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Everything posted by Ramon25

  1. bagua from a dvd

    I know, I know. Everyone heres thinks to get the most out of it you need to train with a teacher. I really cant. I know someone will say to train with a teacher but I reapeat I CANT. With that said I want to learn the style. I am not interested in perfecting the art or gaining a bunch of martial power. I just want the meditative, CHI and health aspects of Even if I cant maximize those I am sure some will come. These is the style, ithttp://www.wle.com//store/wlv_bagua.html. It is slow and medatative not fast and powerful. Easier not to make a mistake. really my question is this. If I am lets say 90% on form doing well without much noticible msitake will i still gain some benfit. AND If i am not %100 perfect will it mess up my chi or something like that?
  2. Outer dissolving

    as always great responses sloppy
  3. Kundalini and Concentration

    Im not saying otherwise. All i said was dont disbalance the see saw.
  4. Dude no fucking way. Santeria. My family too. Sadly I had santo done when I was 1 1/2 years old. Kundalni has broken through that big time though. Anyways its a pretty sad religond ont you think? I have gotten my mom to drop alot of belief in it. Thats the only reason it works becuase you give those things your own power. I commend you couldhand for following your truth Mantis everyone of those "superstitions" actually have some sense towards them. except that metal one
  5. Kundalini and Concentration

    Yea fishoil is good. As long as your also balancing it with omega 6's. I Know its sounds against the current knowledge that fishoils are great! They are BUT becuase of there see saw action with sixes. Some people avoid a bunch of sixes and overdue the 3's. Thats kind of missing the point huh? Cuz alot of the health benefits of fish oil are based on diets that also have omega 6's in them and also alot fo studies are really pointing to it balncing the 6's. Omega 3's have a host of health benefits but Omega 6's or important aswell you dont want to tip the balance to mostly 3's. Balance between the two is key to good health. So just be mindful of that is important in my opinion.I dont take the fish oils anymore I take krill which i think is superior. NAC is great, i have used but dont now. Mainly because I took it to increase gluathione which is probably one of the singal most important antiaging things you can look to increase. Some people believe it dictates how long you will live. Now I take other stuff that does the same. Its def a great sup with a whole host of benefits. Why did you take it? I think NAC is something you feel pursay. i think it should just be taken lifelong as a glutathione enhancer.
  6. Kundalini and Concentration

    Haha, thats funny as hell. Go here, Its a forum called the immortality institute, The most educated people in the world on supplements, referencing alot of hard and deep science, are there, sadly every place attracts (fools) so I caution though some of them are a little well.... dumb, to say it bluntly and jump to way too many conclusions based on rat studies That though is usually corrected by someone else who realizes the flaw, so its best to read ALL post on a thread to get a full picture- read the referenced science and THEN do addtional research outside the forum. That place though is the forefront of anything with antiaging properties good luck http://www.imminst.org/
  7. bagua from a dvd

    Thanks so much jesse and sloppy. I am trully grateful for the responses, without your help I would not have found these great sources of info, So Again thank you very much. So sloppy have you studied any IMA?
  8. Kundalini and Concentration

    I like the reply alot except for the 5htp and melatonin. 5 htp does not actually get more serotonin in the brain, its actaully cuases it to build up in the blood, where it can be the source of a few problems. Also melatonin is not a safe supplement at all. It is a hormone and like any hormone you take it will reduce your own production of it. Not to mention in large amounts which is actaully just a few grams, it reduces the production of others hormones form being released at night. It will also disbalance your normal sleep cycles. For sleep there are safer supplements. Good advice on the caveman diet, cheers
  9. Kundalini and Concentration

    Sorry that I sounded a little intense, Nutritional reseach and supplementation is one of my biggest passions, so I well..... Get passionate about it. I agree a lot of it is new age, I said the same on another thread, She still reveals alot though and is one of the few doing so. But minerals are important for everyone And MOST regular people don't get enough, let alone a kundalite. I firmly believe and through research have come to the conclusion that any kundalite would benefit from minerals.
  10. bagua from a dvd

    Hey sloppy zhang, finally had some time to check out those dvd's. That guy (with the animal forms) is a lineage holder and those dvd's are regarded by alot of sources as the clearest internal martial art dvd system out there. Its funny the person he had trained to carry on the art died and so because of that he created the dvd's so that the art could carry on. Great reccomendation, I will use these thanks! So sloppy have you studied with these dvd's? and if so have you learned well?
  11. bagua from a dvd

    please point out what advice ABOUT BAGUA i have given, Becuase I just dont see it? thanks
  12. Cancer Cures

    Zero carbohydrate all meat and fat diet's cure cancer in some severe cases by removing cancer's main source of fuel.
  13. Kundalini

    Yeah susan thanks for the response. I know what your saying about the having a person. But you do agree that at the very least If i worked hard at it,I would gain some benefit correct? And that it is not impossible to gain some knowledge with the art?
  14. Kundalini

    Wow your a wise lady susan. I have deep respect for your knowledge on the process. trully. Anyway I got a question a little unrelated. I posted a question on the forum of learning bagua from a dvd. Now I made it clear I am not trying to master the art. I am not oppsed to working hard at it, but I want to do it in my OWN way, i dont want all those rules and this and that. Everyone saids oh you cant master it like that and you cant do it and this and that.... Do you think that I brather do it on my own becuase of what your talking about in the above post? Also You may not know but what do you think of learning from a dvd and reading a ton of books and working hard at it, is there benefit?
  15. bagua from a dvd

    See the thing you havent understood is that I am not trying to master bagua. I am not worried about that. Ofcourse a traditional teacher is not going to say to learn from a dvd in a quote like that becuase he could just aswell mean that a bad teacher selling dvds wont do you any good. That qoute says nothing of whether or not a dvd should be used. In my honest and respectful opinion, your brainwashed beause you believe only one thing and will except no other option. But hey im usre you have your reasons, I for one agree with sloppy zhang. Thanks eryone for yur responses
  16. Wan Qi Kim aka Meditation Mantra?

    Why is kap and kunlun garbage?
  17. Sacred Geometry

    well I would say. 1. the wonder and amazment I get from learning about it and then seeing it at play the universe. 2. feng shui 3. Physics 4. zhan zhuang I guess
  18. To live a good life. How do i get there well.... its complicated but I focus on this 1. Financial security 2. health/longevity 3. Spirituality 4. relashonships (too myself, others, my wife, the universe ect) 5. The mysteries of life
  19. bagua from a dvd

    Hold on man your assuming WAY too much. How do you know a dvd wont show body mechanics and alignment or that a book wont? Your just assuming it wont happned, that it cant, That attitude is not a very healthy one when it comes to evaluating something.Your wrong man period. A book or dvd MIGHT teach both, there are some reputable teachers who have produced both forms of media. Yang jwing ming has produced a dvd on bagua, I am sure he wouldnt half ass it. My point is your making an assertion when you cant my brother.
  20. Kundalini and Concentration

    Well my friend. First off damn your 2 cents. JK. haha, Anyways iron is essential too life. But too much is a real problem that we are just starting to become aware of. Its called iron overload and is quite common. It will also cuase a heart attack very quickly, It is actually the iron in the blood that causes the damage of heart attack in the first place. Iron though is highly oxidative and too much causes low level damage the accumalates. A diet that includes meat is sufficient for most people especially men, who dont have the luxury of bleeding on a monthly basis to lose extra any etra iron. the body does not get rid of excess iron unless you bleed and the little it needs for daily task. If you go to the vit store or online you will find MANY multimineral supplements that exclude iron for that very reason. In fact most HIGH quality speciality multi's dont have it in there because of that problem. P.S high cholesterol is not the cause of heart disease, by a long shot.
  21. Kundalini and Concentration

    1. eat meat 2. lift weights 3. supplement with minerals ALL, except iron 4. inner smile/secret smile- done standing with eyes open 5. martial arts 6. grounding meditations/rooting 7. zhan zhuang 8. foam rolling 9. KAP exercises 10. Support collagen production. Biosil, manganese, glycine, proline, vitamin c, glucosamine sulphate, There is more, if you want more suggestions for protocol let me know
  22. Kundalini

    I find organic pastured butter to be very nourishing.
  23. Tao And Science

    I like evidence based faith.
  24. bagua from a dvd

    Thank you I need that TOO! HAHA, I will look into all resources, Can you check out The dvd resource I posted, they have previews and tell me what you think if possible? Your right though read A bunch of books on bagua, watch the dvd and practive, videotape myslef asked for critque and practice then read some more.