peter falk

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Everything posted by peter falk

  1. The History of TaoBums

    all right you mugs. as a more or less outside observer i see alot of bruised egos and some resentment going on. that's all ok. the forum works fine to me, and i think part of finding simplicity is keep the INTERNAL simplicity when the external may not seem so. the forum works great. part of our process is adjusting harmoniously to change. it brings growth and development. let's move on now and get on with waht matters. i know michael and plato. i have nothing against either one. i owe one of the greatest experiences of my life to both of them. they're both new yorkers, so i dont think either one would qualify as a "nice guy", but they're both decent folk. that's neither here nor there. does this forum fulfill it's purpose? i think so. i'm sorry if everyone doesn't get exactly what they want or if toes got stepped on or people got dissed. happens to me too for whatever reasons. perhaps if we focus on what we're here to do--share our knowledge and wisdon with one another--we can put the conflicts behind us, forgive, and get to work. trying to assign blame or demand justice isn't necessary. btw, i agree completely with lezlie and am busily employed at fulfilling that wonderful simplicity of fucking bitches and getting money. spread out, pf
  2. Lets go on Live Chat whats a good time?f

    yeah, i think youcan send them a private msg thru that feature of the board and a notice will pop up for the user indicating he ahs a new private msg as soon as he clicks a new page. it shows up in pink and red at the top[ of the page.
  3. Healthy teeth

    i had a filling come out about 5 years ago and never had it replaced. still no problems. i did a quick webserach for alternative dentists in LA and came up squat. maybe you just have to call a lotta dentists. there's a guy in maryland i know that does remedial dentistry--removing mercury and replacing it with safe alternatives. dont have his contact info handy,but i might could get it ina cupla days
  4. Caffeine Experiment

    times i dont do coffee i find a good qigong practice restores harmony and avoids the withdrawal headache. good to do it before the withdrawal comes. something else to play with.....
  5. blogging moose

    for some reason i can't access moose's blog. i can get the others fine, but mooses delivers the standard windows "the page cannot be displayed" page.
  6. blogging moose

    OK, i get it now. i just tried thelink to contemporary taoist in the links section and i cant acces it. since it's a blog site, beijing's probably blocked it. especially if there's any meanigful discussion of the evil cult of falun gong. usually the open blog sites here are on chinese isps that are closely monitored. sorry moose, i can't read yer blog. feel like i'm missin sump'm.
  7. blogging moose

    well i am in china. we use that to explain a lot here. among expats, the universal explanation for everyting that's screwed up is "it's china." good luck!
  8. blogging moose

    yep. this time i got an IPB error and a text box with some stuff in it.
  9. sungazing notes

    ok, so the crowley thing--i know some people who messed with some of crowley's rituals and ended up summoning demons they couldnt get rid of. finally really weirded out and drifted off some place. another guy in new york recommended crowley to me and he was a satanist. had a bookshop called the magickal childe that sold all kinds o weird shit like human bones and such. chilling vibe in the place. the dude derided me for being a christian cuz i didnt wana join the church of satan, een though i'm not a christian. according to him i had to be. in the strictest sense crowley ws not a satanist. he predated the world wide church of satan which was the creation of someone else named anton levey, i think. but crowely did claim to be the beast 666. if i'm not mistaken this is kabbalistic code for satan. and for that matter satan can be anything you want to empower to be satan. it could even be your own ego. now i think crowley has something to teach. i've learned myself some things from the darkside under very controlled circumstances with the proper protections. but learning from them in a respectful environment is different from being a servant fo the darkside, as was crowley. be that as it may, we all choose our own paths. the balck magician deserves respect like anyone else. there are lotsof stories of high level initiates and immortals who have black adepts as close friends. sometimes they even work together. there's probably an important teaching in there somewhere. all i'm saying is be aware of what you're getting into. and yes, if you want to use alchemy to empower your own ego instead of for transformation in the dao, you can do that and you amount to being a "satanist." crowely chose his path consciously though. that makes him one step above those who don't choose and end up horrific demons still believing they're wonderful loving and virtuous people. it's a risk we all face, and i include myself in that. being aware of it improves our chances though. on another note, there's an old daoist or zen story about a man-eating demon who is tired of being hated and persecuted. so he checks into a monastery to learn how to be a holy man. he cuts off his horns and files down his fangs, puts on the robes. this goes on for years, him cutting and filing and chanting and sitting and doing all the things the monks do. but one day he just gets tired of it. he cant take it any longer. he grows back his fangs and horns, rips off his robes and goes on a rampage, killing and eating several of the monks while terrorizing the rest. the abbott comes up to him and pats him on the back and says, "congrtualtions. you finally got it!"
  10. sungazing notes

    isnt that crowley shit dangerous to mess with? i understand we can learn from everyone, even the darkside, but i think any mention of crowley deserves a caveat.
  11. master of your domain?

    i pretty much followed the standard sequence of winn's system ( it doesn't take any specific amount of time to do or accomplish anything. it's an ongoing journey. the more genuine your efforts, the more you put into it and the further you go with it, the more you get out of it. "master or your domain" is not a destination. its always an ongoing work. most of all, you have to really really want it. that is the single most important factor. dont paly games with yourself or your teachers.
  12. master of your domain?

    you can do all of that with winn's stuff. but i hate to disappoint you (actually, i love it!)--you're going to find out it's not about that and you'll turn into some dogooding shaman type that want to make the world a better place. and then you wot even care about that other stuff. have fun while ya can!
  13. little bars and crews

    i notice now that there are little status bars that indicate either a) how long we've been members or 2) the amount of posting we do. there's also d&d-esque crew designations like taobums and tao wizards. whts up with that? i'm not complaining, i just want the skinny. looks like another level of fun.
  14. little bars and crews

    heck, no! this very post makes me a taobum! excuse me now while i go mop my tears.....
  15. New software and features!

    so does this mean that if we write something for taobums, we can not later submit it to empty vessel or qi magazine or include it in our own book or website? i just wanna be clear about this in order to avoid contoversy or confusion later. not like i'm some big taoist author guy or anything. also, please define the parameters for "cultivation."
  16. good & bad KARMIC deeds! what's the difference?

    can you repeat that in english?
  17. New software and features!

    what??? no singles' service????
  18. Fasting in chuang tzu

    i'm in china and can easily find out if you can get me the original passage or verse so i can look it up. i do know that the chinese character for "think" is a combination of three characters, and it also means "want" and "need." the three characters it combines are "wood," "eyes," and "heart." the pinyin spelling is "xiang" and it is pronounced with the 3rd tone. the same character also means "mind." there is another word that means "mind" as well: "naozi." nao means brain and zi mean "child" or "son" and it's often added to words as a sort of modal particle to indicate a certain kind of relationship or status. nao is also pronounced with the 3rd tone and zi is neutral. "xin" pronounced with the 1st tone means heart, and it is combined with any number of other words and characters to convery various meanings, usually having to do with emotions or central location, for example zhongxin means "center" or "dwontown". now this is all modern chinese and most people here have as much trouble with ancient chinese (if not more so) than we have with latin. sure we can recognize a lot of words but we dont really know what they mean. so i need the original text inorder to ask a knowledgeable person, (assuming they can translate it into english for me). you can't jsut send me the pinyin spelling of the passage. it'll be useless because there's 1000's and 1000's of homonyms in chinese and the actual written character is essential to understanding the meaning.
  19. hello

    learn the frikkin animal forms, my good man! i recommend michael winn's video/dvd on the subject. though it isn't necessary. you can get to know the shen on your own and have them give you your own totems.
  20. Winn's Deep Healing Chi kung

    in the six helaing sounds animal forms you can also do that inthe monkey and deer movements. i like to go deep when doing those. i also forgot to mention crossing the great ocean as a warm up for the microcosmic orbit. that has squats too, as does his standing practice fo the macro where you circulate the qi with your hands moving up and down to guide it down around the feet and back up over the head and keep going up and down. he doesn't call anything squats, but theyre there. now squats have different effects for different people. for some people theyre very useful and even necessary. for others, less so. depends on your individual needs. i know they're popular onthis msg board, but it shouldnt be taken to mean that everybody needs a lot of them to conduct their alchemy. my favorite squat is when my girlfreind does one in order to give me a blowjob, which in chinese is "koujiao." or you can do a deep horse stance whith her riding your saddle pommel if your up to it. get it? up to it.
  21. for all you piss drinkers

    Compound in Urine May Fight Spinal Cord Injury Tue Feb 15,11:48 PM ET TUESDAY, Feb. 15 (HealthDay News) -- Uric acid, a metabolic breakdown product found in urine and blood, may help reduce damage from spinal cord injury, researchers say. Yahoo! Health Have questions about your health? Find answers here. In research with mice, scientists at Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, found that uric acid helped lessen some of the secondary cellular damage that occurs following spinal cord injury. This secondary damage is caused when the body's inflammatory response releases potentially harmful chemicals that exacerbate the injury. Mice given uric acid just before and after they suffered a spinal cord injury recovered motor function quicker, and to a greater degree, than mice receiving a simple saline solution. In cell culture tests, the researchers discovered that uric acid protected spinal cord neurons from damage caused by a compound called peroxynitrite, which is linked to cell damage caused by inflammation. The findings, reported in this week's issue of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (news - web sites), might someday help in the development of new treatments for spinal cord injuries, the researchers say. More information The American Association of Neurological Surgeons has more about spinal cord injury.
  22. chinese new year

    been a little distracted lately to wish everyone a happy chinese new year. should be great year especially for ronnietsu. it's the year of the cock!
  23. chinese new year

    had the same one all week. wtf, it was nonstop action!
  24. good & bad KARMIC deeds! what's the difference?

    well after almost 20 years of seeking and searching and practicing and playing, i have come to this conclusion: karma is mostly bullshit! especially the moralistic notion presented in buddhism and hinduism. and in fact, it doesn't evenm really help you to think about it or "work with it". it's a wste of time and energy. the alchemy and meditation is all you have to wrry about. no act by intself is good or bad. this is probably the greatest fallacy perpetrated by organized religion of any kind--that a given action is always good or always bad. sometimes it's ok to lie, cheat, fuck, or even kill. you need the wisdom and profound depth and consciousness that guides you thru the journey to see clearly the circumstances of life and act accordingly. forget about karma. the little bit of that teaching that is true will be made clear to you when it's needed. dwelling on karma and morality causes you to lose sight of the big picture. the BIG picture. just my two cents.
  25. Winn's Deep Healing Chi kung

    his primordial and his gods play in cauldron of original qi have squatting