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Everything posted by Mantra68

  1. I practice KunLun

    I believe you.
  2. I practice KunLun

    It would be nice to discuss actual practice issues in a public forum, but it can be very difficult. There are so many diverse perspectives out there that there is no ONE way for everyone and everybody reacts differently. I've had my armor dented on more than one occasion over the past year-and-a-half in here, but I just open that divine energy and shake it all away. Anyway, it would be nice if people can at least respect your wishes and discuss things without the unwarranted emotion and attacks. Not likely though. Of course, this is the product of the forum format. In person we would simply discuss our practices in a helpful, respectful and positive way. Shame.
  3. My impression of the Kunlun Seminar tonight

    What you are referring to is called Poison Hand and it is for harming not healing. It is much harder to heal than to harm.
  4. My impression of the Kunlun Seminar tonight

    That may be possible. But the whole thing (height and width) is still significantly smaller even when stretched. So it would take a tremendous amount of "stretching" to produce such an effect. Could the impact expand the skin? Maybe. Anyway, the point is that this method is not difficult to learn and after a bit of practice most people could do it. It is very effective for clearing blocks and it really draws out the toxins.
  5. My impression of the Kunlun Seminar tonight

    Thanks Mike glad you are still enjoying the work. Also after writing about Max and the burning palm method on Saturday night, he just happened to demonstrate that (singular, short distant palms) at the seminar yesterday. Here are the photos: Here you can see that the palm welt is significantly smaller than Max's actual hand. Another image showing the "bones" visible within the palm welt.
  6. Does max has a girlfriend?

    I don't personally consider titles to mean anything much. To me it just means that after being overwhelmed with compassion for the suffering of humans that I have dedicated my life to trying to help in whatever way I can. If I have helped one person then it has been worth it. Does it mean I consider myself a special Buddha? No. Do I consider all of us Buddhas? Yes. We just need to remove the clouds that keep us from seeing our Buddha nature. This is why I love the spontaneous practices; because they do THAT very quickly. Again Buddhism, Taoism it doesn't really matter in the big picture (especially when you are staring into the light of the source), It all goes back to shamanism. Along the way men have created different ways of understanding who and what we are.
  7. My impression of the Kunlun Seminar tonight

    You have it backwards. He added the spontaneous practice to HIS system. He basically bypasses levels two and three because there are more effective versions in the Red Phoenix methods that compliment level one much better. You approach all of this as a bit of a simpleton ("Dis guy bad, dat guy goood!") And you don't have enough information to go flinging accusations around. You don't know Max, at all. Bottom line. Have you considered that Max may have gotten more information on the history of this spontaneous practice than Jenny from a source other than her? After all, she only learned her teacher's own version of the history of this practice TWO months ago. She only just found out that her old teacher is Maoshan. So SHE is just now learning her own history. This practice is not her's; it is history's. More facts: Does Jenny believe that a transmission is necessary? No. Does a transmission enhance the practice? Absolutely. Will Jenny openly share what she has? No. Will Max give you multiple top-level practices and just about anything else you may request freely and openly in a light hearted, fun and playful environment? Yes. So chill out. You miss the point of EVERYTHING when you resort to such baseless absurdities. That element is not necessary. Do your practices, let go into them and into yourself and marvel at your own amazing true nature. Find a teacher that works for you and shed everything "extra". Also, it is ridiculous to accuse people of LYING if you can't spell the word. Just kills your whole argument.
  8. Does max has a girlfriend?

    Patiently answering your questions.
  9. My impression of the Kunlun Seminar tonight

    First of all, Jenny is great. We love her very much. It is YOU that feels the necessity to try to create some imaginary rift between Max and Jenny's relationship. I gotta say, that is not right man. She supports Max and he supports her. The renewed interest in her teachings is largely in part due to the work we have done world-wide to raise awareness of these practices and we couldn't be happier that she is out there. She has much to give. She has a different style so those who have learned from Max may or may not like it, but the fact is that everyone teaches as an individual and we PREACH finding the teacher that works for you. But if you don't want the facts about all of this then stick your hate-based head in the sand. I don't care. You have asked and I have told you. If you don't believe me ask Jenny herself. Of course, this practice works without a transmission, that is why we put in a book. But I am telling you that connecting directly to the Maoshan lineage will intensify your experience and take everything to a deeper level. That is why those who have studied from the book ALWAYS report a much more amazing experience after studying with Max directly. That is just the way it is. There is a vast spectrum of colors between black and white. Reducing everything to black and white to understand it better is a real shame. You don't need to build hate against one person in order to love another.
  10. Does max has a girlfriend?

    Do or don't. I don't care what you think. It is what it is.
  11. Does max has a girlfriend?

    Well, he has taken the Bodhisattva vow, and he has dedicated his life to serving others. He is recognized as a high level reincarnate by the Nyingma Rinpoches of Nepal as well as the living Buddha and the Mahasiddhi. I am a Bodhisattva as well. Made so by the Mahasiddhi and my own vow. No big deal. Just a choice one makes. We serve the servants. "Servant" is a much higher title than "Master" and titles themselves don't matter.
  12. My impression of the Kunlun Seminar tonight

    You have it backwards. Max added the spontaneous practice to HIS "Kunlun" system. He basically bypasses levels two and three because there are more effective versions in the Red Phoenix methods that compliment level one much better. You approach all of this as a bit of a simpleton ("Dis guy bad, dat guy goood!") And you don't have enough information to go flinging accusations around. You don't know Max, at all. Bottom line. Have you considered that Max may have gotten more information on the history of this spontaneous practice than Jenny from a source other than her? After all, she only learned her teacher's own version of the history of this practice TWO months ago AND she only just found out that her old teacher is Maoshan. So SHE is just now learning her own history. This practice is not her's; it is history's. Elisabeth in New Zealand has a system that has it's own history as well. Are you getting it? More facts: Does Jenny believe that a transmission is necessary? No. Does a transmission enhance the practice? Absolutely. Will Jenny openly share what she has? No. Will Max give you multiple top-level practices and just about anything else you may request freely and openly in a light hearted, fun and playful environment? Yes. So chill out. You miss the point of EVERYTHING when you resort to such baseless absurdities. That element is not necessary. Do your practices, let go into them and into yourself and marvel at your own amazing true nature. Find a teacher that works for you and shed everything "extra". Also, it is ridiculous to accuse people of LYING if you can't spell the word. Just kills your whole argument.
  13. My impression of the Kunlun Seminar tonight

    The correct perspective in this situation is that Max has added the spontaneous practice to his Maoshan history. The stuff he shares is not new agey you silly Ape, it is Maoshan. Also, Jenny has only recently learned of her teacher's own history when the truth is that this practice is in no way exclusive to her or her teacher. You can't stop at Jenny's teacher and say "Here is where it came from." It goes way back even beyond Taoism, beyond Egypt and it is part of the Karma Kagyu. There is a form of this type of personal awakening in every mystery school. The history of this practice is that it is actually Maoshan. So everything Max is teaching is Maoshan. Jenny's teacher is Maoshan. Max's teacher is Maoshan. Max knows things Jenny does not and she may have some things Max doesn't, but he is willing to share them with Westerners in a way that you will not find elsewhere. The New Zealand method from Elisabeth is good. People should check it out if they are not attracted to Max or Jenny, because the most important thing in the midst of all the shit-stirring is that people try some form of spontaneous awakening. By the way the name of this practice is not Spontaneous Chi Kung and it is not originally called Kunlun, in fact Jenny's teacher uses an entirely different name that out of respect for him we have not chose to reveal. So Spirit Ape if you haven't glazed over yet, I just wanted to give you a little more information since you think you know something.
  14. My impression of the Kunlun Seminar tonight

    Oh, I see. Your knowledge of burning palm is limited. Max is certainly capable of producing the results you saw from Smile's video. I can do that too. Max taught me. He also demonstrates that, but what you, in your confusion, are referring to is the burning palm treatment as a medicine. This was done in regions where there are no herbs and winters are long. All you have is palming to help clear blockages, remove toxins from the skin, and draw out "bad" chi. This is a more vigorous continuos slapping. This is what Hundun saw and apparently misunderstood as well (he has since reversed his opinions of Max by the way). There is also the Eagle Claw technique and Scorpion Palm (a crowd favorite). Anyway, you probably don't know what those are about either, but I'm sure you have an opinion...
  15. My impression of the Kunlun Seminar tonight

    Max does burning palm demonstrations regularly. What is your point?
  16. My impression of the Kunlun Seminar tonight

    Well thanks for getting our back there Satori. The truth is that many people can be confused by what they see at the lectures. We try to be clear with what is going on but frankly it is a bit much for some folks. Most people get it, or at least reserve judgement until they actually experience the seminar itself. Unlike the person who started this topic who only saw the lecture and didn't do the weekend. As for SJ, dude you really need to meet Max. It will shut you up.
  17. Talking To God

    That was great. I enjoyed it very much. Thank you. My teachers have told me a similar story when I asked what the big-picture point of evolution is. They said it was to become gods ourselves and to create our own unique universes and that this is how life expands. Awesome.
  18. Kunlun Book 1 levels 1

    When I do my practice I will start at yin hour (11 PM) and finish when I finish. Usually at 2 or 3 in the morning. Then I might have interesting things (energy beings or light forms) in the room with me until I go to sleep. On the close down, just trust your feeling. Close down until you feel the energy is stored. You don't need to be rigid about it. Remember this is the formless form and everything is based on feeling. Cheers! Chris
  19. Kunlun Book 1 levels 1

    That is the only difference. The easy solution is to just sit in emptiness for level three instead of adding the movements. As I have said though, Jenny is not teaching anything beyond level 1. So, if you want to learn the complete set you can use the book or go to one of Max's advanced seminars. Cheers! Chris
  20. Kunlun Book 1 levels 1

    All good man. I am just tired of people accusing and confusing my intention to help inform, with "selling" Kunlun. I personally think everyone needs to listen to their instincts, follow thier own truth and their own path. I am really just happy to share and even more happy that people are interested. I have to take on a lot of aggressive, misinformed people (which I understand) and I am committed to riding these conversations through until a correct understanding is achieved. It is that important to me. I get your original meaning now, so no worries mate.
  21. Kunlun Book 1 levels 1

    My attempts to clarify your confusion about all of this are sincere. Please don't cheapen the answers I give you by referring to them as "selling". It is quite rude. There is much to this story that has yet to be revealed. It goes back to shamanism and before. Again, history doesn't matter much when you are actually practicing. Understanding what the practices are doing energetically in the body is the important thing because that is personal.
  22. Kunlun Book 1 levels 1

    Max already had red phoenix by the time he shared practices with Jenny. I personally have done the practice almost exclusively for 7 years. Here is what you need to understand: "Kunlun" and red phoenix have been around for a long time. They used to be used together as the two essential practices for attaining Gold Dragon body. The school split at one point and the practices were seperated. Now they are back together and here is why: Kunlun opens the energy. Red Phoenix controls the energy. This is the merging of the bliss from kunlun and the emptiness from Red Phoenix. When you attain the empty bliss state, there is not much more you could want, except to share it.
  23. Kunlun Book 1 levels 1

    Ape, The book itself carries a transmission of sorts. The words and photos can give you a boost in their own way that helps your practice. Stare at one of the photos for a while and you might see what I am talking about. Max wants people to get the most out of the book since he will probably only be teaching publicly for a short time. He wants to get these practices out there and then go into retreat and live a simple life. Anyway, standing is always good for building energy prior to doing Kunlun.
  24. Kunlun Book 1 levels 1

    Hey bro, You could do it for 5 minutes and get the full benefit, if you do it right. The key is to surrender to the harmony frequency that is the foundation of all things. Feeling takes you through it. It is the essence of the smile. If you can smile and let yourself FEEL the smile in your heart, you are there. Empty in scintillating, subtle bliss. Cheers! Chris
  25. Starman returns

    True dat.