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Everything posted by Mantra68
Accusing someone of causing another's death is HORRIBLE SLANDER and that is illegal. And who said anything about money or suing? This is strictly about principle, man, and I think we can handle it in-house. If you care so much about the man, why didn't we hear you chime in to his defense against this terrible slander. You're content to just sit back and allow that kind of thing? I have posted the positive benefits and experiences, but they just seem to get glazed over in favor of the negative banter and baseless accusation. So, I present a fuller picture of what was happening behind the scenes to give perspective to those whose perspective is limited to what they read from haters on Tao Bums. And I don't care squat for any credit in any of Max's accomplishments. His merit is his, not mine. The point you missed (that I thought I made pretty clear) is that as great as the results you are getting can be, you can't help everybody. No matter how hard you try. Someone will always feel slighted. Yes, of course, everybody matters equally, and it wasn't an issue of friends or strangers, just time and need. Peace. P.S. Thank you everyone for the positive PM's.
No, -O-. In your process of purging the old emotional memory pattern, you have wrongly and publicly accused someone of causing someone else's death. In the US, that's slander and it's illegal. Now it's a casual rumor that sweethearts like farmerboy and TexasNative are only more than happy to repeat out of spite. Thanks for that. This is Max we are talking about. Remember the real person? You know his heart and you have hurt him. Are you okay with that? So you had a misunderstanding at the end of your relationship. Was it so bad that it would come to this? No school is perfect because people aren't perfect. You do the best you can and help as much as you can. The two or three people here who have felt neglected are in the .01 % minority of thousands. We are not happy they didn't get what they felt they needed, but sometimes it was like an emergency room and others were in real life or death situations. Sometimes people go to the ER not for help, but for attention. Armchair critics. Scrutinize yourselves after you have done SOMETHING. I think everyone here should put themselves out there with the goal of helping others. Then they can experience the full spectrum of personalities that respond to their efforts. Regardless of what you do and regardless of your sincerity, some people will love you and others may hate you. There is no way around that. <Edited by Moderator>
-O-, I really like your insights about the practices in general, but you have made very public, an association that, whether you intended it or not, has spawned a horribly slanderous rumor. One that many people will walk away from here assuming is true. I can only hope that they come back and read the above post to clarify their impression. Max heard about this rumor from another student and called me today very, very upset. Now I'm pissed! If any of you had seen the things I have, you would bow with reverence for the bodhisattva that he is. What people in their selfish stewing fail to understand, is that he gave as much as he could and when people wanted more, more, more, he found a little more to give. There were many times when it almost killed him. I do not exaggerate here. Behind the scenes was often a scary place to be. I had to literally carry him from the car to his hotel room after one seminar in Phoenix. His head was splitting and he was blind from the amount of nasty energy he absorbed from the class (so that they could feel a glimpse of bliss). We had to begin preparing for the worst as he sat in bed mumbling, blind and in excruciating pain until the Tibetan doctor showed up to help an hour later. I have seen him on more than one occasion vomit black blood to purge the chemo residue he had taken from cancer victims. I have seen him seriously ill from working with an AIDS patient and seen him shudder with cold for hours from other shamanic healing acts performed on students who had no idea that he was helping them. They just knew that their "burden" was somehow miraculously lifted. And Max came back to do it again and again in other cities for other groups of complete strangers. At one point he had to give me specific instructions on what to do with his body should he expire while teaching. I lived with that responsibility for two years. This is why we took off right away after seminars: to process the nasty and recover. I have seen him quit many times and I have talked him back into teaching many times, because of the incredible service he does for the world, a service that very few would or could do. He has been through enough. I won't try talking him into anything more, except taking care of himself. So, some people may have fallen by the wayside for more serious cases. That isn't what we wanted, but that can happen when you deal with as many people as we did. He gave more than any of you ever will. He was even prepared to give his life, so please quit complaining about what you didn't get. There was a lot going on. To hell with your rumors and to hell with your perceived slights. There are people with way bigger problems than any of you, believe it or not.
I like the bucket analogy. Also, what is this business about your mother and Max? Is this the suicide that is being referred to? I missed that connection, I guess. This is a very serious accusation, so please tell me who you are referring to.
Chris Matsuo is Max's old student. Max taught him most of what he offers. He is a good guy.
Hey Rain, Hope all is good in Norway. I would recommend holding some of the standing postures Max showed you in the park. The I Jong will recharge your batteries as will holding the ball. Give them at least twenty minutes each and you will be bouncing off the walls. As far as regaining your previous abilities, I have to ask if at some point, did you stopped trusting yourself?
Huh? Please quit trying to confuse people and please vent your anger elsewhere. When people have issues with Max's style they try to take it out on me. This is pointless because it never gets to Max. Max doesn't teach anymore. It is over, and your endless ranting cannot change anything. I would be more than happy to discuss any issues with you have with me, but I will only do so if I know who I am talking to. I won't entertain potshots from ambiguous bloggers hiding behind their avatars. Of course, if your sole purpose is to spread lies and smear others in a "broken record" cycle of anger then I expect no resolution or peace for you. I sincerely do wish you peace. More Kunlun/Yi Gong/Spontaneaous Chi Gong could actually help you.
Getting roped into venomous arguments that seem to only serve the person who's venting is an error in caring for me. My giving real examples of the people concerned was the result of being pushed to my limit (even if it did clear up the problem). MGD is right about the fact that I was wrong to do so. I want to apologize for that publicly. I'm not perfect and I am sorry. I only want the best for everyone. The fact is you can go through any one of Max's seminars and free lectures and see that he clearly tells you what to expect, both positive and negative. The problem is that people hear only what they want to hear and there are people who are going to misinterpret and ignore instruction. Max and Jenny say that you will experience all aspects of yourself (good and bad) as you stir your own pot, and that if you choose to do these practices you will accelerate that process, so you must be brave. The "Dark night in the forest" is simply us experiencing our own darkness, but it isn't "bad". It is a challenge and should be looked at as our greatest opportunity for growth because it is the things we hide away that are holding us back from our own awakening. We have created them ourselves at one point or another. To see them and move through them bravely is a testament to our spirit. Finally processing these dark things leads to liberation. Blaming others for the internal horrors you've revealed may feel good and may put you in a very comfortable "victim" role, but it is completely irresponsible and childish. Everything begins and ends with the self. I am happy that MGD has found Jenny's approach to be more helpful for herself. Jenny is amazing and some might find her style works best for them while others may prefer Max. Finding what works best for you is the whole point. I personally prefer simple practices like breathing into the heart while smiling, or just moving my awareness through my body like Dan Emmons outlines in his book. Regardless of the teacher or even if you never meet a teacher, you will naturally experience all of what you are, eventually. There is no way around it. That is the natural process of self discovery as we return to source and it is everyone's destiny. I wish it could be all rainbows and fluffy bunnies, but it can't. This isn't the spirit realm! This is Earth and contrast is why this realm exists and why it was necessary. It is contrast that teaches us. You can't have light without shadow and that is why spiritual progress happens more quickly in a human incarnation. We are the brave ones who have chosen this Earthly life. We can't whine about the difficulty of it now. We are setting an example to those observing from the safety of the spirit realm. We are their heroes and we need to honor and love all aspects of ourselves and our experience. No one said it would be easy, but this is life. Be brave, smile and persevere.
I honestly don't know anything about a conversation between -O- and Max. All I know is Max gave everyone as much as they could handle before he left public teaching as he was instructed to do by his teachers for the potential benefit of others. Max has his reasons for doing what he does. I helped him the best I could, but I never told him what to do. That for me would be completely disrespectful as a student to do, especially after having seen the true face of the spiritual master that resides within his body. He did his best to make things accessible and I did my best to make it possible. Now it is done and over, and these things are available. You now have the choice to do them or not. Everything in the book is excellent for the new aspirant but I believe people should approach the Red Phoenix tentatively and if things get too much for them that they ease out of it. We don't put that in the book for the general public and Max will only teach it in person. So, what about the health question that never got answered? I thought that was the problem here.
Thanks for your comments. I think I prefer to have folks just PM me instead of using this answer bag. I am leaving public forums for good. I really appreciate everyone's support, but this is it for me. Bye.
These people did what they did to themselves VERY publicly. I will point them (you) out as an example, yes. Especially when you slander. Who said anything about Yoda? I consider Yoda my friend and an alright dude in my book. You have bypassed the point of my answer to you once again to try to push your agenda. So your answer to my offer is no. The solution to your big problem is once again, NO? Eileen extended the same to you and you refused. Then you try to paint her in a negative light when she gets tired of your games. You are a little off my dear. I WISH I could help you, but I don't think I can. You are unreasonable and irrational and most importantly YOU DON'T WANT HELP, you want to vent and you want attention. Hope you enjoyed it.
You know what cyber person? If you are going to take wild pot shots at me at least give me the pleasure of knowing your name. I have been very patient, sincere and open with you and yet you ignore everything I say and only continue to push your issue. Only one person out of THOUSANDS around the world has ever behaved this way and that was xxxx. That you would say this is how I treated you on the Kunlun forum and "countless others" tells me that you can only be xxxx. She is the only person we have ever had to remove aside from one other. We have not had any issues from anyone else there and over all it is a supportive, friendly environment as many of you know. Also, please quit trying to confuse me with other people. That isn't right. I am me. I don't necessarily agree with what koo koo bird Satori, and the others say to you, but you seem to be attracting it. If you were so concerned about your actual "health issue" you would without hesitation explain to me who you are (as I have asked) and what your problem was, so that perhaps if I can't personally answer your question, maybe I can pass it along to Max and he can answer it. If instead of accepting my offer, you choose to push your agenda that we don't care about Kunlun students, which is a nasty lie told only by you (one person in over three thousand students world-wide), then you will be leaving yourself open for whatever comes your way in here. Everybody who knows me personally, knows where my heart is. I will not let you slander me by claiming I have been rude to countless people on this forum or our forum. Anyone who is on both can easily refute that because it has not happened. There is no proof, no posts, no complaints, no one here or there who can corroborate what you are saying. You are simply making things up. Shame, shame. That one is a no-no. That you bring out the worst in people might be your signature and if that is your purpose then you seem to be very effective. You certainly don't seem to want real help and I don't believe you ever did. And xxxx, you really did wear all of us out with this stuff last year. You blew that relationship not us. We gave you all we could, but multiple, mile-long emails were just too much. Really, it had to end. You took advantage of our generosity and our time by demanding attention 24/7 and you threw a fit when we had to share our time with others. If I am wrong about what I have written then please PM me and I will do my best to hopefully, finally answer your question and clear all of this up. This is my last offer. Resolve it with me now or forever hold your peace. Cheers! Chris
My personal mission was to spread Yi Gong/Kunlun/Spontaneous Adjustment Qi Gong via the book and seminars. I did that. My primary focus for the last 7 1/2 years has always been on the spontaneous practice. I know it very well and can speak to just about any issue regarding that practice. When asked, I always say "All I do is Kunlun." As to Red Phoenix and a few others I make no claims. Sure I can share the methods, that is simple, but I haven't experienced enough of the processes associated with them. My Red Phoenix channel has always been open naturally, so I did not experience that process, sorry. I am not part of the teacher program. My personal views on teaching are expressed clearly above. So, you see, you assume too much with your blanket statements. Don't lump me into other's piles because you don't know me on any personal level, which you have made clear by this simple yet important misunderstanding. You and everyone else here knows more about the spontaneous method and many other practices than did any who came before you. They went into it completely blind and they persevered, but then again perhaps they were cut from a different block of stone. We've helped thousands of people worldwide with our work. The (not so) funny thing is that the 5 or 6 people out of that 3000 plus who did not have a good experience have been extremely vocal about it and they have done so on Tao Bums. That is some bad press, man. All of the miraculous cancer cases and spontaneous healing work goes unmentioned. The lives that were dramatically improved for the better in only ONE DAY at our seminar, fall by the way side. It is unfair and it is a shame that it is this way. But human nature always sees negative things over positive, because that is what stands out and catches our attention. Just watch the news. BTW: When people find out that I am from Texas they will probably claim I am you too and that I have filled the Tao Bums forum with different versions of me so that I can sit around and argue with myself all day! So multifaceted, so multidimensional, so mysterious.
That isn't actually true. I am humbly offering that I can take you through everything i have been through (which is a lot) and give you expert advice as you experience the things I did. However, should you experience something I have not; something foreign to me, would prefer a story or would you prefer that I let you have your own experience and figure it out yourself, like I had to? So to clarify, until I have the ability to freely tap the Tao for answers, or have seen every possible situation a person could experience, or have my third eye open completely, I will not present myself as a teacher. As to what the others are doing out there I don't know. I am not involved with that program.
No. Please read it again. Max was made to teach when he was 10 years old. You learn immensely when you share what you have been given. This was the way things have always been done. I am not comfortable presenting myself as a "teacher" until I have confidence that I can take care of you, no matter what. Sound reasonable? I help when I can.
Yeah. I stayed away since Christmas and it was quite pleasant. It is always just one or two people who can make problems seem greater than they are. I don't have answers for every question that comes up and I readily admit that. Max has asked me to teach, I can and I have and I know his system well, but I take that responsibility very seriously and refuse to do it until I am closer to his or Kan's or Jenny's level of comprehension. I won't do it. When I can clearly see people's energy flow and know the proper remedy for each situation (like Max does) then I will have the confidence to do it. I am not there yet so I refuse. You don't ask a surgeon's assistant to perform the surgery, should the surgeon step out of the room. That is how I feel about the level I am at right now. People think it is easy to teach this stuff because it is so simple, but what do you do when someone goes flopping on the floor like a fish out of water? Is the energy trapped in their chest? Tailbone? Head? How do you redirect it or open the blocked channel? This I am still learning. If Max is unavailable for an answer, I am certainly not going to make something up just to give an answer. I do my best like anyone else and I'll share freely the things I am confident with. I am still learning, just like everyone else here. That's why I prefer simple attention practices to everything else. Cheers, Chris
Whoa now! You're talkin crazy woman/man. I am NOT Satori. He is actually from Hawaii and some of you may know him. I'll let him "out" himself if that's what he wants, but I honestly think that what he said to you made sense (albeit a bit harsh). I am not sure what your real issue is, but it obviously goes way beyond someone not answering your email. Perhaps if you tell me who you are we can help you resolve whatever it is that is burning you up so bad. I sincerely wish you the best, Chris "One question leads to a hundred more." -?
Dude, you are so NOT over it yet. But you do seem to be pretty happy. I really did do my best to answer everyone's questions, but after a while I was getting so many emails that I just couldn't keep up and some folks I, regrettably, did not get back to. That was one reason Sean and I built the Kunlun Forum, so those who had studied with Max could connect and share notes and experiences.
Because the seemingly limited nature of this existence can be so difficult to persevere through. Because we (most of us) come in with no clear memory of the amazing beings we really are. Because we usually have to suffer and witness suffering in order to learn the precious lessons only available in this realm. Because we feel disconnected from our source and there is very little information available on how to reconnect. Because external interests promote confusion and limitation in terms of health, knowledge, and technology. Because we feel the call to bring change to this broken system. Because of these things and more, we are very brave to choose a human life on earth and we are the heros to many.
My interests are very earth-based these days. Yes, I have had my experiences with other-worldy beings, but I take them as just something else to consider as part of our experience in this reality. What matters the most and is more amazing to me than anything else is to be conscious in the moment. This is what the Buddha achieved. Conscious awareness. I'm sure he saw his share of the bizarre offerings of the Tao, but he understood that all was illusion, ultimately. Constant conscious awareness was enlightenment.
Eastern Internal Arts Institute
Mantra68 replied to easterninternalartsinstitute's topic in General Discussion
Jenny is GREAT! I would encourage anyone interested in gaining another perspective on the spontaneous method to try to make this class. Cheers! Chris -
I like -O- Hindsight is 20/20, and the more I think about it the more I am beginning to believe that almost all of what we were teaching in our seminars was too much for the general public. My dream was that the world needed these practices and we were going to deliver, but the fact is one must be of a certain mindset and have a certain level of understanding before trying this stuff. That is either built in or comes from years of study. This isn't some arrogant statement I am trying to make either so spare me that misinterpretaion please. I'm simply questioning the philosophy of "putting it out there and seeing what happens". These are the practices given to the most advanced students of their respective schools and some only given to one or two select students who have proven themselves over years of training to be able to handle the ride that was in store for them. On the other hand, many who are benefitting would have never had the methods if we didn't present them as we did, so I don't know. I think perhaps it is better for most people to just do something simple like the attention practice outlined in Dan Emmons book, Life Force. It is equally powerful and effective and definitely beneficial to advanced practioners while being gentler for the beginner. (Also, I have no business arrangement with Mr. Emmons and make no financial gain by promoting his work. I am just sharing something I think people would like.)
Golden Dragon - Kunlun or other arts?
Mantra68 replied to Wun Yuen Gong's topic in General Discussion
I do not take responsibility for Yoda's experience. I think he is an awesome guy and I am sorry he got freaked out by his experience while looking into the reptilian thing. It is freaky to think that those things are a part of our reality, but they are. I think Trunk is a brilliant guy. I have said it many, many times here. As to anything Satori says, that is up to you to decide whether it fits or not. I am not his keeper. I took responsibility for a year and a half, patiently answering questions here from some pretty nasty sources, so please spare me your spin. Yes, be teacher free and school free. Be self-sufficient and empowered. You have everything inside of you. Peace. -
Golden Dragon - Kunlun or other arts?
Mantra68 replied to Wun Yuen Gong's topic in General Discussion
Satori is definitely his own guy. He doesn't claim to represent anything other than himself. He is "school free" and "teacher-free" these days, having found his truth within. He knows Max's stuff as well as anyone, but he is one of those people who flat out tells you like it is. He has verbally slapped me a couple of times and while it may have angered me at the time, I realized later that he was dead-on correct. It might sound odd to say, but he is quite accomplished in his understanding of the Tao and is considered more like a contraire or wrathfully compassionate spirit in his slicing-through-the-bullsh*t approach. He does have everybody's best interest at heart believe it or not.