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Everything posted by empty

  1. Hi all, I have been dating a new woman now for 6 months and this is the first one now for about 7 or 8 years. When I am with her and we are just expressing mild affection for one another I get a lot of clear fluid exiting my penis and subsequently wetting my underwear. This is very embarrassing and uncomfortable for me and if we are being very affectionate it can even go through my boxers and through my pants. I am very concerned about this both from a health perspective and from a cultivation perspective. So my questions are: 1. Is this weakening me? 2. Is this affecting my cultivation abilities? 3. What can I do to stop/eliminate this overflow of fluid? If anyone has experience or knowledge about this topic, kindly let me know. I feel like I might have to break up with a wonderful woman as it seems like my body is not designed for relationships...I am 34 years old and have had other relationships in the past with similar experiences. (Note the color and consistency is markedly different from the white-colored thick semen.)
  2. Thank you dear taoist friends who have responded to this post. I wanted to add some notes of clarification in response to some of the comments given. I consider myself physically fit. I don't consider myself one with a high libido. I am bald(for at least the past 5 years now, I am 34 yrs. old now). My abdomen recently has been very bloated/extended. I feel a lack of strength in my legs and my nerves feel agitated. I guess I grew up without a lot of physical affection and must be hypersensitive to touch as it doesn't take much affection to give me an erection which is shortly followed by the flowing out of pre-cum. This fluid is clear and there is a lot of it sometimes soaking through my outer pants. I've gotten this fluid flow basically every time I've been hanging out with my girl now for 6 months. I probably average 1 emission of semen per month as we practice a basic form of tantra and don't get together sexually overly frequently. I was formerly a vegetarian for 10 years at one point and this may have played havoc with my system...but I have eaten fish with some chicken integrated into my diet over the past year or so. If there are any other questions or need for clarification let me know...all posts are appreciated.
  3. Taoist at Heart

    I'm interested to join this forum and have some questions as well. I have practiced many meditation techniques over the years, tried different diets, followed different teachers, etc. I have a particular interest right now in qigong and the microcosmic orbit for health and spiritual awareness.