peter falk

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Everything posted by peter falk

  1. What do tao bums do for a living?

    well, i have no idea what the six yogas of naropa are, so i can't say. the 5 rites you speak of i'm not familiar with either. i know taht last (6th) exercise is called the biparitha karani mudra, if that helps. none fo them were dedicated to retention but there was one exercise that utilized a pranayama for 3 breath cycles.
  2. What do tao bums do for a living?

    shenzhen. right next door.
  3. whatever happened to.....

    neimad's food article?
  4. What do tao bums do for a living?

    look me up if ya find yourself in this part of the world. i gots a couch you could sleep on. and the beer is cheap.
  5. more talk, on the heart--

    man, i have been so sick in my heart lately. take a look at my6 latest blog entry. i need a cupla days off after that. one thing that becomes clearer and clearer over the years is taht the mainstream, common wisdom about emotions, which ones are approprieate at which times, who we owe them to, who they're for, why we feel them, is almost always (or at least usually) the opposite of reality. and the emotion they fuck with the most is compassion. that is a very very dangerous and complex trap. so i guess what i'm saying is dont look outisde yourself for these answers. there's a lot of well meaning dumbshits in the world with bad advice. they're great people, but they're still dumbshits and their advice is still bad. and that goes for me too!
  6. What do tao bums do for a living?

    i first learned western alchemy techniques. i learned somethihg that was taught ot me as an egyptian pranayama that involves inhaling the energy up the back channel, holding your breath as long as you can drawing the energy up, and exhaling with the mantram "SAGHHHHHH!" while sending the sublimated energy to the heart center. the problem with this exercise is that it doesnt utilize the whole orbit and leaves you with too much fire inteh heart center, an issue i'm still dealing with. however, it is excellent for practicing the retention of semen as you tighten your peineum or sphincter to squeeze it upward. i think a better practice than that though was the tibetan yoga i learned. it was six exercises which would be really hard to describe here. i learned it from a hispanic group and in spanish it was called "la masoneria." those six exercises were awesome. now i think i've aged a little, very little. i didnt shoot my load for, oh jesus, 8 years or so, and did a western style dual cultivation with my ex-wife. but, it was all too heavily fire. that caused a little aging. then i started ejacualting again due to sexual issues that came up fromt hat practice and could only be resolved thru "normal" sexuality. so that has caused a little aging. now i use the HT techniques which are much better.
  7. How to communicate with the Shen?

    shit, after reading your blog it doesnt sound like you neede any help at all. that is some coolass shit, man!
  8. How to communicate with the Shen?

    well first of all, i aint no genius. i've had a lot of guidance and help on this path from michael, my shen, and all of you. as well as others. i think my relationship with the shen really took off when i stopped doing the animal forms and started doing sitting practices, or even laying down practices with them. the sounds really help conect you, and the quieter you make teh sounds, the deeper you go, until in silence you are deeply connected. every time you do a practice aske the shen how its connected to them. f or example, fire water alchemy makes liberal use of the heart and kidney shen. fusion makes liberal use of earth, white tiger green dragon really employs the metal and wood shen. doing my core channel experiment i've noticed that the shen as the fusiojn mandala are deeply connected to the core channel. it's actually not unlike the sephira in kabala tree of life, if that helps, since you seem to really like that imagery. most of all, treat them like regualr people. however you deal with your friends, deal; with the shen. they are you, they manifest your jing, the friends you have and your personality are determioned in large part by the shen. so just treat them like the rest of your friends. you should hear the conversations i hafe with them: "fuck that shit!" "hahaha! you'd like to. but it ahs to be done to get to the next level." "what the fuck are you talking about? "the wood element brings shit in from early heaven to manifest here physically in later heaven." "really?" "yes really, you mullet head! then it passes it on to the otehr shen to balance out create shit with." and so forth. i find this to have been more helpful than anything. sounds crazy, but it's true.
  9. whatever happened to.....

    here's the relevant quote:
  10. Practice & Alcohol

    i think you can transform anything that comes into your body with enough cultivation. whatever you do, enjoy it. if you're supposed to stop doing it, that will come naturally with the work. i had this discussion with micahael winn one time about smoking. i told him with all the qigong i do it wouldnt harm me. even my acupuncturist who cures cancer and other diseases modern medicine has trouble with, said he's observed no ill-effects from it, and that it indeed does not cause cancer. the causes are other elements. now, michael did also say "but why work against yourself?" and that point is well taken. since dao is the effortless way, i let things work themselves out. i smoke hash a cupla times a year. i drink alcohol a cupla times amonth. i eat shit a few times a week. but i have noticed significant changes in al these habits since i took up "the way." i used to smoke everyday. i used to drink alot several times a week. i ued to eat way mnore shit thatn i do now. so be comfortable and accept yourself as you are. the development proceedes from there. the minute you start trying to change a habit, something inside of you will resist it and make it difficult. let shen guide you.
  11. What do tao bums do for a living?

    quite right. i learned it when i was 23. and people think i still am.......well, ok, they usually guess 28.
  12. i'm not gonna type all this again, but if you wanna check today's blog entry, i think i found a method for gathering essence directlky from the wuji. it happened near the end of today's practice session. you can then store this essence just like you would if you'd transmuted it from sperm.
  13. you know, POOF! you're there. POOF! yer gone. just appearing and disappearing. i reckon the POOF!s arent necessary except for dramatic effect.
  14. chat problem

    cant use the live chat with firefox. any suggestions. couldnt download all the plugins.....
  15. Crash course in world religions
  16. tracker students

    i've taken so many and helped out so many times i think i'm just to the integration and living stage now. no classes for this bum, tracker and taoist, that is.
  17. chat problem

    when i open the live chat, htere is a green jigsaw puzzle piece and underneath that is an instruction to download the necessary plug in. when i try to download the pluygin, i get a runttme error.
  18. those are some cool exercises. have to admit i'm way less ambitious. i just wanna be able to zap in and zap out of places.
  19. What do tao bums do for a living?

    i agree with everything you said about "dream yoga." i'd like to add a few remarks. i go to the point where i could wake myself up before ejacualting. on the rare occasions i did, i noticed something significant. the semen becomes like water--no sperm present, or very very little. if you successfully transmute the jing (sperm) during practice, it leaves none to ejacualte if you run into trouble, or very little and the energy loss is minimal, perhaps insignificant. daily transmutation keeps you clear and nothing is there to feed the succubi. eventually the neutral space becames vast enough that the succubi cant threaten you. its protection. but they will do their damnedest to keep you from developing to that stage. this is interesting for another reason--this transmuation is not some sort of vague energy work. a physical change takes place. a definite and observable physical change. your very matter is altered. in this case, sperm.
  20. What do tao bums do for a living?

    yeah, the investing course is awesome. teaches you how to track, what resources, etc. not necessarily convetnional methods. the required reading for th efirst class is "iron john" and "games people play". both very good books. i think games people play had the bigiest impact on me. i went on to read another of berne's books called "what do you day after you say hello?" probably did more for my psychological work esoterically than any other book.
  21. Sealing the Energy in

    so he basically wasted all that perfectly good acid
  22. Sealing the Energy in

    this calls to mind the story tom brown tells of grandfather eating a whole plant of poison hemlock and then shitting it out undigested. udergo enough transformation thru alchemy (or whatever means grandfather used as well i guess) and you become somewhat invincible. the guy could eat a whole plant which is normally deadly in even the smallest doses, and live!
  23. What do tao bums do for a living?

    in addition to tracker school, i recommend ed binns' urban coyote class.
  24. What do tao bums do for a living?

    ron's living off the residuals from his porn movies