peter falk

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Everything posted by peter falk

  1. pistols and grip strength

    i've always preferred manul labor or physicaly active jobs to stay fit. it's amazing how a job like bike mesenger or tree climber or landscaper can build all those things yer talkin about. yes, bike messenging can even build grip strength. anyway its nice to know sheepish is getting in shape cuz the two oldest men kicked his butt on the night climb up huashan a cupla years ago. in fact i think he at that young british guy got altitude sickness at les than 8000 feet. hope he's doing a little better now.
  2. The most serious issue facing the United States...

    well, ron, i agree absolutely with you about the benfits of not ejaculating, which sounds ironic coming from a guy called ron jeremy, but that's neither here nor there. it certainly hasn't diminished your enjoyment of life. probably improved it. i'm not sure about hte golden age, silver age stuff though. i've done a lot of research on that and remain open to the possiblility. i certainly don't subscribe to the standard timeline of human history perpetrated by academia. whether it's true or not is immaterial to me though as far as what i have to do NOW. however, it is very interesting and helps with perspective. i also repectfully disagree with the need to store jing. we have acces to the infinite jing at all times, as well qi and shen. all we need to do is maintain that infinite supply flowing thru us continuously, which is better than storing finite quantities. not that storage is without merit, quite the contrary. it could be a very beneficial practice. but i think there is and even better alternative. the previous teachers i had had no real concept of storage as we understand it. the sublimation they taught basicaly created an inadvertant storage overload in the heart, and the students and teachers in that group dropped like flies from various illnesses and frustration. i moved on cuz as i learned more jsut from meditating, astral experiences and my own body, i knew that what they were doing was fucked up. and of course no one wanted to hear about it cuz they had their leader who ws a god and couldn't be questioned. aw, wha the fuck, i probably needed that shit at the time. it brought me to where i am now anyway.
  3. The most serious issue facing the United States...

    yeah? what about the trade unions that have fostered and nurtured an overpriced, underworked labor force that has priced itself out of the global market and sent corporations looking for cheaper labor? what about the benefit developing countires get from that foreign investment towards increasing their own quality of life? what about cheap fruit and vegetables that are affordable to poor people like me because they're picked by the cheap labor of illegal immigrants? lets face it--we live in a global society now. there's no longer any room to put america first. we have to compete with everyone else and right now we're losing due to selfishness and greed from all parties concerned. and don't talk to me about sweat shops and so forth. i live in a third world country now and often work with and talk to the people who work in these so-called sweat shops. most aren't sweat shops, just arent up to american standards, but are way above local standards and the people are often grateful for the jobs. often any deficient standards are due to local coruption that has nothing to do wiht the Western corp. doing business there. for example, one plant i know of that produces for nike, esprit, adidas and a few other companies change everything when the inspectors come thru. they shorten the workday, hide the child laborers, hand out better lunches, etc. meanwhile the factory owners are in kahootz with village leaders who ship them workers form the countryside for a price. the locals are working against each other worse than the foreigners and have been for 1000's of years. that kind of corrutpion is so entrenched in some of these coutnries that foreign investment can't change it overnight. where i live, the corrutption has actually DECREASED and worker treatment generally IMPROVED since WTO membership and foreign corporations entered the market. people who sit comfortably at home in america or europe and benefit fromt he wealth of those countries there love to blame america for this or that, blame big corporations for this or that, diss western culture, blah blah blah. ok, so the west isn't without sin, that's for sure. but the issues are so much more complex than that. wake up, dude. i'm not a big supporter of big corporations. in fact, i don't like them, not even the good ones. but i do like to look at the facts all around. and the CEO's of Exxon and duPont have a better environmental ethic and more human decency than the average person where i live.
  4. oh yeah! time for the hankie code!!!

    no. i just see a little red x.
  5. The most serious issue facing the United States...

    hey, ron, i don't think all ancient people knew that. i've been finding out lately that we (modern people into this kind of shit--taoism, ct's, ufo's, reptilians, what-have-you) often give ancient people more credit than they deserve. a lot of these ancient teachings that we have broad access to today were jealously guarded by their keepers in olden times. also, in the absence of these teachings, the people who didn't ejaculate were just sexually repressed assholes ho passed all the issues that go along with that to future generations, including us! ejacualtion is actually an important step to freedom and liberation fromt he oppression of organized religion and sexual puritans. now many kinds of alchemy, espeiclly int eh West, advocate never spilling the seed. i say to you, sir, this is unnecessary. once the infinite pathways tot he infinite energy of nature are established, it desn't matter if you ejaculate or not. because yer pulling from an infinite supply. so even if you lose a little, it's still infinte, which means you've lost nothing. you can avoid ejacualtion if you want. a lot of people swear by it and it may do you a lot of good. i did it for 7 years. i ended up with too much fire and too much steam and my system was overloaded. it could've been from poor practice techniques, lord knows looking back now the the people who were teaching me were a bunch goddamned idiots. but even so, i have found out thru connecting with the dao, that ejacualtion is a natural process, that if not done excesively, will not hurt you or anything lese. it might even help keep you grounded and to gound othercosmic energies.
  6. Women: You can't live with them,.....

    hey, man, there's lotsa chicks over 30 who are cool and hot. maybe not as many as under 30, but enough for it to be a significant pool of hot babes to consider. yer probably just not seeing it due to yer own prejudices. see what you wanna see. often they have less baggage than 20-somethings because they've worked thru it. now here in china i'd rather have a 20-something cuz chicks, make that people, under 25, are the only cool ones. between 25 and 30 you have a very mixed bag. over 30, forget it. the only english music they like is the carpenters (THE CARPENTERS, fer crissakes!) and maybe westlife and the backstreet boys (no shit!). the only exception is if youhave a divorced 30+ year old who wants to taste the freedom of women in the new china and is going for broke on that account. and mainland chinese women who are well off (or from sichuan) age very gracefully and to prove it maintain a hello-kitty collection and sleep with stuffed animals. otherwise i'll stick to the under 25 crowd: bettter taste in music, more open (if you will), easy for western guys, hot, sensuous, beautiful and extraordianrily feminine, and much more in touch with themselves as individuals with meaningful lives and careers, and they live in and have a clearer sense of the modern world and the 21st century. and they can't marry, by law, until their 24....... and way more mature than their parents. kind of like america in the 50's and 60's.....
  7. non-action

    i c alotta talk about non-action. it doesn't mean "not doing anything." it refers to a state of being when the dao becomes spontaneous, adn by being spontaneous, effortless. in other words, you just don't notice what yer doing, u just do it. take yer kan and li formulas fer instance: when you first learn them, it requires action. you put on the tape and listen and go thru the meditation, or ya haul yer ass up to dao moutnain and take a workshop or wonder int he mountains of china or the Gobi desert looking for a teacher. ONCE YOU LEARN THE FORMULAS, they become yours. no more action, nore "practice" is required. they occur spontaneously and continuously. that's what non-action is. and the further you take this non-action, the more awakened you become and that much closer to and more consistently in "the dao."
  8. avatars

    i notice one of the avatars (pictures to match with your profile) looks suspiciously like the bdsm triskelion. is there a reason for that? do we have any triskelions on this board? just wonderin'.....could make for a helluva colorful discussion. wouldn't surprise me at all if ron jeremy's tied a chick spread eagle and gone down for the oyster.
  9. avatars

    lezlie, thanks fer sharing. gee, thats really swell. next time you could send us a pisture of you. i'm sure ron would appreciate it to help stimulate his, er, taoist massage, if you will.
  10. insert/attach pix

    how od i insert or attach pix to my posts. i see some people doing that. i tried last night but couldn't do it.
  11. avatars

    check yer email. i'd share it with evryone except i can't figure out how to insert images into my posts.
  12. avatars

    three above posts me forgetting to sign in again
  13. The most serious issue facing the United States...

    that's me posting anomymouly again. shit. i gotta work on this issue of forgetfulness.
  14. The Fire and Water Awards 05 go to........!!!!!!

    i think michael winn's kan and li (lesser, greater, greatest) definitely belong, and i think they're better than chia's.
  15. avatars

    hay, amn, i don't need no stinkin mushrroms. i had a flashback at work one time that was a blast though. just gotta go withthose things when they happen. well i was gonna paste in a cupla images here so you'd kno what i was talkin about, but i can't seem to figure out how to do it. there's a little "img" button above, but i can't figure out how it's involved exactly with transferrring the image on my clipboard to the forum. oh well. btw, i've done it too. hahahahaha!
  16. Winn Video

    oops, hat was me again. i keep fergettin to log in b4 i post.
  17. tech ? about avatars

    how od i upload the pic i want for my profile and postings?
  18. Something you should Read!

    you nailed it dude! ilived in a shithole little town called guigang in guangxi province. there was a street that was always crowded with pedestrians and cars, and when they closed it to cars fdor the night market, it was crammed with pedestrians. everywhere was the din of loudspeakers, bullhorns, and very loud asian techno-pop. i dubbed it bladerunner street. now i live in a more modern city that has very little traditional life. the one thing tha constantly amazes me is that westerners seem as in touch with the daodejing and the art of war as anybody in china. they're typically astonished that we even know of the books let alone study them so closely. but they are also enormously happy that we do. ithnk while they eagerly adopt western ways and wathc the slow demise oftheir culture (that started in the 20's or 30's), they are very happy to see that it has found a new life of its own int he West. kind of ironic isn't it? as we look to eastern culture for wisdom and guidance, they turn to the west.
  19. Something you should Read!

    oops! that's my post above; i forgotta log in b4 posting.
  20. Something you should Read!

    i live in china and there's very few daoists there. they don't know much about punk rock, good pizza, or business ethics either. but on this list your comment doesn't seem to be very important, true though it may be.