knows what this guy does and why there isn't more masters teaching these ancient secrets. John Chang video
  24. John Chang

    The only thing I could think of that is at the same level of Taoist esoteric teaching (which of course as we all know is 5000 plus years old) would be hermeticism, which is supposedly knowledge transferred to egypt from Atlantis am I correct?